
Author Topic: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)  (Read 139434 times)

Offline Perius

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #550 on: June 12, 2009, 07:31:53 PM »
 :eusa_clap:    :icon_lol:

Very good indeed... I like that scene a lot!

(And, at the danger of being a pedant, I was under the impression that, as a result of the size of that horde, much of it starved to death; they had to split up; the southern Old World nations and almost all mercenaries had to unite; they lost much of their strength to soldiers getting enslaved by Chaos Dwarfs/mummified by Vlad/axed by Dwarfs; and even when the Orcs and High Elves joined up, most of the army survived, only leaving because there was no food and Archaon had been defeated. Plus, the lore for numbers in Storm of Chaos is innumerate to the extreme...

... but the point about heroic fantasy is taken. I will keep my silence.  :-))

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #551 on: June 15, 2009, 10:27:01 AM »
Ravenswood Manor, Wursterberg, early summer, IC2524

It had been half a day since the dwarf had arrived, lightly armoured, jogging, if you would believe it, to deliver an urgent message to Baron de Crux.

Still the baron raged and shouted in his study.

"Damn his eyes, curse his black heart, how dare he, how can he. He dares to attack my allies at every turn, he dares even to wage war, here, in Solland itself!

I'll feed him his own heart, by the Gods!"

The Baron gripped the edge of his desk, his knuckles white as he fought to control his anger.

"Good dwarf, please, take some food and drink to refresh yourself and avail yourself of my hospitality, then do my family the honour of bearing a message back to your Thane and my old friend, tell him that we shall not forget our oaths of honour and will send troops to stand next to his against this bandit

"Also, bear him this request, to send runners, or a gyrocopter, over the mountains, find a company known as The Dawnstriders, and tell their captain that if they would be friends and allies, to march up the pass to Ummenbach and together we will crush this murderous dog between us."
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Fog Of Waagh

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #552 on: June 16, 2009, 03:25:05 PM »
   Ricardo, looking over the map, could not help but question where in Myrmidia's grace he was. His officers and scouts kept reporting that the locals called " it Wentar's teeeth Paaath." Searching his map, over and over he could not help but always glance over and miss the area known as "Winter's Teeth Pass" for he had one problem...  He did not speak Riekspiel. His scouts reported they saw a town ahead, and Ricardo at once found a new goal. Not wishing to loose face, he tossed the map aside letting it fly harmlessly in the wind. Looking around at his officers he spoke clearly for all to hear.

    "Damn Barbarians gave us an incorrect map! We march forward!"

   Kruetzhofen was silent that night, like many towns, the locals were fast asleep in their houses. Those, who were unfortunate and on guard duty, saw before them an interesting sight. A Band of brightly colored soldiers approached the town, each mounted soldier held in their hand a torch, letting their presence  be easily known. Coming to a halt, a good 10 yards from the main entrance the flashy, tanned, and regal looking soldiers greeted the man in a language to which guard had not even the faintest idea of what it was. Looking them over, he could not help but feel awkward starring in silence at these figures, for they returned the glance with questioning stares that only fueled the bafflement. Eventually the guard nodded, seeing how they held no aggressive intentions and still had their weapons clipped and sheathed on their backs. Letting them enter, the guard thought to himself, might have been a bad idea for he soon saw these Riders were not alone. Marching in, in a two man wide colum, the Estalians entered the town for a night of fun and amusement.

    The Estalians had their camp outside the town, but the town's inn was packed full with these mercenaries. Each inn suffered the same fate, soldiers finally able to get off their feat and spend their share on ale, brewed a concoction of trouble. The Estalians had money and fine clothing but what they did not have, were manners. They did not sack or pillage the town, they did not send a militant message of aggression to the town, but they did herass the townsfolk with drunken games and pranks played about. Like kids without a guardian, the Estalians ran rampent about doing what came naturally to them. The night passed away with a roaring constant noise, the sound of soldiers haveing fun.

     The Next Morning, if one could call 3 in the afternoon the morning, awoke most of the Estalians. Even Ricardo himself had an issue rising early. The Townsfolk, who were already awake, began to push the hungover Estalians out of the town. Those soldiers still unable to walk were even wheel-barrowed out of the town and dumped off in the Estalian camp. Through the day, the Estalians recovered their composure and the Townsfolk began to rebuild their trambled belongings. Nothing major was damaged, and the amount of loot spent on the Ale and other drinks for the Estalians more then made up for any harm they did, but the town still felt slighted and it's pride was hurt.
Scream WAAAGH and let slip the Boars of war!

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #553 on: June 16, 2009, 04:35:51 PM »
Okay, longer post to get back into action.

Vidovdan, Central Border Princes

Thomas Vitec was preparing to leave for Domzale; the General had drafted orders and was organizing his army to handle its increased duties.  Garrisons had to be arranged for all the various townships, and larger companies were needed at Moslac, Domzale, and Mortensholm to aid with rebuilding the towns.  It had taken a while to sort out the mess left by this war, but things were looking well; the new towns had a surprising number of civilians of proper age for service, and many were eager for pay and the chance to get their revenge against bandits like the Black Company.  A guard unit of heavy cavalry was being arranged to help escort Thomas when a rider approached him, offering a salute.  "Are you Graf Thomas Vitec of Domzale?"
     "I am.  What do you bring for me?"
     "The General has had your brother executed by beheading; we've brought the body if you wish to give it a proper burial."

Meanwhile, Arathos had one problem that was really bothering him: Where the hell was Averrob?

Moslac, Central Border Princes

The Emerald Wind had taken three days to haul out of the river, but they'd finally done it.  Brim looked it over, and sighed.  Erberk and Hogjaw were standing nearby, wrenches and hammers at the ready.  "This is going to take forever.  We'll have to remove the armor plating, then dry it out completely, repair it, lubricate it, then put it back together again."  Erberk thumped a wrench firmly into Brim's chest, and the two dwarfs marched off to start their work.  Brim went over to help them after he caught his breath.


"Next!"  A pair of gentlemen made their way towards the recruiters table.  The Dawnstriders had been busy handing out relief supplies, sending the priestesses and surgeons to tend to the wounded, and rebuilding homes.  Now they had to start recruiting locals for guard duty, and train them for war.  The two in front of the recruiter were older, and seemed like they'd make poor soldiers.  What bothered him is they had come together, instead of one at a time like the rest of the recruits.  He sighed; damned stupid peasants never got easier to deal with.  "Names?"
The recruiter nodded, writing down the names, and prepared to assess their fitness for duty...

A ditch, somewhere north of Vidovdan

The dwarf rangers crept up closer through the underbrush.  They had been moving south to seek help against the raiders that had attacked their homes.  They had traded rarely with a company of humans around here that allegedly had a dwarf or two among their numbers.  They hoped to find these dwarfs and verify the story, for if true it would mean the humans were indeed trustworthy and almost certainly honor-bound to answer the call for aid.  On their way, they heard shrieking and shouting, and then silence after about an hour.  They made their way close to the ditch that was the source of the noise, the stench of liquor and sulfur strong in the air.  One crept to the edge, peering over, crossbow in hand.  In the ditch was a filthy human, covered in debris and soot, clutching a staff in one hand and a broken whiskey bottle in the other. From the stains, it was apparent he was soaked with whatever he didn't swallow.  Nearby him was a greenish, rag covered ball, which soon blinked.  The dwarf blinked as well.  "GROBI!"  The green ball screamed, and lept nearly a foot in the air as bolts flew at it.
     "Boss!  Boss!  Boss! Stunties!  Help Boss!"  Gelnar ran off, screaming and dashing into the bushes, the long staff clattering behind him.  He fought to untie himself, diving madly out of the way of the flurry of bolts.  He crashed One of the dwarfs had unsheated his axe, and with a mighty thwack hacked at the shrub containing the cowardly goblin.  The cord was severed, and Gelnar raced into a tree, more quarrels flying towards him.  "BOOSSSSS!!!!"
     Averrob sat up groggily, and lifted the top of the smashed whiskey bottle to his lips.  "Mmm...buh?"  He peered at the broken part of the bottle, his hungover brain taking a few moments to process the fact that no more booze could come from it.  "Damn.  Gelnar!"  A scream was his only answer, and Averrob hauled himself out of the pit, a Dwarf elbowing him to the ground.
     "Stay down, Umgi!  There's greenskins afoot!  It nearly had yer head!"  Averrob suddenly realized what they were shooting at, and lept to his feet.
     "Gelnar!  You tried to kill me!?"  A squeal came from one of the bushes, and another axe blow clove it in twain.  The panicked goblin ran screaming deeper into the forest, Averrob in hot pursuit, hurling fire at it.
     "No Boss!  Gelnar good, Gelnar promise!  Boss knows best!"  The two ran screaming and shouting deeper into the woods, and finally the three rangers gave up the pursuit.
     "It's nae worth it, we've got work to do and a wizard can handle a lone grobi."  They nodded and grunted in agreement, and continued on their way south.  They only paused once when the smell of smoke hit them as they hit the edge of the wood, and they glanced over their shoulders to see a plume of fire shoot up through the forest canopy.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #554 on: June 16, 2009, 05:47:42 PM »
Mortensholm "Next!"  A pair of gentlemen made their way towards the recruiters table.  The Dawnstriders had been busy handing out relief supplies, sending the priestesses and surgeons to tend to the wounded, and rebuilding homes.  Now they had to start recruiting locals for guard duty, and train them for war.  The two in front of the recruiter were older, and seemed like they'd make poor soldiers.  What bothered him is they had come together, instead of one at a time like the rest of the recruits.  He sighed; damned stupid peasants never got easier to deal with.  "Names?"
The recruiter nodded, writing down the names, and prepared to assess their fitness for duty...

The recruiter, a sergeant of a more years experience than he had ever bothered to count, and in truth the answer would have surprised even him, looked the pair up and down. They must have been far on the wrong side of fifty years of age, which might well have blessed them with wisdom (the sergeant had yet to find out) but had definitely sapped them of their vitality.

The one called Abeel was obviously bald, a fact that the utterly unconvincing wig he had pasted to his head with some sort of admixture of honey and flour thus attracting several flies, and which was fashioned not from human hair but from what could well had been a horse’s tail, utterly failed to conceal. The one called Olav appeared to be quite lame, though he was attempting to hide the fact by putting his arm around Abeel’s shoulder, as if they were bosom buddies out for an evening stroll. Neither had yet noticed that Olav’s arm had dislodged Abeel’s wig so that it hung down upon left side of his head.

“Gainful employment,” said Olav, as if answering a question.

“What d’you say?” asked the sergeant.

“Me?” said Abeel. “I say the same as him, ‘gainful employment’.”

The sergeant rolled his eyes and patted a cloth to his neck, where sweat and his gorget had combined to raise a very annoying rash. “I know what he said, I wanted to know why he said it.”

“I should ask him then,” suggested Abeel helpfully.

There was a moment’s silence, a long moment’s silence. The sergeant stared expectantly at Olav; Olav stared blankly back.

“Well?” demanded the sergeant.

“Oh,” said Olav, “Am I to suppose, then, that you’ve already asked the question my good friend here suggested you ask of me even though you have indeed yet to ask said question, and have only hinted that you might do so?"

The sergeant was just looking at him. Feeling he ought to explain further Olav added, "I would not presume to put words into your mouth, sir sergeant.”

The cloth at the sergeant’s neck got caught on the catch of his gorget. He began tugging at it, in response to which it began to tear.

“Is it important to you?” asked Abeel.

“Is what important to me? You mean the question I asked?”

“No, sir, the cloth. The one you’ve just torn.”

“No!” shouted the sergeant.

“That’s a relief, then,” said Abeel, obviously satisfied.

The sergeant tore the cloth away, and stuffed the fragment that was left stuck to his gorget down between the armoured collar and his neck. “Let’s start again, shall we?”

“I’d say that was the only source of action open to us at this juncture,” said Olav.

“And I would agree with him,” said Abeel. “We’ve brought our own swords, if that’s of any help.”

The sergeant looked at the ancient and quite rusty hilts of the swords in question, both stuffed into Abeel’s belt.

“Those swords?” he asked.

“The very same,” the two of them answered simultaneously, then simultaneously slapped each other on the back of the head saying, simultaneously “Don’t do that.” This caught them simultaneously by surprise.

“Why, may I ask..” began the sergeant.

“Don’t let us stop you. Feel free to speak as you wish. I’ve heard it all in my day, and anything I didn’t hear my good friend probably heard in my stead,” said Olav.

The sergeant was growing red, and not just at his neck - his cheeks were flushed, his forehead similarly hued.

“Why is he carrying both of them?”

“He’s a very helpful kind of fellow,” said Olav, “but that’s not to say, and you can write this down if you wish, that I am not helpful too.”

For a moment, one can only assume because the heat and the rash and the muddled conversation were all combining to assault his composure, the sergeant almost picked up his quill to write. He took a deep breath, and asked, as calmly as he could, “And where are the scabbards?”

“Ah, I see where you are coming from,” said Olav. “Not the military fashion to go about with a naked blade…”

“Except in anger!” interrupted Abeel.

“Of course, except in anger,” continued Olav, “when to leave the blade in one’s scabbard would be somewhat counterproductive to the act of stabbing, slashing or in some otherwise manner inflicting harm upon whoever or whatever it is that one is obliged … to set about  … the act of…” (his words were faltering) “… under instruction, or orders I suppose you military fellows would say … to go about stabbing, so to speak, if that’s at all possible …”

“Stop speaking!” ordered the sergeant. “Where are the scabbards?”

Neither man said a word. The sergeant pondered a moment why this should be, then in a flash of disturbing logic said, “Start speaking.”

“The scabbards, sir sergeant, were left behind quite deliberately, due to the added burden they put upon poor Abeel here, who was already carrying two swords. Asking him to carry two scabbards as well as the two swords seemed unfair.”

“Two too many things,” said Abeel. “If you get my drift.”

The sergeant was stunned. He opened his mouth, then shut it very quickly, for it dawned on him that saying anything more might just prolong the farce. He picked up his pen, dipped it deep into the ink, and put a bold line through both names.

“You can go,” he said, looking down at the paper.

The two men didn’t move. The sergeant, who had faced battle crazed orcs that towered over him in battle, and had once put his sword into a creature the size of an Ogre and yet with the head of a rat, dare not look at them.

“You can go,” he repeated.

“Which one of us do you mean, sir sergeant?”

The sergeant slowly lowered his head until it came to a halt on the table. He realised the paper, with the great daub of ink upon it where he had scrawled out the two names, was now stuck to his forehead. He didn’t care.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 06:13:53 PM by Padre »
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #555 on: June 16, 2009, 10:08:12 PM »
Hehehehehe :D very Pratchett!

Moslac, Central Border Princes IC 2524

Alphonse strolled down the main street of the town, all about him engineers and soldiers were labouring to rebuild the various shops and warehouses that made the town so profitable in more hospitable years.

He was dressed in a fresh set of clothes given to him by a kindly farming couple a few miles down the road in exchange for a beautiful Doe he had hunted in the nearby woods. The new clothes were mainly of peasant's style - coarse un-dyed woollen cloth and a simple belt of thin rope. His leather jerkin had been folded into a satchel, filled with food and hung on the end of his repeating crossbow.

There was one thing to say for these Dawnstridersm, the Nightman thought, they are extremely efficient, as if they were all Reiklanders. The recruiting Sergeant was sitting at a small desk in the town square that had seen so much bloodshed just a few weeks ago. The line didn't seem that long here to join up, perhaps the men of this town had had their fill of war. Not so Alphonse. He had heard tell from a guard on the gate that the gaudy foreigners had went north to fight the Black Don in the Empire. So the Nightman had fashioned the plan of joining the eastern Imperials on their way north, and see what he could do to help their enemies. He had once heard a travelling bard talk of the works of a great Tilean poet and philosopher, one phrase had stuck in his mind: 'The enemy of my enemy is my amico, si?'
"Name?" asked the Sergeant.

"Eric Klutzen" lied Alphonse


"I was a hunter before the war"

The Sergeant glanced up at Alphonse, taking in his weapon.

"That is an unorthodox crossbow hunter"

"Indeed it is, bought it from a travelling merchant six years ago in this very town"

"Mhmm" replied the recruiter. "Alright, you are accepted take this to the warehouse across the square" he stamped a piece of parchment with an ink block and dismissed the hunter from his mind.

The Nightman is back! And is being crafty like.
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #556 on: June 16, 2009, 10:12:05 PM »
Hehehehehe :D very Pratchett!

Oops! I've never read any Pratchet. I hope you don't think I'm stealing his style! It's just a stream of consciousness nonsense piece - I could write like that forever!
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Inarticulate

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #557 on: June 16, 2009, 10:14:15 PM »
You haven't read any Terry Pratchett?


The thought honestly hadn't crossed my mind that you'd be copying him, but when I read the exchange I just thought Terry Pratchett.
I for one welcome our new flying cat overlords.

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #558 on: June 17, 2009, 02:09:20 AM »
Don't feel like the lone ranger, Padre, I haven't read anything by Terry Practhett either.

By the way, this is some great comic relief for all the serious stuff we got going on with the Solland Effort and Border Prince threads.

:icon_biggrin: :icon_cool: :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

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Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #559 on: June 17, 2009, 11:12:19 AM »
I wouldnt liken it to Pratchett, who is a mimic anyway

More like Oliver and Hardy to my mind. Who were brilliant. Anyway, its good stuff Padre. :eusa_clap:
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.
The Free Company of Solland

The Barony of Wusterburg

Offline Fog Of Waagh

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #560 on: June 17, 2009, 05:22:34 PM »
    The carts creaked and the horses grunted as they hauled the army forward. Those on foot stumbled and staggered, dragged their weapons and their feet, but either way they pressed on, following the mounted nobles and Arabs at the head of column.
     Ricardo did not know where to go, he was told by his translator that the letter he was to deliver was addressed to a "Baron Urydens De Crux." Ricardo did not know this man, nor even heard of him, but what he did know was, he wasn't in Kruetzhofen. Not far ahead of the formation of Estalians and Arabs, were the scouts, local boys. The Estalian translators gave them a very lucrative deal, lead the army to this Baron and they would be paid not in copper or silver, but in gold. This, for the Scouts, was an offer they could not put down, everyone in the town knew the Baron left for Wusterberg. They also knew they had already sent some strangers looking for the Baron in that direction. To them they did not care what the Estalians wanted to do with the Baron, but they did conclude he was a very popular man as of late. What they did care about was that the gold flowed, to which the Estalians were more then eager to provide.

    The Scouts pressed on and paved the way for the Estalians to follow. Ricardo was too eager to meet a new business partner, after all, time is money.

Scream WAAAGH and let slip the Boars of war!

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #561 on: June 27, 2009, 06:59:21 AM »
Ummenbach Pass

It was just before sunrise, and the camp of the Dawnstriders was quiet.  Alphonse was stretching, waking up as he usually did a bit before things got hectic.  He had been quickly moved into a crossbow detachment, his skills deemed too useful to waste on a grunt.  The unit had been ordered to move north, but no one was sure why.  He intended to scout out as much as he could, but just after he sat up his hopes were dashed.  A trumpet sounded out, and the soldiers around him snapped awake.  A voice rang out soon after, the familiar barking of Grandmaster Rheinhardt.  "Wake up, boys!  The war isn't going to wait for you!" Alphonse had to grudgingly admit, these men were disciplined, far more so than the mercenary companies and backwoods militia one normally encountered in the Borders.  The officers were almost entirely drawn from the former State Troops that had marched down from the Empire, and they had brought stout Imperial training methods with them.  By the time the sun was rising over the mountains, the soldiers were already breaking down their tents and packing their supplies.  He could see the general along with his two dwarfs and the grandmaster standing at a table, discussing their strategies.  Piping hot coffee was easily visible, though where the general procured it was another question entirely.  Alphonse suddenly saw the General glance to him, and nod to a guard.  The soldier walked over, and Alphonse began to contemplate if he would be able to make a run for it.  There turned out to be no need;
     "Private Klutzen?"  Alphonse nodded.  "General wishes to speak with you."  Alphonse followed him over to the table, where the general studied him through green eyes.  Alphonse offered a salute a bit later than he felt he should have; these Dawnstriders made Reiklanders seem relaxed at times.
     "You are, according to my recruitment papers, a skilled hunter and woodsman?"  Alphonse nodded.
     "Yes, sir."  Arathos nodded, looking over the paperwork.
     "Take five men from your company, and scout ahead.  We're getting close to the Empire, and we'll need to know what's in front of us.  I need to know the lay of the land, positions of any troops ahead, and their loyalties.  Report back as soon as you have a general idea, we'll be marching behind you."  Alphonse nodded, and saluted as he was dismissed.  He could barely hide the smirk forming as he did so.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #562 on: June 30, 2009, 07:29:13 PM »
Between Zenres and the Howling River, the Border Princes

“I can see it, Lord and master Agrabog your greatness, I can see the road that leads to Mad Dog. It’s there, ahead of us.”

Agrabog squinted and raised his hand to his forehead, straining his eyes to see what the Bull claimed to see. The plains stretched out before him, dusty and barren, with only black flies and lizards to populate it hidden by a haze of heated air shimmering above the ground. Above the haze the distant mountain peaks rose, but he could see no road.

“Lad, if you can see a road, then you’ve better eyes than mine. All I see is hard, broken ground and thirsty marching.”

Agrabog turned to look at something he could see - his boys. The column stretched out some way behind him, but because of the way it curved to avoid a great dip in the ground, he could see all of it. His Bulls and Ironguts wore more armour than they had had when they came to this land, and their banners, proudly carried, had more decorations dangling from them. The scuttling gnoblars ran hither and thither, carrying, dragging, pushing and tugging, though pillaged livestock, of which only the most ragged and close to death survived, hauled the heavier wagons. Agrabog had looted towns and army camps, and been paid just to leave one. It had been a good time in the Border Princes, a thought which made him wonder why they were leaving.

“Jublig!” bellowed Agrabog.

The Ogre in question turned out to be a lot closer than Agrabog thought, and answered quietly, “Aye?”

“Jublig, remind me, why are we leaving the Border Princes.”

“Because you ordered it.”

“That I did,” said Agrabog. He pondered some more, and memories of the brief glimpse he had of the Empire in early spring came to mind, the walled and populous town, the green fields and the promise of rich rewards and looting. “But I never said where exactly we were going, did I?”

Jublig poked a finger into his nostril, which always helped him think. “No, that you did not say. Why, master, are we going the wrong way?”

“You’re a quick witted one ain’t you, Jublig? As quick and unstoppable as a mighty boulder lumbering down a slight slope.”

Jublig grinned. “I am a thinker, lord and chief,” he said, pulling a huge mass of compacted dust and snot from his nose.

Agrabog stepped up onto the nearest wagon and raised his hand to get everyone’s attention. Maybe it was the huge axe-like weapon it clutched, glinting in the sun, that really did the job or drawing the eyes of the army to him.

“Stop,” he shouted. “We ain’t going this way. We’re going that way.”

He pointed north, towards the land of the Empire.

“We’re gonna get even richer, mark my words and mark my axe. Even richer. When we leave we’ll have golden toothpicks and silver gutplates.”

A huge cheer, gruff and booming voices with a scattering of ululating squeals, was raised by these words, and every warrior in the army looked north and thought of the Empire.
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Offline Padre

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #563 on: August 21, 2009, 05:10:09 PM »
North Eastern Border Princes

Agrabog’s army had fought it’s way north through the Border Princes and was now almost at the southern edge of the Mountains. His force was considerably diminished compared to the spring, when they had fought against the Black Company, but he was certain those who were left were the hardiest and best of his warriors and that would be enough.

He intended to take the pass that went by Khazid Hafak and enter the Empire at Ummenbach. If any dwarfs took it upon themselves to attempt to prevent him, he would sweep them aside. He had no idea of the grief stirred up by the earlier passage of the Black Company, nor that the dwarfs had subsequently mustered in strength to prevent any more such troubles. Instead his mind was filled with the thought of the riches he could acquire in a land such as the Empire during a time of war.

He marched at the head of his column (as was nearly always his habit) with his Butchers by his side. They were not his usual companions, but recently he had taken more interest in their magics and what they could contribute to battle. If any Ogrish exchange could be considered ‘deep’ then he was now deep in discussion with them now. All the Gnoblars nearby knew to keep their mouths shut, for Agrabog had been known to kill them merely for burping too loud, and was notoriously loath to hear their opinions.

His Ironguts and some of his Bulls marched behind him - the former having pride of place (being the regiment he himself chose to fight alongside, his bodyguard).

Then came several wolf drawn wagons, none wolves limbered to each, carrying the best of the loot they had taken so far, and intended to bring a lot more back. The giant Bodo walked alongside the carts, knowing full well he could not allow himself to ride in one of them (having broken one the last time he tried).

Finally came the gnoblars and their hulking Scrap Launcher. Agrabog had threatened to make a stew out of every one of the crew if they ever again fired off a shot whilst on he march ‘just for fun’. The last time they did, he had ended up showered with rusty daggers and broken swords. They didn’t hurt him (he was so well armoured) but the sudden clattering noise startled him and he had made him feel foolish. He had three gnoblars skewered on an old Black Company pike and fastened to the Scrap Launcher after that just to teach the others a lesson.

Battle tomorrow with Uryens: I’m Agrabog and he’s the dwarfs of Khazid Hafak. 2750 points. I’ll try to find time for a report. Kinda hoping Agrabog’s force is too damaged to make any sort of entrance into the Solland theatre of war, because of the massive thread and story to keep a track of there! But I will still try my best.

[edit] see http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=30308.0 for the Battle of Ummenbach Pass
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 06:56:01 PM by Padre »
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #564 on: August 21, 2009, 05:17:40 PM »
After six weeks of "all quiet" on the Border Prince front ... ta da! :icon_biggrin:

And just when things are beginning to reach a rising cresendo on the Ex-Solland thread as well!

Good timing Padre. :::cheers::: :eusa_clap:
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 05:52:43 PM by GamesPoet »
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Border Princes IC 2524 (Linked to the Solland Effort)
« Reply #565 on: December 18, 2017, 03:14:52 PM »
I had forgotten about this thread until seeing reference to it in "The Solland Effort of 2524" thread, and decided to raise it for those who might enjoy.

It seems the pictures have currently all gone the way of the photoschmucket mess though.  When I have a moment, I'll check to see if any of them are mine, which is doubtful being I rarely post photos.  If anyone else can take time to add "~original" right after jpg in each of their photos, that could help restore this thread to its former glory.

I imagine there are other good threads that could use such help as well.
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra