Battle Round 3This time, it’s the Dark Elves turn to get the double turn.
Dark elves round 3:Hero phaseThe cauldron and the sorceress buff the witch elves with their magic.
Movement phaseThe Executioners take position on top of the fountain, knowing that it is the Empires secondary objective, and also important for the primary objective.
ShootingThe Bolt thrower shoots at the steamtank, and does 2 wounds.
The chariot shoots at the wizard, but misses all the shots.
CombatThe Witches do 3 wounds to the steam tank, and the tank does 3 wounds back. In the battleshock phase, 1 more witch dies from battle shock.
Empire round 3.The imperial commander gazes at the battle field and decides that it is time to take a risk. The executioners a standing on top of a vital terrain piece, and they must be dealt with. Now is the time to charge for the glory of Sigmar!
HeroThe wizard hurls a fireball on the witches, killing one. The war altars attempt to pray to Sigmar goes unheard, but the Knights become battle shock immune due to the command ability of the general on the war altar.
ShootingSteam tank shoots 7 witches, war altar kills 6
CombatThe knights bravely charge the Executions, hoping to do some damage. However, the lances miss completely, and only 2 Executioners are slain, trampled under the horses hooves. The executioners strike back, and slay six knights.