@GamesPoet - it wasn't that bad!!!
Managed to devote another evening to terrain building and I have some modest progress to report.
The rear side of the hill was built up with some cork bits to make a little outcrop.
I’ve also filled and smoothed out most of the joints where the cork bark meets the foam. The stairs at the front were finally cut to shape and secured.
Nothing huge as you can see but it needed to be done, before I glue down the walls and begin texturing the base. Any time spent on the hobby is worth cash money to me right now!
I have also fiddled around with one of the statues. There are two possible places where I can see them standing. One is at the front where GamesPoet suggested:
This looks pretty cool, it’s a nice visible spot but it obscures the little windows a bit.
I could also see placing them at the back (or maybe just one of them and using the other one for some other project). Decisions! What do you guys think?
I am also considering adding a few long steps along the edges of the temple, instead of the foam you see here:
I was planning on making a gently dropping slope here with DAS putty, but now I’m thinking a few stairs might look more in tune with the idea of an ancient temple that I have. In ancient Greece the classic temple would be sat on this multi-layered structure called the crepidoma, as marked here:
I would only do the steps running from one rocky outrcrop to another at the sides, but it still might look cool. On the other hand, this would probably make balancing big units of troops on the sides of the hill even harder. Plus it's going back and redoing the sides really. Me no like redoing. We'll see on the next update I guess!