
Author Topic: The Province of NORDLAND  (Read 46956 times)

Offline Midaski

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The Province of NORDLAND
« on: May 05, 2007, 03:33:39 PM »
Nordland is unsurprisinglyy the northernmost province of the Empire and the only province with a coastline, and thus is home to the Imperial Navy based in the town of Dietershafen. It also lays claim, without success, to Marienburg. It also technically contains the Laurelorn Forest where reclusive Wood Elves dwell under an uneasy truce.

Library Link:  http://warhammer-empire.com/library/aisforaltdorf/the-grand-barony-of-nordland/

Current Ruler: Theoderic Gausser
Capital: Salzenmund
Main Trade: Timber
Province Colours:  Blue and Yellow

Map Link:  (Colour)  http://www.fys.ku.dk/~blicher/Nordland_v2.jpg
  (Black & White)  http://www.fys.ku.dk/~blicher/Nordland_v2_bw.jpg

Notable Units: The Nordland Mariners
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 09:56:09 AM by rufus sparkfire »
Quote from: Gneisenau
Metal to Finecast - It is mostly a swap of medium. 

You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2007, 05:06:35 PM »
Receiving a kind invitation from the Imperial Lord of the Exchequer, Midaski to provide commentary on the most beautiful of all the Empire's provinces, how can one refuse.

The briefest of details is provided above, and additional information can be gleaned from the tome "A is for Altdorf".  Still there is so much more.

There is the issue of politics and secession.  For years and years the Province was ruled by the Nikse family.  Anika-Elise Nikse was married to Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenland.  With the release of the NEB, we have discovered to our shock, the the Beloved Nikse, family has been replaced by Theodoric Gausser.  The details of this coup d'état have been hushed up by the powers that reside in Nottingham.

Midaski mentions that the main trade item is timber, which has many uses from the burning of heretics to the construction of ships, but the province has many other goods, salted cod, herring, and sardines among them.  There is another use for timber.  A small order of knights adopting the Blue & Yellow colors of Nordland has established a workhouse to employ the socially disadvantaged in the construction of prefabricated furnature, to be shipped both world wide and through out the known universe.  The Intrepid Knights Eagerly Attacking are much more commonly known by their initials IKEA.  :engel: Perhaps there is a branch near you.     

As a general rule in the Empire, the further north and east one travels, the poorer the provinces become.  This is not true of Nordland!  Between tolls charged to traverse the Great North Road, the steady demand for timber both to burn heretics and build prefabricated furnature, and the insatiable appetite Rieklander's have for herring flavored toothpaste, the coffers of Nordland are far from bare.  While the thrifty Nordlander is not given to ostentatious displays of wealth, the Elector Count, irregardless of his dubious parentage is able to afford the latest in military arms, add to this the association with the Imperial Navy and the famed Nordland Marines, and one will find a military force to be reckoned with.

There has been much stated in recent publications that Nordland's claim to Marienburg is a bit suspect.  This is mere slander stirred up at the bequest of Marienburg agents.  By itself, Nordland is not likely to take the city.  But it is merely a matter of time before the Emperor will come to realize the danger the city is to our security.  In the meantime, all true Nordlanders are encouraged to mock the Burgomeister Grutch as often as possible. 

Finally, when visiting Salzenmund, do not miss the opportunity to pay a call to Madame Rosalita's.  Tell them Rufas sent you. 
« Last Edit: May 29, 2007, 05:15:12 PM by Rufas the Eccentric »
Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline The Chosen Pistolier

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2007, 07:58:29 PM »
Yep, blue and yellow is the best (not to paint yellow though).

Not all of Nordland is by the sea either. My force is out hunting beasts (there's loads of these here) and rebel empire armies (even one with some rebel priest going round on a small cart dragged by ponies claiming he's one of the leaders of the church) in the snowy forest.

Having a free state so close to your land is certainly worrysome. We ought to do something about that. Now with the nemesis crown campaign coming we just "might" let those skeletons raid Marienburg for some time before we slaughter them. Then we come in as saviors and just happen to take over the town in the process. Of course certain individuals need to be taken care of and we might just have to increase the taxes to pay for our war expenses, but they will not object (at least not a second time).

The Intrepid Knights Eagerly Attacking are much more commonly known by their initials IKEA.   Perhaps there is a branch near you.


Offline General Lee Stupid

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 02:19:42 PM »
all true Nordlanders are encouraged to mock the Burgomeister Grutch as often as possible.
And we have very large ships with very large assortments of guns on them that are often used against Dark Elves (naughty elves try to pillage the empire but we shows them, we get them, yes precious nasty hobbitses     Oh wait different game.) :wink:
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Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2007, 02:48:36 PM »
Careful, you're showing signs of possible possesion.  Perhaps it is time for me to re-invest in the timber markets again.

The point on ships brings up an interesting thought.  The Boys in Nottingham seem to be considering the resurection of deceased games.  The good folk of Nordland wait impatiently to see the revival of Man-O-War.
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Offline General Lee Stupid

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2007, 10:39:39 PM »
Has anybody built or thought up a design for  a warhammer ship?
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Offline Phydox

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 03:07:45 AM »
There is a template on the GW website, if that helps:


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Offline Morden

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2008, 11:16:20 AM »
Hey, can anyone give me more details on Nordland Mariners? I am also considering making a small fleet of ships for display uses and Sorry for being bit of a necro.
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Offline wissenlander

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2008, 12:12:05 PM »
It seems that most of the Imperial Navy is based in Altdorf.  The Nordland cost doesn't really have the hospitable coast line needed for big harbors.  Sigmar's Heirs talks about two villages in Nordland that were 'designed' to be harbor towns to ciphen attention and funds away from Marienburg.  A way to break their dominance in a way.  They never really worked out and are only shells of their original visions.

That being said, there has been some revisionist talk about some of the Navy being based in Nordland.  These could be the provinces own Naval force, as I'm sure the Elector would want some way of protecting himself without having to rely on the Imperial Navy.
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Offline Hooch

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2008, 08:55:52 AM »
Just found this in the library (I considered Nordland, but the IKEA colours put me off  :engel:)

Nordland is home to part of the Imperial Navy (the remainder docks at Altdorf, reaching the sea via the wide and deep River Reik), and the province has many regiments that are adept at naval operations – the Nordland Mariners being the most famous of these.

Hope that helps.



Offline Morden

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2008, 10:56:09 AM »
Ah, thank you Hoochlander i kinda read that bit but i never click on to it. Seems thats the only known info on mariners i may make a unit rules for then some time like swordsmen that are aquaic(sp?) or something lie that.
"To me sons of sigmar, For the EMPIRE!"

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2008, 04:47:11 PM »
There is a thread on the subject with multiple options.  Personally I think that DoW Dualists make the best "off the shelf" Marines.

See: Empire Specialists
Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2008, 08:04:36 AM »
Well, I can tell you that there is indeed a naval presence in the north, even if the foops of the Empires navy is truly hiding in Altdorf.
But there is a lighter flottila that has been built on the expense of local communities and from Theoderics own pockets. Also, the count and the Church of Ulric have handed out Letters of Marque to citizens that have taken upon them to build armed vessels that can patrol the coast and protect against the raids of the norse.
A smaller flottila has been formed by a Sigmarite priest, Mathi Alfblut, who has returned to his native Nordland to aid their cause. He is an odd fellow, always wearing a kettlehat. He is also on pretty good standing with the Church of Ulric, and has ended up in command of this flottila called officially called "The wolves of the sea" or by some "The seawolves".

Some Nordland marine units are part, among them a unit of Nordland marine halfpike and handgunners with the motto "Omni robus in pedite".
The rest is basically militia troops and men signing on as privateers. This force has taken the war to the norse, and have made a name plundering norse traders in retaliation, as well as attacking norse villages. They even make expeditions to Lustria, officially to disrupt the trade around Skeggi, since Skeggi is a norse settlement. Well, they may do other things aswell, but that is only rumours! :engel:
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline steveb

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2008, 08:45:54 PM »
6th ed bodies with breast plates, round helmeted head, armored sabre arm and militia other arm with axe or dagger and a very small brett shield as a buckler not a shield proper, set up for two attacks like duelists, and of course painted blue and red, nothing yellow about these guys, their motto is: semper fracken moistus.  The Nordland marines......... ship crew as militia.detachment..........sharpshooters detachment in the masts.  the rest of the crew sails the ship and mans the guns.  steveb

Offline empiresilly

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2008, 12:14:48 AM »
Greetings Nordlanders!

Not to change the subject of great debate about the Mariners, great stuff mind you.

I do have a question for the esteemed Nordlander Generals that would respond to these postings about Norsca.

Were there any Norsca miniatures ever made?  What would a Norsca army look like as far as troop types for a force to battle the Norlander Army?

Thanks  :icon_biggrin:

Offline empiresilly

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2008, 08:21:31 PM »
What would a typical Nordlander Army look like?  ie what troop types would be present so a passer-byer could tell at a glance that is was an Army from Nordland  :smile2:


Offline General Lee Stupid

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2008, 03:57:07 PM »
As far as I know there were never any Nordland minis.  I think that the best way to make them stand out would be to proabaly a bunch of angry sailors that count as militia, mariners, flags that depict sea life, like the ship name of whatever ship that particular banner is stationed on, maby a war alter shaped like a ship.
Hope that hepls some
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Offline steveb

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2008, 09:21:00 PM »
As far as I know there were never any Nordland minis.  I think that the best way to make them stand out would be to proabaly a bunch of angry sailors that count as militia, mariners, flags that depict sea life, like the ship name of whatever ship that particular banner is stationed on, maby a war alter shaped like a ship.
Hope that hepls some
indeed, I think that they also could have some unique units, like stirland has the stirland river patrol, Nordland has the coastal road, which they guard so roaming bands of horsemen, post garrisons of infantry, specialized troops like small road warden units/duelists.  Probably some guild units, gotta protect that trade route. and of course some marines and coast guard troops.  ships crews could be a s varied as say a ships crew, chance to do some weird character conversions.  I do think that there is some info in the role ploaying books that might be a help to you, but I can't remember which ones. old age I guess.  Hos about some winter time ski troops? or attack sleds, like the luege or toboggans? I am sure you will come up with something. steveb

Offline empiresilly

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2008, 09:18:25 PM »
Does anyone have a typical army selection for an at a glance on the table look at your army and it would be recognized as from Nordland?  Other than by color scheme?


Offline antin3

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2008, 04:20:32 AM »
I created an earlier post trying to decide which province to take, I was torn between Averland and Talabecland and many of you gave me some great info on both. But I believe that I have gone another direction totally. My regular gaming opponent just started a Dark elf army so I think I will go with Nordland.
I really like the colors and what fluff there is available, I have also read that Nordlanders are rumored to be possibly mixed blood of the northmen. I do have a question though, is there anywhere else I can check out some more fluff for the Empire, specifically Nordland? I was wondering about the RPG books. What about Provincial flags, things like that? This site is great, just wondering if I could find some more in various publications.

Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2008, 09:34:59 AM »
Hey, I could still beat up a woman!
If I wanted to.

Offline antin3

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2008, 07:31:43 PM »
I am thinking about adding some colorful units to my army, I have one in mind, a militia unit made up of local seadogs pressganged from a local pub. I am planning on using the pubs name in their banner. But what about other units? Being that Nordland has the only access to the sea I could see many DoW type units in their army. Any opinions?

Offline wissenlander

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2008, 07:41:29 PM »
A marine unit would be a good idea, I think. 

Also, with the proximity to the ocean, blackpowder may not be the best option.  This very much depends on where in Nordland you'd be at, but the closer to the ocean, the harder it would be too keep the powder dry.  Not impossible though.
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Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2008, 10:42:47 PM »
Also, with the proximity to the ocean, blackpowder may not be the best option. 

This is why gunpowder weapons were never used on ships.

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If I wanted to.

Offline wissenlander

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Re: The Province of NORDLAND
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2008, 11:22:03 PM »
Hardy har har. :wink:

Considering that the handguns at least are matchlock technology it would caus a greater stir, I'd think than some of the later developments.  As I mentioned, gunpowder weapons could be used it just depends on the weather and the location.
Me and Wissenlander had babies!

not together.

finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...