How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from in your collection ... NOT INCLUDING nonhuman armies?
This question is only about places OUTSIDE the Empire ... and does not include the other armies that are not human.
So ... places like ... Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Estalia, Kislev, Nippon, The Border Princes, Tilea, etc. And yes, if you have units from more than one spot inside these human locations feel free to count each one.
This also does not include Chapters of Knights, nor chaos, dwarf, elf, greenskin, lizard, ogre, skaven (which don't exist anyway), undead realms, etc. Nor places that you're planning to have units from and don't yet. These are being saved for different "polls", thanks!
Also ... a secondary question ... what are the places you have units from OUTSIDE the Empire, not including nonhumans?
NOTE: This poll has been left open so folks can change there answer as they grow or sell off their units.