Long story that I will no doubt detail a bit when I start a thread. But to summarise...
Nothing is really stopping me from painting but the way I've approached this project is that everything (and I mean everything) has been progressed at the same time, so instead of build-paint-build-paint it has been a case of build everything, paint everything.
My whole Empire army is now more or less built, certainly the infantry is and at the very least the parts for everything have all been assigned to their respective personnel, some bits blue-tacked in sub assemblies. I've been spending lots of time (it feels like years... and probably is!) meticulously removing mould lines and I'm finally getting through the last of my plastic units which are the greatswords. Last steps are to give everybody heads and accessorise them with bits and bobs, shortswords and powder cases etc. then the whole lot can move into the painting phase. I'll tackle the mould lines and flash on my metal units and characters when I come to paint them because most of them are monopose and don't need assembling other than whacking them on a base.
Hence my desire to get at least something painted this year, it seems small and easily do-able but in my grand scheme it'll mean I've progressed to the next phase and edging nearer to completion.
I have my colours planned out, sometimes even to individual models in the case of some characters and I feel the end getting closer, so at some point in the next few weeks/months I reckon I'll start painting up some test troops to refine my approach ready for the real deal.