
Author Topic: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...  (Read 9546 times)

Offline GamesPoet

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How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from in your collection ... NOT INCLUDING nonhuman armies?

This question is only about places OUTSIDE the Empire ... and does not include the other armies that are not human.

So ... places like ... Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Estalia, Kislev, Nippon, The Border Princes, Tilea, etc.  And yes, if you have units from more than one spot inside these human locations feel free to count each one.

This also does not include Chapters of Knights, nor chaos, dwarf, elf, greenskin, lizard, ogre, skaven (which don't exist anyway), undead realms, etc.  Nor places that you're planning to have units from and don't yet.  These are being saved for different "polls", thanks!

Also ... a secondary question ... what are the places you have units from OUTSIDE the Empire, not including nonhumans?

NOTE: This poll has been left open so folks can change there answer as they grow or sell off their units.
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

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Offline GamesPoet

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2020, 04:52:19 PM »
The four places I have units from are as follows ...

1. Matorea in the Border Princes

Have swordsmen, handguunners, halberds ... pistoliers coming soon!

2. My Sforza Family Mercenary Army ... originally from Tobaro

Have crossbows, mounted crossbows, spears & bills, archers, ... knights coming soon!

3. A self-invented Tilean town called Costanzio

Have spears, pikes, bills, men-at-arms (greatswords) ... archers and handgunners coming soon!

4. A self-invented Tilean town called Bracciano

Have archers, men-at-arms (greatswords) ... spears, pikes, bills, handgunners coming soon!

"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Zygmund

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2020, 08:50:10 PM »
Three: Bretonnia, Kislev, Tilea.

Live in peace and prosper.

Offline Gankom

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2020, 09:37:26 PM »
Tricky question, because having an entire homebrew kingdom/setting would suggest the vast majority fall outside the Empire. Keeping it strictly canon probably like 10 or 11. Maybe more.

Border princes (multiple different border princes)
Norsican/imperial Lustria settlement
Imperial allied pirates/Saratoga
Joint dwarf/human hold of Karak-Wolfin (Which goes on to be the capital of above mentioned homebrew kingdom.)
The Travellers style nomads
A number of non chaos 'barbarian' tribes.
Marienburg, because independence forever for the swamp people.

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2020, 11:46:06 AM »
0 but that ain't an option?
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

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Offline GamesPoet

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2020, 03:22:15 AM »
With the suggestion from SKS, and only me and another giving an answer, I reset the "poll". :icon_cool: :::cheers:::
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2020, 03:26:38 AM »
Tricky question, because having an entire homebrew kingdom/setting would suggest the vast majority fall outside the Empire. Keeping it strictly canon probably like 10 or 11. Maybe more.

Border princes (multiple different border princes)
Norsican/imperial Lustria settlement
Imperial allied pirates/Saratoga
Joint dwarf/human hold of Karak-Wolfin (Which goes on to be the capital of above mentioned homebrew kingdom.)
The Travellers style nomads
A number of non chaos 'barbarian' tribes.
Marienburg, because independence forever for the swamp people.
That is quite the collection.  I count ten, but that is only counting one Border Prince, and your's was plural.

And I didn't count Marienburg, because that is part of the other "poll" INSIDE the Empire, although I'm sure there are those who'd disagree, so I'm flexible.

So it seems your in the "Eleven or more" catagory. :icon_cool: :::cheers:::
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 03:28:55 AM by GamesPoet »
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Gankom

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2020, 04:46:53 PM »
Ha, I figured it was a tricky one GP! Especially the Border Princes. Theoretically there's at least two, plus some minor city states, from a campaign where they fought each other. But I'd personally lump them into one "Border princes".

I actually voted in the poll and went with 10, because I don't want to count to much of the homebrew stuff. Most of it isn't really set in the Old World or around a bouts.

Offline Padre

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2020, 11:32:49 PM »
12, if how I use them counts.

8 are full armies. 4 are just several units strong.

I have the following fully painted and entire armies ...

Tilea - actually two armies (a mercenary 'condottiere' one and a city-militia one) from different places, so yeah, 2 armies.
Tilea - Halfling (a brigade of 36 pike with two detachments of archers)
Sartosa - generic, fantasy pirates
Flagellant/cultist army - Morrites
Bretonnia - usual sort of stuff. I also have a mercenary company (the Brabanzon) as a completely separate entity, which use the Tilean list as a form of condottiere.
Northern / Border Princes nomads  - Either slightly chaos-affected Steppes warriors to the north (masses of light horse with a few chaos elements) but I have also used them in old campaigns as a Border Princes' force without the chaos-y bits. There are also several units of foot spearmen and bowmen which I have used as a different Border Princes armies too, either combined with the horse or not.

I also have painted units each units from ...

Cathay - halberd and crossbow.
Estalia - handgun and swords.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 08:43:05 AM by Padre »
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2020, 12:44:26 AM »
Yep, a unit can count. :::cheers:::
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Jmash

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2020, 12:42:13 PM »
From Outside the Empire I have;

Manann's Blades & the Mordheim warband - Marienburg

Plenty of Dogs of War - Tilea/Estalia (I'm just going to count as 2 because I have representatives from nearly all the sets)

Lietpold the Black - does he count as Border Princes by himself!?

Bretonnians - Not yet decided which duchies these will be from yet

High Elves - Again, not decided where exactly from though, probably a bit of everything

Wood Elves - Do they even have more than one location!?  :laugh:

Dwarfs - Thinking Karak Hirn

A unit of Kossars from Kislev but hoping to expand on this

Sooo at present I count 9.

Offline Padre

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2020, 12:57:22 PM »
Non-human armies are gonna feature later, I think. At least that's what my addled brain is telling me GP once said.
Photobucket has now re-destroyed my pictures, so the first half of my collected works thread is no longer working again. To see my website version of the campaign thread, with fully functioning pictures, please go to https://bigsmallworlds.com/

Offline Jmash

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2020, 01:23:46 PM »
Ah - In that case it's 6.  :biggriin:

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2020, 03:23:15 PM »
Padre ... appreciate the reminder, thank you and may blessings of happiness and health be upon you. :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool: :::cheers:::
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Warlord

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2020, 01:19:11 AM »
I'm kinda confused by the secondary question....

I have an army from Marienburg.
I have a Cratheginean army (a warhammer style army based on Hannibal's Cartheginean armies that crossed the alps and rampaged through the Italian countryside - that army has about 20 units in it depending on armylist, but I used the Empire armylist).
I have a Kislev army, which I often combine with my Ulrican army.
I have exiled Bretonnian knights in my Stirland army.
I have human models in my Vampire Counts army (sylvannians - 2 melee units, 1 missile, and a war machine)

I have Ogres and Dwarves in my Hochland army.
I have Ogres and Halflings in my Stirland army.
I have Imperial Dwarves in my Reikland army.

Are we counting Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown?
I have a Galloper Gun in my Hochland army, in my Reikland army, and my Stirland army.
I have Birdmen of Catrazza in my Reikland army.
I have Briganza's Besiegers in my Hochland army.

I possibly have more elsewhere, but cannot recall right now.
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2020, 02:01:53 PM »
You name it I got :blush:

Offline ZeroTwentythree

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2020, 03:06:41 AM »
My Marienburg army is confused by some of these polls.

I could have an entire army "outside" the Empire based on Marienburg independence, OR based on the idea that army is almost entirely mercenaries recruited throughout the Old World. I haven't determined the nationality of each individual figure, but they mostly conform to the landsknecht style puff & slash. So far.  :wink:

Not sure where my Jackrabbit Trading Company project, mixed human and halfling merchant company, fits the into this.

I do have some distinctly non-Empire human units in progress or planned... Built some Oathmark humans as independent hill-folk/bandits of the Grey Mountains but haven't painted them yet. Also a unit of Bretonnian "younger sons" knights/mercenary cavalry. The Birdmen keep calling to be painted too.  :icon_lol:

I think I've veered so far off official WFB canon, I can't answer this poll.  :-D

Offline Baneblade

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2020, 10:22:05 PM »
My army is a mercenary army using Empire models and rules (mostly). Though the majority of the lads are of Imperial descent from the various provinces. A few are from the Wasteland and Marienburg, and I have a couple Free Company regiments with Norscan dudes. Think I may add more as well.

Offline Brother Sutek

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2021, 02:07:04 AM »
Lots of Dogs of War.
I may disagree with what you say but I respect your right to be punished for it.

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Offline Sharkbelly

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2021, 04:44:06 AM »
Yay Dogs of War!

I have lots of single models from other places.


and Araby:

Offline WarhammerWodner

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2021, 03:26:58 PM »
I have several small but only one real army outside.

In Tilea the real army and in
Bretonnian, Kislev, Estilia smaller units.


Offline Warlord

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2021, 01:02:35 PM »
Were you mainly a Dogs of War player?
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline WarhammerWodner

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2021, 10:03:11 AM »
Hey Warlord,

I would say so, yes.
As my community in Austria is not that big, I always adjusted to what they did.

Cheers, Wodner  :wink:

Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2021, 12:40:34 PM »
What! Humans outside the Empire!? I am a loyal subject of Karl Franz!
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline Warlord

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Re: POLL: How many places OUTSIDE the Empire do you have units from ...
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2021, 02:45:06 AM »
What! Humans outside the Empire!? I am a loyal subject of Karl Franz!

Surely you have heard of Tzarina Katarin - that frosty northern neighbour of ours who supplies us with excellent Kvas to drink!
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.