Wait, WHEN did he get FAQ:ed?
Anyway, I donīt have a War altar but the Stirland episcopaly of the Church of Sigmar have in their keeping an old and venerable chariot, said to have been passed down since the time of Sigmar to the Stirlanders. It is clearly of an old elven design, and might be a find or even a gift given to Sigmar by a know lost and forgotten elven realm.
According to legend, the chariot was first gifted to the son of Freyja, who some claim is the same as the Warrior Queen who led the tribe that would become the Stirlanders into battle at Black fire pass. Other claim it was not Freyja, but another warrior Queen whose name is now lost to the world, that lead the to be Stirlanders that day and died fighting.
As an appreciation in memory of both her and the valour of the whole tribe, Sigmar gifted her heir with the Chariot.
In the care of the priesthood of Sigmar in Stirland, and with aid from the College of Light, the vehicle is sometimes driven to battle by the Arch Chaplain, the highest ranking warrior priests attached directly to the Stirland armed forces. It is usually only fielded when the threat of the undead hordes is as most dire.
Now, GW are such foops, that they totally forgot about this famous vehicle, and itīs memory and history is kept alive by me.

I am contemplating of writing an e-mail to GW, chastening them about failing to come upon the history of the venerable chariot themselves. What a criminal neglect. After all, some ability to read the great minds of their most gifted fan is not too much to ask for in my high opinion.