Another one of those women who agrees to a date, has to check her calendar, but doesn't return calls. 
To be fair, I had to check mine too 
And yes, it's annoying, but it also gives me the chance to act a bit cool the next time I see her, even if she apologizes, which is always fun
Nothing worse than a woman who doesn't communicate with reciprocation. Not a good sign, but good to know from the beginning.
Definitely true.
You had to check your calendar? No offense, but you're the guy.

If I ask a woman for a date, I always suggest a day, time, and place. If they need to check their calendar, I say "Sounds good, if for any reason you can't make it, then give me a call, otherwise I'll just meet you there then." Write it down for them, along with your number, and tell her that you look forward to having her join you.
Worse case, she does't call and doesn't show, and I have lunch or coffee by myself. Then I'd give them a ring just to let them know we had a date and see if something bad has happened. If she's really interested and embarrassed, have another date, time, and place ready because sometimes stuff just happens, and she'll likely show. No guarantee though.