And another update focussing on minis this time, and as with the post above, catching up on stuff I have been dabbling with recently.
This KS from Midlam arrived a couple of days ago .... ....

and I have assembled and textured them already to 'awaiting delivery of Army Painter Black undercoat' status.
The guy with the tentacle(s) - bottom row, 2nd from right, has had some amputations already, and is currently in the 'conversion area' of my workbench.
Just trying to find the right weapon for him.

And whilst I had the camera out, these are another Midlam KS from a while back, The Adventurers, which I actually prepped and based back around Day 15 of the current 100 Days challenge, I think.

Can you see the two sleeping figures in the foreground - well they will go well with my tents and camping scenery.

Again I might convert a couple of them - the ones that do not have anything in either hand.
And finally, when I reclaim one of my old dried up paint pots, I use a long wooden match as a stirrer, and even after scraping the stick against the inside edge of the pot, there is still some paint left on the match, so being a tightwad, and not wanting to waste any paint, I have been using this 'excess' on some minis that just happen to be standing on my table.

That's all folks!