
Author Topic: War Altars?  (Read 13846 times)

Offline Orcslayer

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War Altars?
« on: June 28, 2009, 01:50:37 AM »
How do you guys feel about War Altars are they good? :icon_question:
W/D/L with new army book: 30/15/20

Offline queek

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2009, 01:54:29 AM »
Obvious Answer  #1:  yes.

Obvious Answer #2:  lurk more.  The benfits of the WAltar have been mentioned here innumerable times. 

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2009, 03:16:28 AM »
As always Queek gives the correct answer.

War Altars are (depending on who you ask) 50-150 points under priced. MR2, unbreakable, 4+ ward, US5, str5 impact hits, 1 Bound Spell lv5.

Frankly it's a great item to use however it doesn't bring much love for you by your opponents.
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline erik maas

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2009, 07:10:27 AM »
i'm sorry, but i have to disagree with the above posters.

The war altar is good, but there is only 1 in existence.
So, THE altar is good  :engel:
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Offline Markw

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2009, 07:15:57 AM »
The benfits of the WAltar have been mentioned here innumerable times.

Whats a war alter?

Offline Psycho Pirate

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2009, 07:27:46 AM »
The benfits of the WAltar have been mentioned here innumerable times.

Whats a war alter?

I was more curious what a WAltar is, but was trying to avoid asking.

I don't understand how there could only be the one war altar.  But then I also don't understand how there were only 12 Stanks ever made either.

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2009, 08:58:24 AM »

There is more then 1 war altar but some local gamers decided Daemons and Vampire Counts weren't allowed to be challenged let alone beaten so decided their should only be 1 allowed per army. Not to mention the whole idea of limits on units have apparently disapeared in recent army books so I'm not sure why a recent FAQ should place a limit on the unit.

As for Steam Tanks there are no limits on that so take more then 12 if possible =P
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Obi

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2009, 12:11:53 PM »
i'm sorry, but i have to disagree with the above posters.

The war altar is good, but there is only 1 in existence.
So, THE altar is good  :engel:

Of course there is only one war altar. It's clearly mentioned in the fluff of the book. And in any case, there cannot be more than three, if you take a special character.
Hello Athiuen and welcome to the Back Table.

caveat lector
I killed a duck with a spear, can't read train timetables though
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Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2009, 12:52:34 PM »
Why can't a normal Lector have one?
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Obi

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2009, 03:59:16 PM »
Why can't a normal Lector have one?
Because there are no normal lectors in the book.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 04:14:46 PM by Obi »
Hello Athiuen and welcome to the Back Table.

caveat lector
I killed a duck with a spear, can't read train timetables though
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Offline Shadowlord

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2009, 04:00:55 PM »
No, because he got FAQed...
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Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2009, 04:19:26 PM »
Wait, WHEN did he get FAQ:ed?

Anyway, I donīt have a War altar but the Stirland episcopaly of the Church of Sigmar have in their keeping an old and venerable chariot, said to have been passed down since the time of Sigmar to the Stirlanders. It is clearly of an old elven design, and might be a find or even a gift given to Sigmar by a know lost and forgotten elven realm.
According to legend, the chariot was first gifted to the son of Freyja, who some claim is the same as the Warrior Queen who led the tribe that would become the Stirlanders into battle at Black fire pass. Other claim it was not Freyja, but another warrior Queen whose name is now lost to the world, that lead the to be Stirlanders that day and died fighting.
As an appreciation in memory of both her and the valour of the whole tribe, Sigmar gifted her heir with the Chariot.

In the care of the priesthood of Sigmar in Stirland, and with aid from the College of Light, the vehicle is sometimes driven to battle by the Arch Chaplain, the highest ranking warrior priests attached directly to the Stirland armed forces. It is usually only fielded when the threat of the undead hordes is as most dire.

Now, GW are such foops, that they totally forgot about this famous vehicle, and itīs memory and history is kept alive by me.   :engel:
I am contemplating of writing an e-mail to GW, chastening them about failing to come upon the history of the venerable chariot themselves. What a criminal neglect. After all, some ability to read the great minds of their most gifted fan is not too much to ask for in my high opinion.  :closed-eyes:
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline Syn Ace

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2009, 04:35:33 PM »
Wait, WHEN did he get FAQ:ed?

Anyway, I donīt have a War altar but the Stirland episcopaly of the Church of Sigmar have in their keeping an old and venerable chariot, said to have been passed down since the time of Sigmar to the Stirlanders. It is clearly of an old elven design, and might be a find or even a gift given to Sigmar by a know lost and forgotten elven realm.

What Mathi has failed to mention is that there is much debate amongst Empire historians about some of the "facts" regarding the Stirlanders' venerable chariot.

1. The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two copper pfennigs to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree.

2. The second and more popular theory is that, yes, since the the Stirlanders are poor as dirt, they were in fact given the "chariot" by Sigmar as a handout . Of course, calling a used, one-wheeled ox cart a "magical elven chariot" is a bit of a stretch....

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Offline Fandir Nightshade

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2009, 05:22:25 PM »
especially funny how the troops of middenheim lead by the Ar-Ulric have to haggle until they get the War Altar borrowed for a fight.

War Altar and Arch Lector = Epic Fluff fail!

The reduced the cool and groovy but stupid named Elector count (at least there is quite a bunch around of those) by the generic General! But failed to do the same to the Atch Lector.

Offline Shadowlord

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2009, 05:31:07 PM »
Wait, WHEN did he get FAQ:ed?

In the Empire FAQing eh!

Only one ride is allowed, and even your sticks and stone army (the real name for Stirland) can use it.
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Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2009, 07:39:25 PM »
Well, I think you are aware that a well aimed stone with enough momentum will cause enough internal trauma to anyone hit, even if they are encased in plate. Staffslings are a neat weapon when used well, and belive me, if there is something Stirlands fields donīt lack, itīs stones of all sizes. :closed-eyes:

Anyway, I donīt need to borrow that cart called War altar that the Grand theogonist talks about. I got my own much more comfortable ride. :icon_razz:
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline Orcslayer

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2009, 08:23:49 PM »
Everyone on the Orc and Goblin boards call them pope mobiles javascript:void(0);
W/D/L with new army book: 30/15/20

Offline Toro_Blanco

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2009, 04:15:13 AM »
1. The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two copper pfennigs to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree.

 :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Sigged, oh God yes, sigged.  I had to drop a word to fit it, but man that's funny.  I can just imagine the scene; an elf strolling off behind a bush, whistling and he pauses as he hears what sounds like whooshing and smells something like dirt wafting through the air.  He turns around, and the cart is gone.  Just as he's realizing how much trouble he is in, he feels something brush his feet.  He glances down to notice someone has stolen his shoes.
The first school of thought is that the ragged-assed Stirlanders, not having two coppers to rub together, nicked it when an elven envoy was passing through the area and had hopped off it to take a pee behind a tree

Offline NPC_Dave

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2009, 07:05:21 AM »
Everyone on the Orc and Goblin boards call them pope mobiles javascript:void(0);

Orcs and Gobbos wouldn't know a modified Mercedes-Benz M-Class sport utility vehicle from a chariot, even if they got run over by one.

Offline Thurlac

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2009, 08:08:33 PM »
I'm afraid that I.....errrr...modified my war altar.
The giant golden roadkill squirrel on the back was removed and replaced with a couple of gryphons from a pop pack and a variety of accessories added to make it look neater and more like an altar

It does scare people, though.
Have you ever considered letting Sigmar into your life? Please read these educational and informative pamphlets. No, no, my colleague is quite all right, thank you. He always foams like that. The flail? A sort of comfort blanky, honest. Ignore the singe marks.

Offline dabber

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2009, 06:01:34 AM »
Everyone on the Orc and Goblin boards call them pope mobiles
Everyone on every board that isn't Empire focused calls them that.  Like they call the steam tank "STANK" (in all caps).  Both are meant to be derogatory.
You do not want to see a Master Engineer across the table giving you the bird.  With Pigeon Bombs, he is a killing machine.  Ridicule the robo horse relentlessly, but pay homage to the pigeon.

Offline venus_redscar

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2009, 06:09:47 AM »
Only one? And yet, the Lizards get as many Engine of the Gods as they want. Clearly this must be suppressed.

Offline Obi

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2009, 11:15:20 AM »
Only one? And yet, the Lizards get as many Engine of the Gods as they want. Clearly this must be suppressed.
Would you like some cheese?
Hello Athiuen and welcome to the Back Table.

caveat lector
I killed a duck with a spear, can't read train timetables though
"To be is to do"-Socrates;
"To do is to be"-Sartre;
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Offline venus_redscar

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Re: War Altars?
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2009, 02:52:33 AM »
Would you like some cheese?

Yes, a lot of it.  The kind that looks awesome on the battlefield.