so do I bring imperial guard, skitarii, or dark eldar?
is it recommended to take the maximum number of bodies possible?
and how do the Spec Operatives work?
I guess some of the Mordheim principles apply but skimming the rules there are some interesting bits - dodgy weapons can blow up on you - 2D6 roll against an 'ammo' save
Special Ops - I think you can hire for a single game at a time, and they cost you - Prometheus cache - and so you won't have any first game to hire them anyway.
Campaigns seem to run on first team to hit and hold number of P caches - 15 recommended, and so you would not be able to have a Spec Op guy for the last game - your 15 total would drop to buy one.
Novogrod has Valhallans, which was one of my options as I actually have some painted
but I will probably go with Catachans for variety.
Not sure if Matt is going to try it either - he has Chaos SM figures.
I assumed Fr1day might bring Scouts as he could have the SM models.
You can get some sneaky practice in with him this weekend though ...............................