Despite the heavy cloak covering his large frame, the wind still bit deep into his bones. Captain Gankom Caennin (His mother wanted her first born son to have a unique name) fiddles nervously with his scabbard. After twenty hears in the saddle as a mercenary he was feeling every second of the wind, and every bump in the road. After being so confident in his abilities for so long, it was nerve wracking.
"Well father it looks like we're in for a brawl after all!" Paddy, his son, declared happily.
"Indeed it does, but don't get overconfident son. Every lord and his granny is declaring right now. You don't want to find yourself stuck between two of them and a vote now eh?" He replied, proud of his sons vitality. The very thought of it made him shiver again. Once he had been like that.
He turned to look at the land in front of him again. The castle in front of him belonged to one of the lands great lords. He sincerely hoped that great bravery and great loyalty would win his family the one thing he had always hoped for them. Land and title. No more would his family have to spend harsh winters in the saddle, or scrabbling in the dirt for every gold coin.
"It's so very different from home." The captain said softly to himself. "Only the cold is the same."
He looked up and saw his son looking at him fiercely. "But we will make it our home Father. One way or another."
Captain Gankom Caennin, master of the Great Lakes Mercenary Company, nodded to his son. I only hope it's soon, he thought to himself. My light is fading and I want us safe long before it winks out...
Here we go, here we go, here we go...