Aldaris, he was talking specifically about killing vehicles, because fortitude is prevalent (I think close to 50% of tourney lists are grey knights) and imperial guard can take like 15 vehicles.
He says that the longfangs work better because they can kill tanks with melta (which they can get loads of) and powerfists, where as all that DE have are heatlances, haywire grenades, and dark lances.
And Blasters (nice job of him leaving those out).... and don't discount haywire grenades, those are awesome. Especially against a non-moving IG parking lot.
Besides, no min-maxing super duper tourney-list tweaker is going to take powerfists. Too expensive for them.
Don't believe that bullshit. Besides, how many GT circuit tournaments do you plan to participate in?
But apparently DE normally finish well in tourneys. Maybe because good players are drawn to them. Or just because they are good and different.
Dark Eldar are very, very good, but also very unforgiving to play. They're the ultimate glass cannons.