Receiving a kind invitation from the Imperial Lord of the Exchequer, Midaski to provide commentary on the most beautiful of all the Empire's provinces, how can one refuse.
The briefest of details is provided above, and additional information can be gleaned from the tome "A is for Altdorf". Still there is so much more.
There is the issue of politics and secession. For years and years the Province was ruled by the Nikse family. Anika-Elise Nikse was married to Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenland. With the release of the NEB, we have discovered to our shock, the the Beloved Nikse, family has been replaced by Theodoric Gausser. The details of this coup d'état have been hushed up by the powers that reside in Nottingham.
Midaski mentions that the main trade item is timber, which has many uses from the burning of heretics to the construction of ships, but the province has many other goods, salted cod, herring, and sardines among them. There is another use for timber. A small order of knights adopting the Blue & Yellow colors of Nordland has established a workhouse to employ the socially disadvantaged in the construction of prefabricated furnature, to be shipped both world wide and through out the known universe. The Intrepid Knights Eagerly Attacking are much more commonly known by their initials IKEA.
Perhaps there is a branch near you.
As a general rule in the Empire, the further north and east one travels, the poorer the provinces become. This is not true of Nordland! Between tolls charged to traverse the Great North Road, the steady demand for timber both to burn heretics and build prefabricated furnature, and the insatiable appetite Rieklander's have for herring flavored toothpaste, the coffers of Nordland are far from bare. While the thrifty Nordlander is not given to ostentatious displays of wealth, the Elector Count, irregardless of his dubious parentage is able to afford the latest in military arms, add to this the association with the Imperial Navy and the famed Nordland Marines, and one will find a military force to be reckoned with.
There has been much stated in recent publications that Nordland's claim to Marienburg is a bit suspect. This is mere slander stirred up at the bequest of Marienburg agents. By itself, Nordland is not likely to take the city. But it is merely a matter of time before the Emperor will come to realize the danger the city is to our security. In the meantime, all true Nordlanders are encouraged to mock the Burgomeister Grutch as often as possible.
Finally, when visiting Salzenmund, do not miss the opportunity to pay a call to Madame Rosalita's. Tell them Rufas sent you.