Week 3 saw me taking out the Ard Boyz unit and having the Nobs I mentioned previously go with the Warboss in the Trukk. Had three losses, but not too concerned about my record now being 2 wins, 6 losses because I'm learning and 4 of the 6 losses have been close.
This time first game was against Tyranids. He had two units of 3 warriors, one joined by a Prime. He had another unit of one figure that had some sort of funky missile weapon that could go around cover, and a drop pod like thing carrying a creature that caused leadership rolls on three dice with the difference in wounds, and those being added to his strength and wounds. This was not a close game because again I wasn't aggressive enough nor familiar with the enemy yet.
Then I got another game in against the same BT player as before. This time I played much better tactically, and the nobs with painboy seemed helpful. He took more casualties this time, it came down to the final turn, almost got a draw, and this was a significant improvement over my prior game against this very skilled player.
Game three was versus Grey Knights made up of 4 squads of five, all power weapons, a couple of hammers, one psy gun, and an inquisitor with no add ons. I took alot of shooting casualties early, but he hung one squad out away from significant support and my nobs cut them down. This guy's tactics seemed lacking, and it came down to the last turn with my Warboss and Painboy being a 1/16th of an inch away from contesting for a draw.
My experience continues to gain, but with so much to learn, there's alot to take in and think about. In the meantime, after three weeks, Round 1 is over, scored 32 points, bought Ghazghkull for later rounds, and Round 2 is at 750 points for the next three weeks. Need to take an inventory of the figures I have available, purchase an army slot or two using the 22 points I have after buying the SC with 10, create a list for 750 points, and do some more painting.