Does anyone still answer 8th Ed questions? Is Fidelis still around?
So Lore of Life and the Steam Tank...
Just kidding, here goes:
Steam Tank shootingIn 8th Ed all members of a unit have to shoot at the same target if no rule allows them to do otherwise (sniper).
If I fire the steam gun at something (lets say, a monster) would I also have to fire the steam turret at the same target, if possible, or could I chose a different target?
I argue one could chose a different target, as a cannon does not nominate a specific ENEMY to shoot at but rather a POINT on the battlefield and then hopefully bounce into an enemy.
While the steam turret thing has to be aimed at an ENEMY.
So I could technically pick different targets as the cannon does not pick a target but rather a point.
Would that be correct under RAW?
Random Movement of the Steam TankNot only subject to the steam tank but has it been clarified how random movement into a fleeing unit works?
A fleeing unit can only chose FLEE as a reaction.
Random movement does not allow a charge reaction.
1) Would the Stank stop 1 inch before the fleeing unit as it impossible to move closer to any unit than 1 inch unless charged?
2) Would the fleeing unit be destroyed (can find no evidence to support this)?
3) Would the fleeing unit "pop through" and take dangerous terrain tests?
Common sense could dictate this should be treated as the fleeing unit gets destroyed but can find no evidence in the RAW.
Rules seem to indicate option (1)
Was this ever clarified?