
Author Topic: The Province of OSTERMARK  (Read 63997 times)

Offline Osterkicker

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2012, 02:18:54 AM »
Thread bump  :happy:

I wanted to touch base to find some fluff for my Ostermark Army.  Essen is mentioned quite a bit in the heraldry book, for being a town of origin for both the Death's Head and Knights of Everlasting Light.  I plan on adding a Death's Head halberdier unit as a detachment, but steered clear of the Everlasting Light, mainly because I haven't gotten overly adventurous in the realm of kit bashing and I didn't want them to just be a re-colored Reiksguard unit.  That being said, I did use the Reiksgard to add some direct Imperial flavor to the army, as well as some Knights Panther support.

Anyway, I wanted to check and see if there was any newer source material or books that might add some flavor to an army of the Ostermark.  Cheers.  :::cheers:::
"Mine may have been a folly, but what a man learns from his mistakes defines his legacy.  Never again shall the Ostermark succumb to my carelessness on the battle field.  For Sigmar, the Ostermark, and the Empire!" -- Wolfram Hertwig

Offline Delthos

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2012, 02:48:16 AM »
Unfortunately I've not seen anything new specifically for the Ostermark.
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"Kill 'em all and let Morr sort 'em out!" (General Ghent, Battle of Dumsky's Fallow)

Offline Osterkicker

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2012, 04:32:27 AM »
No worries, I'll have to take a few liberties  :icon_twisted:.  The guy who owns the GW store near where I live plays with VC (he's pretty excited about their 8th ed release).  Since I haven't actually played a game I'll probably take 500pts or so from my Ostermark army to get it's blood sucked out against his VC's.....should look pretty awesome on a table though. 
"Mine may have been a folly, but what a man learns from his mistakes defines his legacy.  Never again shall the Ostermark succumb to my carelessness on the battle field.  For Sigmar, the Ostermark, and the Empire!" -- Wolfram Hertwig

Offline Darknight

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2012, 03:53:06 PM »
should look pretty awesome on a table though.

And that is all that matters!  :::cheers:::
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Offline Yacovitch

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #54 on: February 18, 2012, 09:59:17 PM »
Just started a new Ostermark Army, Cant wait to read all the Fluff!  :happy:

Offline Gorgash Redfang

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2012, 07:49:08 AM »
WIP    will add more tomorrow :smile2:

Ostermark has suffered many disasters in its time. In 1999 the capital Mordheim was obliterated by a comet – the Elector, Count Steinhardt, was killed, and the province all but ceased to exist. Ten years later Vlad von Carstein devastated what remained when he began his war against The Empire. Ostermark has never fully recovered from these calamities, and even today the south of the province is severely under populated. As a result, Morr, god of the Dead, is venerated here more than in any other province.

Deaths Head Halberdiers

The Death’s Head Regiment, formed during formed during the reign of  Vlad von Carstein. Subjugating Sylvania was not enough for the Vampire Count as he spread his realm, preparing to launch what history calls the Vampire Wars. Those who dared to defy this draconian rule disappeared. Informers were Everywhere. In the town of Essen those willing to fight left behind the purple and yellow of old regiments and formed a new unit garbed in sombre black and red. Masks were worn to keep their identities secret. After freeing Essen the  unit gained notoriety on many battlefields, taking the fight into Sylvania after the great victory of Hel Fenn.
Originating from the town of Essen,the Death's Heads now recruit from all over Ostermark

Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire Page 70
The Osterknact

These knights are the premier knightly order of the Ostermark. They are something like the Reiksguard is to the Reik, only for the Ostermark. They are dressed in the same colors (Maroon and Yellow) as the Provincial troops. They were headquartered in the capital of that province during the time of the three emperors. But the capital at that time was Mordheim, which was later destroyed by a comet. It is unknown if The Osterknact survived the disaster because as they have not been refered to in any context in modern times. This may be a lost order. If they do still exist, they most likely reside in Bechafen.

(more can be learned in The Claws of Chaos, A Black Library novel which I have not read.)
Warhammer Quiz Book, Black Library publishing pg 95, 144
The Claws of Chaos, The Black Library.

The Templars of the Everlasting Light
(A.K.A Knights of the Everlasting Light)

“The warrior code of this Order is founded squarely on the principles of justice and fairness. Naturally, as nobles, the Templars’ opinion of justice contrasts markedly with that of the common folk, but it cannot be argued that the Templars often willingly fight for those who have no others to defend them. Templars of the Everlasting Light defended the plague-struck village of Hafbad when no other would, and members of their Order gave their lives to defeat the mighty Shaggoth Brakorth in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Despite such deeds, the Order has passed into history for another, less glorious reason: the Templars of the Everlasting Light are cursed.
The secret of how they became thus afflicted is locked within the Order’s records, but speculation has it that they offended some deity while on crusade in Araby. Whatever the cause, they find themselves thrown from their horses at inopportune moments; swords break as a deathblow is delivered; and seemingly stable earth turns to marsh or quicksand once the hooves of their steeds touch it. Only a member of this Order (Kurt von Tzalza) could be struck in the eye by a ricochet that was fired behind him. Only a Grand Master of the Everlasting Light (Sigismund Drak) could be dumped unceremoniously into a cart-load of manure during a victory parade in Altdorf, the only such cart for many miles around. Only one Chapterhouse, in the entire history of the Empire, has vanished into a yawning chasm as the result of a freak earth tremor. There are many more varied accounts of this ill-fortune in the histories of the Empire. Nevertheless, the Templars of the Everlasting Light never want for recruits. To a certain class of nobility, it is better to belong to a famous Order, however unlucky it may be, than to one whose name is unknown beyond the walls of their Chapterhouse”.
Famous members: captain-marshal Drehenborg who was killed by Deathmaster Snitch. Grand Master Kessler, who left Wolfram Hertwig, a young and stubborn Elector Count of the Ostermark, to fight a battle alone since he refused to relinquish control of the army to the Grand master. Many soldiers died due to the boys inexperience. The battle was won but became known as Hertwig’s Folly.
The Knight polish their armour to a highly reflective shine, the current  chapterhouse is based in the city  of Essen in Ostermark. 
Empire knightly orders article, WD 310
6th edition Empire army book, pg 12. WHFB Empire army book 7th edition, Hertwig’s Folly, pg 41

The Knights of Morr
(Possibly the same Order as the Knights of Morr and the Black Guard of Morr)

“Encased within black armour and deathly silent when on the battlefield, the Knights of Morr are the dark guardians of the Empire. When parents wish to get their children to sleep at night, they tell them that the Knights of Morr will come for them unless they rest.
The Knights of Morr are widely feared for their devotion to the god of the dead, and dark tales abound regarding their initiation rites. Even so, their martial prowess is more than welcome to those they fight alongside, for their silent efficiency is among the best in the Empire”. Seen less frequently on the open battlefield then knights of other orders, the sinister Black Guard are more often encountered traveling alone or in small groups, seeking out corrupt sorcerers who would interfere with the realm of the dead and take resting souls form their place at Morr’s side. In this capacity they frequently work alongside the Witch Hunters of Sigmar, combining arms to deal with an undead threat.
Empire knightly orders article, WD 310

.................. To be continued...........

« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 03:04:56 AM by Gorgash Redfang »
Then make three times that. It should be enough for half the roof Glue
You could certainly amass quite a collection of testicles

Offline Osterkicker

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2012, 03:39:42 AM »
Thank you Gorgash for the fluff information.  I've been deployed and away from gaming for the past few months or I would have responded sooner.  I've heard about the Osterknact but haven't seen any solid reference to them, so thank especially for that.  I'll have to check out some of those black library books as well. 

My army is growing.  I'm a hunstman unit and great cannon away from my 2500 pt goal.  Of course, only about 60% of that is painted, so it's time to stock up on my scab red and golden yellow, grab a brush, and get to work.   
"Mine may have been a folly, but what a man learns from his mistakes defines his legacy.  Never again shall the Ostermark succumb to my carelessness on the battle field.  For Sigmar, the Ostermark, and the Empire!" -- Wolfram Hertwig

Offline Gorgash Redfang

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2012, 05:33:54 PM »
I just took some fluff from here and the Empire Uniforms and Heraldry book
Then make three times that. It should be enough for half the roof Glue
You could certainly amass quite a collection of testicles

Offline Facilier_

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2013, 08:09:44 PM »
*bows* Greetings from a new Ostermark general :) I've posted my army background in the Imperial Office, so please bear with my rather unorthodox uniform colors  :icon_redface: My army is still Ostermark in both soul and mindset  :happy: the humble beginnings:

« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 08:12:40 PM by Facilier_ »

Offline mikef350

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2014, 07:15:08 PM »
Hi all

Another newbie here who has just receaved a used empire army and i want to paint it in ostermark colours.

Can any one tell me which forum is best for doing a blog on the painting progress?


Offline gartenzing

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #60 on: October 07, 2014, 09:17:41 PM »
So having started to paint my Empire as Ostermark, I then read the End-Times fluff in Nagash- anyone else have any thoughts on the possible consequences for this beloved province?

Offline Fidelis von Sigmaringen

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Re: The Province of OSTERMARK
« Reply #61 on: October 07, 2014, 10:44:38 PM »
If you are really into the ET, start painting zombies and skeletons in the Ostermark colours.
It is not enough to have no ideas of your own; you must also be incapable of expressing them.
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