Imagine you had bought the end times stuff, how much were the 4 books? £40 a pop plus the expensive new miniatures only to see your investment replaced in under 6 months. Sucks to be those guys who bought into it
That would be my friend. He bought everything. Never even got one game of ETs in before the world went tits up.
Go in with an older mate in a suit, and approach the manager for a refund on that basis - when he looks confused say "I've brought my solicitor with me, who will be listening to your response!"
Guy I used to work with pretended to be my "lawyer", Al Goldstein, over the phone when talking to a small insurance company that was stringing me along after a car accident. Got a check within the week. I could never have gotten away with it, but he had huge balls, was sharp as a tack, and could talk the lingo assertively. Don't even want to know what kind of laws he was breaking or what would have happened if they called his bluff.