Hi everyone,
I write you in representation of a group of warhammer players who are planning to make one of the largest Warhammer battle ever done. We don’t know what is the Guiness Record about that (in fact, there is no record in the Guiness Book about these matters…), but after a searching on the net we found an awesome, enthusiastic, inspirational battle series from Australia. I know his director is also registered in this forum (I salute you Hoodling’s!) and we have been following his blog for years.
Well, if I am not wrong, they put the limit in the Battle of Heffengen with about 35.000 points per side. All painted, of course. So, now we want to push the limits beyond in
a battle of 40.000 points per side. It will be the recreation of an historical battle that all of you surely know:
The Battle at the Gates of Kislev
When and WhereThe battle will take place in October (
EDIT: Probably, at the end of 2017) in a town near Barcelona. We want to prepare all the stuff correctly to make the battle as awesome as possible.
BackgroundAs you maybe know, the
Battle at the Gates of Kislev is the final confrontation between the forces of Order (basically, Empire and Kislev, with a little support from Dwarves and High Elves) against the forces of the Dark Gods during the Great War against Chaos. There is a lot of information about that time in different Warhammer Armies books and other Supplements. In fact, it was the last large chaos invasion before the Storm of Chaos leaded by Archaon. It took place between 2.301 and 2.303 (Imperial Calendar) but some of the characters who play an important role in the war are well known: Teclis, Kholek Suneater, Scyla Anfingrimm, Magnus the Pious, Arbaal the Undefeatable, Valnir the Reaper, High King Alriksson… and many others, including Asavar Kul the Anointed, the Chaos commander.
HowWe have some experience in large battles (but obviously not as large as this!). Last year we played a 12.000 points per side battle, and also a siege battle recreating the siege of Altdorf by Glottkin (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GpLmRX5kJU), where 20.000 points of Chaos attacked 10.000 points of Imperial defenders. So, we have some experience on these matters. But 40.000 points per side is something special and unique. We will make a big effort in economic and time-working terms. And precisely for that reason, we want to make it in the best way possible.
All miniatures of the table will be painted, of course. That’s the minimum. But we will also focus on scenery. Epic battles claims for epic scenery. So, with that idea in my mind, we search for the best scenery range in the market… and we find another member of that forum: Tabletop World.
Thanks to them, we will try to recreate not only some solitary buildings in the table (such a guard tower, a mill or a bridge), but also the gates and buildings of Kislev itself!!
There will be 4 players per side (
EDIT: 3 for Team Kul, 4 for Team Magnus) who will lead an entire flanc or an army host. For example, in the Empire side, one player will lead the defenders of Kislev, while another will drive the cavalry army who will appear in the second turn.
RulesWe will use 9th Age rules to play the battle. This fantastic fanmade rulebook is now the version largely most used in Spain, and we will try to convince the rest of you to use their rules: it’s free, is well playtested and is well balanced. At any rate, we will introduce some little changes for this specific battle because of its huge dimension.
EDIT: We've changed that. We'll finally use WF 8th editionPreparationOf course we will make a battle report and we will also record it for youtube, but meanwhile we have created a specific
blog (both in English and Spanish) where all information, armies, models, etc could be found. We will try to update it at least one or two times per week, showing conversion ideas, painted miniatures, modelling articles and others:
http://thegatesofkislev.blogspot.com.es/This is a crazy idea, but we want to make it. And most important, we want to share it with you. We hope this could be an inspiration for other players (as the Hoodling’s Hole was for us) and maybe you could take some ideas about painting schemes, conversions, fillers, scenery or anything else. By the way, there will be a lot of ministures non from GW range, such as Rackham, Mom, Scibor, Avatars of War, Mierce, Forge World…
After this large explanation I will stop writing… Later I will explain you some interesting things about the army list, characters and other.
Any comment/opinion will be well received!
P.S. I know that some years ago Hoodling's Hole started a post with this very same goal. That post has helped me a lot to prepare this battle. Thanks all of you who participated in that post.