And such a sight has become all the more common as the wild men seem to be venturing out into civilisation more and more in recent times. Carrying their large oval shields and long cavalry spears they are reminiscent of warfare that would have been staged centuries previously, though no proud soldiers of the provinces back then would have been displayed in such a filthy uniform.
Already there are rumours about who they are and where they came from. In the Leaking Tankard Tavern in Hergig there is now an "Official Mud-Men Origins Bookee" where for quite reasonable odds punters can have a stab for the pot. The most popular options so far:
1. They were born after a maiden from Wolfenburg was seduced by a monster of the mud. Ostlanders are strange fellows after all and what with their men looking as they do the women there must have odd tastes.
2. That they are Kislevites who have journeyed South and have covered themselves in mud in order to protect their skin from the powerful, at least in comparison, Empire Sun.
3. They are merely a band of ruffians and rascals who fell in bewitched mud that they have not been able to wash off their skin. A letter has been sent to a local wild wizard asking if such phenomenon exist but due to his nomadic nature, it has not yet reached, nor is there any likelihood in the future. Especially seeing as there is in fact an order for his head and he has been on the run from the provosts for nigh on eleven months.