« Last post by Clymer on December 05, 2024, 05:59:11 PM »
Yeah, the wizard does more damage in combat than the general. In that RTT I ran both and the wizard outperformed the general in wound output... by a lot.
I ran a two headed griffon with a demonolgy wizard. You get Demonic vigor on the turn you charge, so you're at Initiative 7 on a frontal charge, or initiative 8 for a flank or rear charge, which is common, so definitely going first even against elites and some of the crazy combat oriented characters out there. If they do get to strike back, you're now up to T5 which is great.
Once you're in combat, Demonic Vessel is amazing. The wizard is WS4, which isn't awful. But now he has 3 attacks at S4 and AP-1. I ran my guy with the biting blade, so his attacks were AP -2 when he had demonic vessel up. Then you have the two heads. He's WS5 which means you're more likely to get both of them to hit than not. Then it's S7 with Demonc vessel, so unless you're fighting a dragon or something, you're likely wounding on 2s. Then it's now AP -1 thanks to vessel. But AP -1 and Armor Bane and multiple wounds 2 is bonkers. Very helpful for dealing with Khorne Juggernaughts and Giant Chaos Spawn. But then, you get your wicked claws attacks. With Vessel, you get 4, WS5 Attacks with S7 and AP -3. It's really nuts.
Now, after you've done somewhere between 4 and 7 wounds from your wizard and griffon alone, you get your stupid good Demonic familiars assailment spell. 2d6 S2 with no armor saves is good against everything. Against basic troops, you're going to a ton of wounds. Against elites and cav, you don't do as many wounds, but that ignore armor save guarantees a few get through. And since elites and cav come in fewer numbers, just getting 1-3 wounds through is very helpful.
With Daemonolgy, the obvious picks for the Griffon Wizard are Daemonic Vessel, Daemonic Familiars, and Deamonic Vigor. But the other spells give you some flexibility depending on what you are up against:
The summoning is great for that first turn or two while you're getting into place. Maybe you don't use it while marching, but since you get
the free 90 degree pivot if you don't march, this can be more helpful than not, especially if you are gun lining anyway.
my favorite, when you're facing the right army, is Gathering darkness. Yes, please make your terror test against me at your own leadership -2 when I come charge at you so I can either run you down or redirect into your friends and take two units out of the game for the price of one.
Steed of shadows can be amazing if you're running a good infantry block: Send your tar pit infantry block into the face of something you want to pin down, then move your griffon around for a side charge. The only one I don't think is super helpful is Vortex, but maybe you could use that as blocking/discouraging terrain. Remains in play so it could keep doing its thing after you get into combat. So it's useful, just not the best pick IMHO.