
Author Topic: The Province of OSTLAND  (Read 50689 times)

Offline dickovdk

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2009, 10:16:30 AM »
Greetings follow people of the eastern borders! :dry:

I have now read thru some of the stuff you have been posting and about those extra info I could get from this tread. No doubt my up coming army will be Ostlandic - love the ties to Kislev (even thought I cant really use 'em) and love the idea of Raven priest, black Rose knights etc.
However since they are somewhat a poor region maybe state troopers will be needed, and avoiding the "modern" gunpowder to get a better feel of the army.

Anyway are working on a story for the army with a young proven soldier that has been knighted and awared a small estate from where he drives his campaign. Nothing is settled as of yet however I have some question as to making "special" units like ones own Knighthood. Would that ONLY be colour scheme wise or can one make units to be fearless, Stubborn or what have we not at an extra cost of course.

As for more information about Ostland if anyone has anything lying around do drop me a msg as I would love as much info as humanly possible :)


Offline jan_boruta

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2009, 07:49:58 PM »
Necromancing the thread! *zap*

I'd like to ask if anyone knows which knightly order would be the fluffiest for Ostland?
I'm just about to paint my first knights and I must decide. I thought about taking the Order of the Broken Sword, as it is tied to Beastmen in terms of fighting them and Ostland is rather well populated with Chaotic beasts. Does the order have a specified colour scheme? On GW page they seem to have only small dark blue accents while their armour is all in natural steel colour.

Thanks in advance for any help! :smile2:
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Offline Boldrick

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2009, 07:52:19 PM »
I came up with one myself and encourage you to do the same
It is perfectly fine considering the many knightly orders not covered by GW material
Mine look like white wolves and are called the Wolfenburg fangs

Offline jan_boruta

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2009, 08:07:18 PM »
I actually thought about my own order before and it would make sense for Ostland where almost everything is made ad hoc.. I thought mine would be the order of the Black Eagle but it sounds so cliche I rather abandoned it - maybe I should return to it? The scheme would be silver metal toned down with brown or dark brass with - doh - black eagles here and there.
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Offline red bull

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2010, 06:41:53 PM »
          but it might be an idea to stick some red in to break it up
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Offline Wareagle

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2010, 09:08:54 PM »
Hi fellow Ostlanders,

want to give this thread a bit of live back  :biggriin:

After a +20 years break I re-started to play warhammer recently. Of course, I wanted to setup an imperial force, because that was what I liked when I had to quit playing WHFB all those years ago.

Reading the U&H of the empire back and forth I finally decided to built an army from Ostland.  :icon_biggrin:

Still have a lot of minis from the late 80ties and they still look good next to the new GW Empire models.
Although I must say, that the "old" minis, being more "knightly" are still more my thing then the new kind of 30 year war type of Landsknechts - well however, they fit both together and at least the light armour and shirts with pumpkin arms give a good base for the nice black/white and red color scheme of Ostland.

Here's what I have now :

Ostland- Army ( Black, white, red),
currently consisting in total of
Empire General on Griffon ( or WH )
Archlector on Altar
Grand-Master of the Ostland Knights Order ( on ft. and on WH w. Barding )
3 Captains ( on ft. and warhorses w. barding )
3 Wizards ( on ft. and on Warhorse )
3 Warrior Priests of Sigmar ( on ft. or WH with Bard. )
2x24 Swordsmen , full command, with Detachments of 5 Xbows and 9 Free Company
1x30 Spearmen, full command with Detachments of 5 Xbows and 9 FC
1x25 Spearmen, full command, with detachments of  5 Archers and 9 Swordmen
1x30 Halberds, full command with Detachments of 5 Archers and 9 FC
2x 5 Knights of the Order w. Musician
1 x 6 Knights of the Order inner circle
2x20 Greatswords , each w. Detachments of 5 Handgunners and 9 Swordmen
1x10 Archers ( Huntsmen )
2x10 Flagellant Warband
1x 5 Pistoliers
1x5 Outriders
2x Great Cannon
1x Mortar
1x Hellblaster Volley Gun
1x Steamtank

Of course, actual deployment does not comprise the complete army-list,  but rather a combination of elements of this list. Usual armysize is 2.150 - 2.250 points, depending on the system we play  :unsure:

As soon as I have found out how to post pictures here, I will load some up.

Hope to meet some fellow Ostlanders here to exchange experiences from battles etc..


Offline red bull

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2010, 05:33:27 PM »
Thats one large army, please can we see it.
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Offline Gneisenau

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2010, 05:50:31 PM »
As soon as I have found out how to post pictures here, I will load some up.

You have to upload them at a hosting site like photobucket first. There you get a link, which you post here, and voila - we can see them. :-)

Offline Burgermeiser

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2010, 06:06:00 PM »
I actually thought about my own order before and it would make sense for Ostland where almost everything is made ad hoc.. I thought mine would be the order of the Black Eagle but it sounds so cliche I rather abandoned it - maybe I should return to it? The scheme would be silver metal toned down with brown or dark brass with - doh - black eagles here and there.

I have an idea for an Ostland based order too! :biggriin: Mine is based off the fact the Ostland is analogous to East Prussia (the old Teutonic Ordenstaat and a bit of later Royal Prussia) with it's black and white scheme. Mine was simply going to be the Order of Ostland with black armor with white trim, and a banner depicting a black field with a white imperial cross and the motto "Tannendorf"; adopted after the order met a horrific slaughter at the hands of a Chaos warband near the Ostland village of Tannendorf. (Similar to the Polish victory over Teutonic forces at Tannenberg) the Order now seeks to avenge their fallen bretheren and their battlecry is "Tannendorf!". The order has their mounted bretheren (Ritterbruden) under the Hochmeister, and foot bretheren (Halbruden) composed of Greatswords. They also have an Ordenschloss (the Order's castle or chapter keep) set up in Wolfenburg. I am currently composing a story for the Library based on the Battle of Tannendorf. :smile2: I just changed my allegiance from Nuln to Ostland too! :blush:
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Offline Commander Bernhardt

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #34 on: October 25, 2010, 07:56:40 PM »
Hello all!

I'm new to this forum and what better place to announce myself than on the page of my favorite province!
I'm from Belgium and own an WoC and Empire army and some Mordheim Warbands but Ostland remains my biggest love

My army is based around the Order Of Sigmar's Righteous Fury, an ancient order of faithfull templars who hold modesty and piety above all. Ora et Labora! They are a very religious order of Knights-templar devoted to Sigmar. The most accomplished of these Hammer wielding maniacs can invite the divine power of Sigmar (much like a warrior priest)
The order's fortress is build atop the Rock of Sigmar: a high rock formation that towers above the forest of shadows in the extreem north pf the province (between Hasselhund and Salkalten) In the aftermath of the Storm of Chaos the province was completly in ruins. Imperial authority was virtually inexistant in these outer regions of the empire. The only force of upholding order and authority in the region were the Knights Of Sigmar's righteous Fury. The Count lacked the resources, personel and authority to maintain order beyond the capitol. Since the Knights were to only force strong enough to secure the region against roving brigands and beastmen the Count relied on the Knights to uphold the law and defend the borders in the northernmost region of Ostland. To do so the order received special permission by the count to recruite and train their own force of soldiers (mostly from the surrounding villages) but only on the condition that they are dressed in the provinces' colours. Since then the count is slowly regaining power over his province but the Knights still have the privilige to maintain their own army.
This force of commoners is led by their own sergeants but the command structure is intertwined with the order's hiearchical structure. The Grand master stands at the head of the army (But I mostly use the profile of the Arch Lector) followed by the order's master's (warrior priests)
Due to it's long history and military prowress the Order has amassed quite some wealth in the centuries before the SoC with which they new equip their soldiers but they also have some ancient cannons and mortars and  some newer experimental weaponry

off course all of the above is a product of my own imagination and leaves me with an army both Ostland and Sigmarite themed, simply put a sigmarite army in Osltand uniforms. The colours of my knights is white and blue and the state troops wear black and white with lots of blue ribbons and feathers to tie them to the knights. The army's characters are all painted as brothers of the order. The greatswords represent knights on foot and wield giant two handed hammers.
btw My regiment of spearmen is called Sigmar's Bulls and all have bull heads on their shields
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 07:59:22 PM by Captain Bernhardt »
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Offline red bull

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #35 on: October 25, 2010, 09:14:03 PM »
Welcome to the finest province in the Empire, just don't tell the others I said that. My own army is a coalition between the Northernmost towns of Ostland, and the southernmost towns of Kislev, who have combined to create an army capable of defending their combined lands.

Your fluff sounds really good. BTW, this really is a great community.

I too am from Belgium [well half] though I don't speak any flemish, little german and even less french.
No matter how good a general you are; if the dice are against you, you will not win.

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Offline uscsmurf

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2011, 07:54:29 PM »
I am a former BT player for 40K and love the idea of a crusading force hellbent on wiping out all heretics. And when I saw some color schemes for an Ostland army I thought to myself that I could carry over my BT theme to a WH one with a few minor adjustments, and apparently Im not the only one. I am thinking of starting a small Ostland army focused on rooting out all chaos and demons and the like from Ostland and anywhere else. I was thinking of purposely not having a wizard- (carryover from BT)- but rather stick with an AL or WP or heavy general to lead my force. I plan on mixing cavalry and infantry with a few cannon/mortar to play competitively (another carryover from BT). I know magic is more important in WH, but im hoping my AL or WP will give me enough to deal with my enemies. Large infantry units of halbs/swords will be supported by knights and outriders, while cannon/mortar deal nasty death from above on large units/characters. Thoughts?
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Offline Sandor

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2011, 09:26:20 AM »
For sure halbs/swords are way to go in 8th edition. You can also ad some flagelants as furius mob. Model your general and captains as Witch hunters,
Mordhaim range has some great models. Cavalry is much weaker in this edition but as support units its still ok (especially armed in GW). For Magic I wouldn't phase it out entairly. You can use level 1 scroll cady to bust your own troops. But Warrior priests and Ach Lector will give you quite good magic defense . It really depends what army's you will face. try to write a list, then we can help you more.       

Offline Pariah Mk.231

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2011, 02:19:41 PM »
Just thought I'd add a little knowledge here. After reading the posts in this thread I noticed there was no mention of Bohsenfels, so here's a little something about it.

Bohsenfels is a fortress, sitting atop a collection of large rocks, riddled with tunnels and caves, earning itself the nickname "Little Middenheim". During the Storm of Chaos, Bohsenfels was held by an assortment of mercenary troops against the forces of Archaon, resisting the hordes of Chaos until the invaders were eventually defeated. Though heavy casualties were suffered and terrible damage inflicted upon it's walls, it was the only stronghold along the route of Archaon's attack that stood until the end of the war, other than Middenheim itself.

Not much, but just a little something that I remember from the Storm of Chaos campaign. The defense of the fortress was left to the Dogs of War players, and they did a marvelous job of holding it for the entire campaign, even as the forces of Chaos moved past them to trample Hochland and lay siege to Middenheim.
It might give some Ostland players something extra to work with when writing their fluff. It's the one thing tempting me to play Ostland instead of Wissenland.

Offline uscsmurf

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2011, 03:29:43 PM »


I am thinking of starting off at 750 pts, so here is my list. I know its small points wise, but monetarily that's where I'm at right now. I'm at work right now so cant add up all the numbers but its a tad bit over 750 right now.

WP w/ Two handed weapon

20 Halbs w/ musician, SB, Serg.

10 Handgunners w/ marksman & HLR (perhaps a detachment for the halbs?)

8 Knightly Orders (thinking Hunters of Sigmar here)

1 Cannon

10 Flaggies w/ prophet of doom

I know the troop squads are small, but I'm thinking at the 750 pts level that they should be enough to compete with most armies. I should probably dump the flaggies at this points level, but they fit with my fluff idea and seem to be a good marchblock squad and have seen them handle their own quite well. I like the knights for the same fluff reason and the hope that they could harass enemy squads or be my character killers while the gunners and cannon deplete the ranks of enemy troops. Thoughts or suggestions?
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Offline Sandor

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2011, 08:53:52 PM »
you cant have HLR and marksmen  in detachment you can use those points to bulk up your Helbards unit or to give some protection to your Wp. Also flagelants are quite points consuming for 750 points limit you can ad some more state troops.

Offline Jape

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2011, 11:34:51 AM »
Hi guys, sorry for the thread necromancy.

Been out of the WHFB loop for about 6 years but when I was playing my biggest army was an Ostlander themed force, and I tempted to return - sadly most of my models were sold off, given away or destroyed so I'll have to start from scratch.

Being a big Mordheim fan, I adapted much of the Ostlander warband fluff to my army. I based them on the idea of a border force, basically the small garrison of a frontier fort, backed up by levied villagers. Little high-tech weaponry (one mortar was my only artillery), large formations of skirmishing archers and huntsmen, and some Orges (DoW but treated them as locals!). Part of the Mordheim fluff was the poor Ostlanders prizing gaudy signs of wealth, so I fielded a lone large unit of handgunners to represent the local hunters wealthy enough to afford musket, making sure to give them silly ornate barrels and the men themselves big feathered plumes etc.

I also had a ramshackle looking Steam Tank without any guns, acting as a mechanized battering ram and used Winged Lancers, played them as Knights. I ultimately intended to create a 500pt Kislev allied force via the supplement that came with WD many moons ago and build some Knights of Morr but never got round to it.

Despite lacking big guns, greatswords and being heavily reliant on skirmishers, the army did really well in battle, probably because most players expect the Empire to bring a battery of cannon with them, not 50+ archers jumping around the place. Also the Steam Tank battering ram again left many opponents surprised, expecting a jet of steam or cannonball, only to get an iron wall to the face.

Was great fun to play, as with all my armies I invested alot of time in fluff (sadly lost now) and customising Heroes and any grunts who deserved it through idiotic courageous acts. I had one militia detachment who had a habit of being used as a speed bump to goblin hordes, bretonnian knights and high elf chariots. Nothing special except they sometimes came out on top, while the rest of time the would stand and hold for half game, often outnumbered 3-1 in numbers/points. In honour of their northern hardiness I recognised them as drunken hardmen and gave them broken glass bottles and beer jugs as hand weapons, with their sergeant hawling a big keg into battle.
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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2014, 08:26:28 AM »
Hi fellows Ostlanders! I'm a new member of this forum and i write from Italy.  :happy:
I had chose to play Ostland some yeas ago for a good similarity whith my town: black and๒ white is also the color of city flag and๒ banner and in Renassement Lucrezia Borgia was the white of the Duke; and a bull was the animal of  Borgia's House....   :ph34r:
So i chose to name my charachters in that family way: Rodrigo ( pope Alessandro VI) is my Archilector, Lucrezia (draughter) is a ArciMage and Cesare (son) is my Gran Master/Empire Generale.
That's all i think.

hope to fine good  fellows here.

Offline Franz Volker

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Re: The Province of OSTLAND
« Reply #43 on: November 24, 2014, 02:26:14 PM »
And they fighta the skaveni?  :-P
It sounds awesome. Pics? :D