
Author Topic: The Empire as of 2634 IC  (Read 17715 times)

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2016, 06:57:49 AM »
The Altdorf Conflicts -Part 2 Continued

Paer 3: Grypons of Winter

Date: Late Spring 2527 IC
Place: Northern Ostermark


With the Ungol Rebellion over and with Bohdan Bure, now enthroned as Tsar Bure I of Kislev, the displaced Kislevite people begain once again to slowly build enclaves in Northern Ostermark, Talabecland and Ostland. These small fortress towns were small but spread out in a manner to make an easy staging area for the people of Kislev to retake their homeland.

However a small group of Kislevites were not happy with this peace.

Tordimir Lubovasyn's Gryphon legion had had no contracts in over three months and were growing restless. Spilling the blood of their fellow countrymen had no doubt lest a terrible taste in their mouths.

Lucky for them, a bird reached Tordimir.

The Letter it carried was a contract from Helborg himself. With the promise of a hansom paychest too. All they had to do, was fight some rebels.


Upon hearing the news from their leader, it is said the the Gyrphon Legion let out a fearsom cheer and sent up prayers to Ulric and Tor in thanks for a new campaign.

Letters like this were being sent all over the north and soon a small but deadly Pulk of Kislevites possessing the enterprising spirit of the sellsword, was marching south. Tordimir himself was put in charge, which suited him just fine.

This is considered to be Helborg's first great blunder in the Altdorf Conflicts. By not wishing to spill the blood of the Averland State Army, an understandable desire, he cost himself dearly.

By hiring Kislevite men (and some women), who did not even have faith in Sigmar, Helborg further solidified the belief that he was against the traditional, Sigmarite Centric, Empire.

Ritter's ranks began to swell.   

« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 07:46:54 PM by Captain Dob Van Dwi »
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Doc J

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2016, 12:07:15 PM »
I like where this is going, where do you get your ideas?
In the words of the late great Nicki Minaj - Ya done son

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2016, 08:48:51 PM »
Well Doc J, Let me explain with the above choice that I made and my selection of Helborg as Emperor.

I deduced that with him being brand new to the game of ruling a fractured nation, that Helborg would make a mistake such as this sooner or later.

I also deduced that he was in a no win situation really. If he had rallied The Averland State Army, he would have been putting an all ready depleted & tired force on the field of battle. Not only that but by bring the State Army to another so soon would have shattered it's moral and perhaps even lost the good will of the entire state.

Another deduction was that, as one cannot rely on the ability of the Empire's Free Companies as front line troops, I knew Helborg would hire Kislevite sellswords like the Gryphon Legion.

Now you may be asking "why choose Helborg as Emperor then?", well...

The Empire, is, by it's very nature I think, a nation united by fear. Fear of it's neighbours, of chaos and even itself. It is only kept in balance by strong rulers who keep the darkness at bay.

Karl Franz and now Helborg were not such rulers.

As a writer, it is my job to upset this balance, hence my selection of Helborg as Emperor. As a former Grandmaster, a man built for war and only war, Helborg was never a good selection for rulership of the Empire. I knew this. That's why I selected him and logically thinking he was the most interesting choice.

As for the Elector Counts, Hartwig is to prideful, Haupt-Anderssen is a tyrant, Gausser no longer even has a province, Ludenhof and Rukov die, Feurerbach went missing and I made sure that Todbringer went insane! 

By Throwing Helborg in to the furnace, I can reforge the Empire in too something new. Restore that balance it you will.

It's all by looking and the obvious and using the process of elimination.

I hope this little ramble answers your question.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 08:55:05 PM by Captain Dob Van Dwi »
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Doc J

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2016, 12:29:29 AM »
Im thinking about turning my background into a story. I think I have plenty of detailed  background information but I cannot figure out how to make it exciting. I'd appreciate if you could give it a read over and tell me what Im doing wrong. Do you think my two characters at this point need any serious flaws? I cant seem to get any Ideas on where to go, even though I think my background seems plausible enough.
In the words of the late great Nicki Minaj - Ya done son

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2016, 08:35:13 AM »
Right with this post, I think we shall take a break from the chaos of the Altdorf Conflicts and take a look at how things stand in the Empire as of 2634 IC.

Let's take a look at the land hit hardest by the war in terms of people lost: Reikland.

Reikland as of 2634 IC:

Capital: Kemperbad
Population: About 13,000
Ruler: "Elector Count" Baron Jochim Marquardt of Kemperbad
Rune Fang: None

Western reikland and Helborg's Wall
Reikland was ravaged by the Glottkin during The Storm, with Altdrof it's self falling to the devotees of Papa Nurgle. Along with Altdrof, another fifteen of Reikland's town were burned and pillaged by the combined forces of Nurgle and the Skaven. Even the castles Reikguard and Garuenburg were lost.

This would have went on if it had not been for the Skaven slinking back to their holes and the Glottkin being slain.

Soon after the defeat of Chaos, with supplies being low, the now empty towns of Grunburg and Rottfurt were torn down and the stone went in too the construction of Helborg's Wall.

The massive wall, starting at the base of Grey Lady Pass in the Grey Mountains and overlooking the ruins of Ubersreik. Helborg's Wall then snakes it's way along the banks of the River Teufel, clear through the Reikwald too the now heavily fortified town of Worlitz.

Worlitz itself, sits just at the base of the wall and serves as a Fortress-Town for the Knights of the Silver Dove.

No town beyond the wall id currently inhabited by humans or dwarfs.

Eastern Reikland and it's low status:
The seven towns the shelter behind Helborg's wall make up Eastern Reikland.

From biggest to largest, they are:


Eastern Reikland is not considered a "true" provice in any way, much to the ire of Baron Jochim Marquardt, the current ruler.

The Army of Eastern Reikland:
After the Altdorf Conflicts, The Army Of Eastern Reikland, who had fought with Ritter's Fanatics, were imposed with heavy punishments, by Emperor Helborg. Suffice to say, this weakened the army to the point of near collapse.

This has carried over in too current times. The army itself is well trained, but contains more Crossbowmen & Mercenary Free Companies then any other state.

The People of Eastern Reikland:
Ever since the fall of Western Reikland and the destruction of Altdorf, the people of Eastern Reikland have held a grudge against the rest of The Empire. No province or Elector Count is safe from this ire.

Even Emperor Mauer has taken notice. Efforts of his part too repair the relationship between the provinces has been moot, as Eastern Reiklanders outright refuse to forgive what they perceive to be their abandonment to the hands of Chaos during The Storm by the other provinces.

The gloomy atmosphere of Eastern Reikland is overrun with Sigmarite lunatics, shouting for a crusade to reclaim Altdorf and oust the Grand Theogonist for being to weak in their eyes. The cry of "Altdorf is The Empire!" rings throughout the land and there is no doubt that another Sigmarite rebellion is on the horizon.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 06:49:10 PM by Captain Dob Van Dwi »
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Doc J

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2016, 01:12:31 AM »
Still waiting on the next installment brother, whats up? This is one of my favorite reads.
In the words of the late great Nicki Minaj - Ya done son

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #31 on: May 26, 2016, 05:42:17 PM »
Sorry about that Doc. I have been running my rpg of late. update will be a long soon. Today in fact.
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2016, 06:55:18 PM »
And now we return to the Altdorf Conflicts

Part4; The Day Before Crossing

Place: South West Averland/North East Wessenland Border

Date: Early Summer 2527IC

Gunther Althuas, with his men in toe, called it quits on Wessenland soon after running afoul of Ritter's knights. Knowing that holding the fields of Wessenland was futile with is small army, he decided to cross the Upper river Reik and find refuge and hopefully more men in Agbeiten.

With this plan in motion, Althuas's Free Company launched a hit and run campaign against Ritter's forces as they retreated across the border.

A well placed arrow here, a knife in the dark there, poison in  that well, spoiled horse feed, false scout reports, even blocking roads with a simple tree, Althuas's men made Ritter's life a living hell for nearly two weeks. With the roads as poor as they were the quick moving Company mercs ground down Ritter's advance to the snails pace.

Finally reaching the Upper Reik the Free Company had soon built a enough rafts of the banks of the River to cross.   

Althuas's first priority was to get his axemen across. This small unit of woodsmen, no more than 15, were from Middenland and while they were great trackers, they were also shock infantry. Their Ulrican war cries, no matter how fearsome, would have little effect of Ritter's Renegade Reiksguard and would only incite his fanatics.

Second would be his Crossbowmen. All ten Averlanders to a man these men he would send across as soon as possible. They knew the land, they would have the best chance of reaching Helborg and informing him of Ritter's invasion.

Third would be his archers. These men of Hochhland, Stirland, Ostermark and Talabecland formed a 30 man unit. They would stick around utill the last moment.

Last to cross would be Gunther and his 45 man unit of Ostlanders. These men were his most trusted friends and kin. Blood Brothers.

Armed with spears, the famous Double Barreled Ostland Pistols and heavy armour, thse men would form the iron wall that would protect the others.

The Company slowly began to cross. 


« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 06:59:58 PM by Captain Dob Van Dwi »
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Doc J

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2016, 01:05:01 AM »
Im really invested in the Free Company, great stuff as usual   :eusa_clap:
In the words of the late great Nicki Minaj - Ya done son

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2016, 09:35:53 AM »
Note that the next update may take awhile as I am working on the Dwarf Timeline over at bugmans. http://www.bugmansbrewery.com/topic/47941-the-dwarf-kingdoms-as-of-2634ic/#entry536339
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2016, 09:13:40 PM »
Part 5: Crossings and Crossroads

Place: South West Averland/North East Wessenland Border

Date: Early Summer 2527IC

The basic fact that a lowly Free Company Captain was able to harang a noble knight, a Grandmaster no less, with such skill, that it beggars a question of ability on the part of Ritter. Surly the man was able to pin down a simple soldier?

This thought was no doubt pounding within the skulls of his knights, as Ritter ranted about Althuas. The enraged Grandmaster saw Helborg's use of the man as further damning evidence of his lack of faith in Sigmar.

"A true son of Sigmar fights his own battles! He dose not send some backwoods hick too do it for him!"  was one of his most common sayings during the Altdorf Wars

This Rage boiled over when Ritter finely caught up with The Free Captain.

Althuas' Middenlanders were across and the Averlanders just boarding the rafts when Ritter Knights burst from the tree line, only too be met by a hail of arrows from the Free Company's archers.

Heedless of the arrows Ritters Marchers, a rag-tag force of Fanatical Witch Hunters, Warrior Priests, Zealots and Flagellants, charged past the knights who had stopped to raise their shields and straight in to Althuas' lines. Many even ran right past then and jumped in the Upper reik to over turn the Crossbow Mens' raft or even to swim to the other side to attack the Middenlanders on the other side!

Realizing that he had made a mistake in thinking Ritter's people were sane, Althaus' ordered a general embarcation of the rafts with haste. The Fighting retreat was costly and horrid. Ritter Himself joined the fray and took part in the slaughter too come...


Sorry for the short one their lads but I have a big one coming up soon!

I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Doc J

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2017, 02:41:13 AM »
Short but good, Great battle sequence quick, vicious, ill prepared and violent. Whats next
In the words of the late great Nicki Minaj - Ya done son

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Campaign Fluff
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2017, 06:01:28 AM »
Note that I have been pouring all my creative mojo in to the Dark Stars campaign, I shall return to this project when I can. Don't worry.
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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The Empire as of 2634 IC
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2017, 07:26:47 PM »
Part 6: The Blood of Agbeiten

Place: South West Averland/North East Wessenland Border

Date: Early Summer-Late Fall 2527IC

It is often called the Agbetien Massacre. Whatever it's name the first battle of the Atdorf Conflicts set the precedent for many early battles to come. Brutal, disgusting and irrational.

Althuas' and his kin, now embattled, had to slowly suffer as Ritter's crazed fighters tore them apart bit by bit. Soon blood spilled in buckets, staining the banks of The River Reik crimson and saturating the air with bellows and shouted prayers to Sigmar. Clouds of burnt gun powder rolled forth as more and more ammo was shot in to the Zealots with little effect.

Seeing how little time then had, two of Althaus' Blood Kin, stripped off their plate and forcibly dragged their screaming and protesting Elder in to the now bloody river.

Though the 67 something Elder was still hale and strong for his age he struggled to no avail. Swiming the more then 100 meter wide river was out of the question, fortune smiled however and many of Agbeiten's boats and began to cross in the hopes of picking up survivors. Althaus was forced in to a fishing boat and his two kin followed soon after.

At this point, all was silent.

It is said that, unable to look back the old Free captain simply stared at the decking of the boat.

Of all the remaining fighters that had yes to cross only Althaus' his two kin and three archers, made in to the other side of the Reik. The rest, a whole 68 men, butchered, in less than two hours.

Helborg nearly choked on his wine when he heard the news from Althaus a week later. It was obvious that a small band of Kislavites was no longer going to cut it. Helborg now without any other option started to build and army.


Meanwhile Ritter fumed at Althaus' escape. To rub salt in Althaus' wounds, Ritter personally dubbed each dead Free Company man a traitor to Sigmar and hanged the corpses from the near by trees for all to see. He also destroyed the unit's guns and armour out of spite.

It is said that spite oft dictated Ritter's actions. What followed is a great example.

It took him two days to get his 950 or so men across but when he did he stormed Agbeiten and slaughtered the city watch. Althaus and his remaining men had already fled and in a rage Ritter ordered his Witch Hunters to find and capture all those who had helped Althaus escape. They (all 37) were charged with Conspiracy and Treason against Empire, as well as Heresy. All were burned at the stake. Any other dissenters were given to the headsmen to deal with.

As his first conquest, Ritter declared Agbeiten to be the interim capital of the newly declared "True Empire of Man & Sigmar". With that the "Province of Southern Averland" was formed. Little more than Agbeiten and it's surroundings.

Agbeiten itself was soon host to The Knights of Sigmar, The Knights of Sigmar's Blood & the now pushed out Knights Griffon. With new Chapter Houses being build within it's newly constructed barricades.

Soon the nearby Wissenland town of Staig was captured already weak from plundering and Ellwangen was resettled. This forced the near by towns Ballenhof and Pforzen to capatulate, soon followed by Osterzell, Hurlatch, Moasach, Waldbach & Erbshaun. These eight town were to formed in to the "Province of the East Reik".

Soon the towns of Kircham, Blutdorf, Ramsau, Flensburg & Wolfsbach all declared that they were now the "Province of Southern Stirland", throwing their lot in with Ritter.

The man himself was crowned Emperor and soon had a mass following in the East from disgruntled Sigmarites. Swelling his ranks. Agbeiten would remain the seat of Power for Ritter for the next year. In that time it would called many names. To the Sigmarites simply "The Capital" to their foes "Ritter's Slaughter House".

The biggest blow however came what the entirety of Eastern Reikland chose to be come a Province of The Empire of Man and & Sigmar. The whole of it's state army with it.

That however left the Knights of the Silver Dove. Alone in the now hostile Province, an odd duck would come to their rescue...



« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 10:53:47 PM by Captain Dob Van Dwi »
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline Doc J

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Re: The Empire as of 2634 IC
« Reply #39 on: October 08, 2017, 01:12:04 PM »
Wow that was awesome, really captivating. "the first battle of the Altdorf Conflicts set the precedent for many early battles to come. Brutal, disgusting and irrational" Great line, you write well. I recognized the town names in Province of Southern Stirland, I use some of them in my fluff, I looking forward to seeing what happens.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 01:37:59 PM by Doc J »
In the words of the late great Nicki Minaj - Ya done son