
Author Topic: Need help figuring out a decent army build  (Read 7828 times)

Offline Asoma

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Need help figuring out a decent army build
« on: April 24, 2012, 09:48:25 PM »
Hey guys this is my first time that i am posting so if this is in the wrong area just let me know. so i have been playing 40k for a 3 years and i now want to get into the fantasy area of the game and after looking at a few different armies i am going with the mighty Empire. so my big question was what should i buy first now the things to keep in mind is that i do not want just a gun line army i only play with friends. i would just like to get a few cool level heads to step in and prevent me from wasting all my money on units i might not need right away

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Need help figuring out a decent army build
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 08:07:12 AM »
you might want to browse the Parade Ground sub forum to get some ideas and to post your "test" build so we can comment it.
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Offline Betulas

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Re: Need help figuring out a decent army build
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 09:19:34 AM »
Although it's not out yet you might want to start with the empire battalion - it's a good box with a few useful units in it - i think it's out sometime this May.

When starting a new project I usually go for the battalion, a general box, mage box and the book - looking at about £120... but you can play strat off the bat with this... gl!!  :-)
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Offline Corax13

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Re: Need help figuring out a decent army build
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2012, 04:28:50 PM »
There's a blurb on the Games Workshop website that tells you how to quickly build a 1000, 2000 and 3000 pts army.

If you buy a battalion, you need to add some sort of general and maybe a wizmobile. The wizard kit is cool because you can use the wizard in combination with the wizmobile or not already. It makes 2 wizards I think and there's likely bitz leftover, so not a bad deal in itself.

Before you start though, think about what you want to do. Do you want to play competitive? Do you want to play relaxed games with your buds, do you want to collect or do you want to go all fluff? That's really the most important question you have to ask yourself.

If you want to go competitive, then read the posts on this forum and average it out. You'll need at least two battalions, plus demigryffs, a few war priests, maybe the war altar and one or the two wizmobiles, a BSB, a general of some sort (maybe a wizard lord since you'll definitely need wizards), perhaps eventually a great griffin (the kit is a good deal if you magnetized some of the options), the hellblaster kit, etc. Anyways, you'll need lots.

If you play relaxed games, then start with a few things like a battalion and use proxy to test stuff out before buying the rest.

My favorite is fluff building. You find/create interesting background and you build from there, even if the list ends up unbalanced, then you pick something from here, some from there and you convert stuff or use other ranges, etc. This is best, if you play on a smaller scale like with the "Warbands" rules, and it adds a lot of role play to the game...

Don't forget to check on Ebay or with regular games stores to find the old Empire Army box. I'm sure there are still some of those around and that's where you really get your money's worth!
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Offline Nasse

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Re: Need help figuring out a decent army build
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2012, 06:44:54 PM »
On this subject, I'm looking at starting an Empire army after getting bored with my Bretonnians. (funny how I'm always drawn to playing humans)
Anyway, I'm bored with cavalry, and the knights are fugly to boot.
What I'd like in my army:
Warmachines (loads, especially the Helblaster)
Demigryph knights

What I ABSOLUTELY don't want
Luminark of Hyss or any other one of the new ugly chariot thingies (okay, maybe the war altar)

How big does my army have to be to afford Demigryph knights?
Ideally I'd like to start with a 1000 point army.

Offline Corax13

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Re: Need help figuring out a decent army build
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2012, 03:00:02 AM »
Not that big actually.

Basic demigriffs are 58 pts, and you must put at least 3 so 174 pts.
If you go with a full command, add 30 pts, so 204 pts = 20,4 % of your special allotment, well within the requirements.

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Offline Nasse

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Re: Need help figuring out a decent army build
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2012, 06:37:43 AM »
Not that big actually.

Basic demigriffs are 58 pts, and you must put at least 3 so 174 pts.
If you go with a full command, add 30 pts, so 204 pts = 20,4 % of your special allotment, well within the requirements.
Oh right, it's been ages since I played Fantasy Battles, I had forgotten about the percentages thing.
I was asking at which point limit do demigryphs become viable gameplaywise? Or do they perform as well in 1000 points as they do in 2500?

Offline FriscoEmpire

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Re: Need help figuring out a decent army build
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2012, 03:32:01 AM »
Has anyone posted anything concerning the relative strengths of fielding an Empire army heavy in core infantry with detachments versus an Empire army heavy in cavalry (and maybe some Demigryphs marching right up the middle)?

In fact, in battles of 2,000+ points per side, always assuming proper army composition, I wonder if it's better to field a mixed and diverse army (a little of everything), or if it's universally stronger to field an army heavily weighted toward ...

1.) Infantry blocks on a big scale (regiments and detachments)
2.) Cavalry sweeping in from all sides
3.) Artillery (and all manner of gunpowder troops) bringing down the thunder
4.) The Arch Lector and his War Altar and some Warrior Priests and Flaggies marching on toward glory
5.) As much magic as you can muster.

In other words, is it better to field an army "all of one theme," so to speak.  (And if so, which of these themes would be universally strongest?)  Or is it just better to stick some solid infantry in the middle (bolstered by a Priest or a General and a BSB), some cavalry on the flanks, and some artillery behind it all?