
Author Topic: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise  (Read 51546 times)

Offline Midaski

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #125 on: May 29, 2020, 07:28:00 PM »
Some attempts at further painting.

Trying to do the field walls - basecoat of Eshin Grey, with the first highlight in Codex Grey.

Probably too distant a shot to show the colours.

Tents - round one in Deneb Stone, and the other is in Bleached Bone.
When they dried I think I am going with the Bleached Bone, probably with a watery wash of maybe Chestnut Ink?

Quite a while back I posted a pic of my painting area awash ( groan  :engel: ) with market and trading goods stuff. I started painting a few bits and they have sat on this sprue for ages - well I waved a brush at a couple of them today too.
If you are going to have a town and a dock you need 'goods' to trade.

Quote from: Gneisenau
Metal to Finecast - It is mostly a swap of medium. 

You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline Midaski

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #126 on: May 31, 2020, 10:23:53 AM »
I've had a disaster.

Yesterday I was working at my paintstation doing bits and pieces on the fields and at the same time 'reclaiming' some paint pots.
Working my way through the 'browns' and as I added water and stirred each one with a matchstick, I used up the paint on the stick for trousers on some undercoated models on the tabeltop.

Then I got a pot to a of Terracotta and decided that it wouldn't suit the pants on the figures I had, so I grabbed one of those sentry boxes I made from the Fortified Manor kit (back on Page 4).

I then discovered that I hadn't used a grey primer ON ALL THOSE FORTIFIED MANOR BUILDINGS, but some standard grey paint that had dried with a glossy sheen, and it did NOT want to accept my acrylic Terracotta.


Looks like my attempts to save time using a grey primer because of all the walls had cost me dear. I will need to go over the top with an undercoat primer - and probably the black which I am down to my last can on.

 :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted:
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 10:27:28 AM by Midaski »
Quote from: Gneisenau
Metal to Finecast - It is mostly a swap of medium. 

You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline The Black Knight

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #127 on: June 03, 2020, 10:12:06 AM »
Ooof! That is rough. Spray cans are the bane of my existance too. The can you've used is probably an enamel paint spray, no brush on paint is ever going to stick to that :/. So yeah, spray over it with some primer (but perhaps make a small test first  :engel:).

Other than that your fields and houses all look splendid! The fortified manor was a brilliant kit. Almost bought one a couple of years ago for a very decent price. Alas it was not meant to be.
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Offline Midaski

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #128 on: June 12, 2020, 03:12:16 PM »
Ok let's update a few things.

Been working on the Courtyard - ( and I have done the roof on the Inn as well)

Bit of paint on this field.

I cannot decide if those pillars in the corners are meant to be stone, or timber. I think stone as there are a couple of what I think are supposed to be cracks in them.
But I want them to stand out from the walls so pondering on the colour at the moment?

This is a TSS building from the same range as the Coaching Inn - resin panels needing assembly. I have painted it to match the Inn.

Finally I also have several of the Tabletop Workshop plastic buildings.

All the pieces for one 2-storey house.

I have 4 unbuilt buildings, and as above with the Courtyard, 'I am on a roll' with grey stone floors.  :biggriin:

Their concept is that the pieces slot together so they can be dismantled for easy storage. I must admit I have glued mine apart from the roof as I cannot be bothered to take them apart and rebuild them.
Quote from: Gneisenau
Metal to Finecast - It is mostly a swap of medium. 

You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline Midaski

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #129 on: June 12, 2020, 03:26:17 PM »
And another update focussing on minis this time, and as with the post above, catching up on stuff I have been dabbling with recently.

This KS from Midlam arrived a couple of days ago .... ....

and I have assembled and textured them already to 'awaiting delivery of Army Painter Black undercoat' status.
The guy with the tentacle(s) - bottom row, 2nd from right, has had some amputations already, and is currently in the 'conversion area' of my workbench.
Just trying to find the right weapon for him.  :closed-eyes:

And whilst I had the camera out, these are another Midlam KS from a while back, The Adventurers, which I actually prepped and based back around Day 15 of the current 100 Days challenge, I think.

Can you see the two sleeping figures in the foreground - well they will go well with my tents and camping scenery.  :closed-eyes:
Again I might convert a couple of them - the ones that do not have anything in either hand.

And finally, when I reclaim one of my old dried up paint pots, I use a long wooden match as a stirrer, and even after scraping the stick against the inside edge of the pot, there is still some paint left on the match, so being a tightwad, and not wanting to waste any paint, I have been using this 'excess' on some minis that just happen to be standing on my table.  :engel:

That's all folks!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 03:30:31 PM by Midaski »
Quote from: Gneisenau
Metal to Finecast - It is mostly a swap of medium. 

You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #130 on: June 13, 2020, 08:20:29 PM »
On the "posts" for the stone wall ... I pulled my set that are painted out and those look like stone to me.  I noticed that on the stone wall line with the wooden gate, those two posts on both sides of the gate are different and definitely wood when compared to the stone posts at the ends or corners.

My stones got painted a medium gray over a brown primer, and then black washed.  Interestingly in looking at them now, the rocks making up the walls look darker than the end posts.  This is probably because there are more crevices on the smaller stones for the black wash to seep into and so the posts stand out slightly more as a result.
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline The Black Knight

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #131 on: June 16, 2020, 12:50:55 PM »
If you are looking to add a bit of colour variation to your walls, I suggest splashing on a couple of random brown, beige or even tan washes to some of the stones, before drybrushing more gray on. Fieldstone walls are rarely uniform in appearance and this might make them look more natural:

Probably no need to post the picture, as from my visit to the UK I can safely say that the countryside is 90% made of low fieldstone walls and you have plenty of reference material about :icon_wink:.
"All right... we'll call it a draw".

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Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Midaski's Meandering Multitudinous Machinations .... Arise
« Reply #132 on: June 16, 2020, 01:57:35 PM »
Wow, quite the variation there.  Makes my walls look bland.  Maybe I need to heavy dry brush some light gray use some different color washes, and then lightly dry brush the light gray again.
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra