
Author Topic: Army lists for the Campaign  (Read 5832 times)

Offline Oss

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Army lists for the Campaign
« on: April 08, 2007, 09:39:02 PM »
It would be great to have a place to post your army lists for the campaign, wouldn't it?

As long as you're looking for tactical advice, the Parade Ground is still the place to go, this is rather for themed/fluffy lists supported by campaign background.

I'll start:

1000 Points for the Nemesis Crown - part 1: The march to Nuln


Hartmann von Höllental: Captain, Full Plate, Shield, Sword of Sigismund                             105 pts.


Johann von Murmelsee: Captain, Pegasus, Full Plate,                                                      108 pts.


Höllenthaler Hellebardiere - 25 halberdiers, Full command, Champion: Albrecht Schneider     145 pts.
                                     Detachment: 10 Settlers (Free Company)                                50 pts.

3. Murmelseer Hellebardiere - 25 halberdiers, Full command, Champion: Karl Konstanzer         145 pts.
                                     Detachment: 10 Settlers (Free Company)                                 50 pts.

Ostwalder Jäger - 10 Huntsmen, Marksman: Christian Binder                                            106 pts.


Die Standhaften - 21 Great Swords, Count's Champion: Erich Müller                                   240 pts.
                         Detachment: Burgwache: 10 Halberdiers                                               50 pts. 

                                                                                                                    Total:  999 pts.
Quoted From Wyzer1: "Actually I believe most of the game is fairly well balanced, and I applaud GW for this awesome game. Thats why we pay $300++ for their models. That and we all have mental issues."

Offline lemercenaire

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 10:27:18 PM »
Well you don't have magic defence ,you should IMO.

Some fast units would help too cuz you just have a captasus that move more than 4/8''.

Because of this you could be outmanoeuvred and/or outshoot/outmagic horribly I think .

But anyway you can't tell a heart not to love :icon_rolleyes:
God ,if you wont help me then stay out of the way...

Offline Jerok

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 12:37:27 AM »
Very good idea Oss. Here is my current list with a bit of backup fluff. Oh, first, I have to inform that the list is based off of the 30years war, and so the only troop types I’ll be taking are spears (as pikes) Handgunner Detachments, Artillery and Pistoliers. Also, while I will take magic items, I’ll make up other stuff for them because, obviously, magic was not a real part of that war.

110 - Martin Von Storegothe (Captain) - Martin is the third son of the Duke Helmut III Von Storegothe, who’s Realm is within the Border Princes, a peaceful realm marred only by the occasional roaming band of brigands. Duke Helmut III had called his sons to war, and having researched the Formations of War Martin Von Storegothe formed his regiment out of the townspeople of the village he was ruler of. Setting out long before his brothers and father, Martin gained valuable experience under the influence of the Empire during the Battle for Fort Helstrum, the month-long campaign against the Greenskin menace. With the destruction of the Fort, Martin followed with the rest of the Empires rearguard force and fought his way back to Wissenland, and began to rest his men and receive reinforcements and supplies from his far away home. Now leads his men across the forest to Talabheim to join the forces gathering there as a hired force.
            Non-Belief (Aldred’s Casket) – Martin Von Storegothe is a man of History. He despises the idea of the “Winds of Magic” to such a degree that he has become an aversion to magical energy, a polar that acts upon magic forces with such strength that it not only repels their force, but banishes it’s being from the area.
            Full Plate Armour, Shield, Hand Weapon – A gift from his father, Martin wears this armour with pride and maintains it himself.

134 – 19x Spearmen w/Shields – When Martin Von Storegothe was researching the art of War he came across an ancient formation of battle, the Tercio. Formed solely of Spearmen and Handgunners, the Tercio was the perfect thing to make the Von Storegothe army different and stand out from any other on the field of battle, a 1:2 ratio of Spearmen flanked by Arquebusiers. And so did Martin train his original recruits in the formation, but because the numbers were not available to him he could not field a proper Tercio, forced to divide his Spears and Handgunners into two separate units. The majority of the Spearmen with him now are veterans, having fought multiple engagements against foes never even heard of in their peaceful home. They fight under the banner of the Enraged Bull, found after centuries from a civilization which spawned the people of the Von Storegothe Dukedom in the present age, their splendor gone but their fervor and constitution still prevailing. The Spearmen have suffered strange fates in the past battles though, being swept aside by strange and unusual beasts the likes of which had never been imagined by the 

80 – 10x Arquebusiers (Handgunners) – The newest group to join Martin, they spent extra time at home training in the use of the Arquebuse. Having become proficient in it’s use they joined Martin in Wissenland and act as their own unit until the point when Martin can insure that they will be more proficient within the Tercio. They have already proven themselves after a string of battles against roving bands on the way to Talabheim.

100 – The Old Canon (Great Canon) – The Old Canon had sat in the center of Martin’s village for as long as anyone could remember, and so when called to war it was not in particularly fine shape. And so, with commission from his father, Bartholomew Von Storegothe, son of Martin, brought the old Canon, along with the blacksmiths son and the old Amsterdam No-Eye, to the Citadel of the Von Storegothe lands and had it reworked into working fashion. And so has Bartholomew become the artillery commander, proficient in pinpointing shots with his canon and extremely dangerous with skilled Grapeshots nearly every engagement he enters. His only bane is the fiddling of more ‘experienced’ men, often causing something to go wrong in the middle of the battle.

75 – The Makeshift (Mortar) – Martin had received a trio of men from his brother, who hoped they could be trained in the use of Artillery in combat. And so Martin was able to scrounge up a mortar, though it lacked the proper harness for its use. And so the three men sent from his brother are forced to use whatever they can find to brace the Mortar during battle, but in doing so they have often created such a configuration that they have been able to fling a shell with such a strange spin that it takes out more than could be possible. Entire Rat Ogres have been destroyed in such a way.

Total - 500points
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 12:43:21 AM by Jerok »
That's what she said

Offline Oss

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 10:13:34 AM »
But anyway you can't tell a heart not to love :icon_rolleyes:

Quite right  :smile2:

i don't intend on using this list for the actual campaign, it's rather there to give an impression on how the army develops as my General gathers troops. Shooting and maneuverable elements will follow...
Quoted From Wyzer1: "Actually I believe most of the game is fairly well balanced, and I applaud GW for this awesome game. Thats why we pay $300++ for their models. That and we all have mental issues."

Offline Reynard_of_Bogenhafen

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2007, 11:33:43 PM »
For the nemesis campaign,

Luthor Huss,  180 pts

Grandmaster (Reynard of Bogenhafen) (Using the 2nd incarnation of Valten model)
hammer of judgement, holy relic                                   215 pts

BSB Captain Blanche,
AoMI, icon of magnus                                                  125 pts

Lvl 1 wizard Gerhard of the bright college
2X dispel scroll                                                            115 pts

24 x 2nd Bogenhafen spears,
shields, full command,
detachments, 8 halberds, 5 handgunners                       242 pts

24 x 1st Bogenhafen swords,
full command,
detachments, 8 halberds, 5 handgunners                       255 pts

10 handgunners,
Marksman, hochland longrifle (I know... but i'm not just buying them for the rifle) 105 pts

20 flagellents                                                             200 pts

20 flagellents                                                             200 pts

8 innercircle knights,
full command, banner of arcane warding,                       278 pts

10 huntsmen, Vashtars bastards,                                  100 pts

1 cannon                                                                  100 pts

1 mortar                                                                     75 pts

5 pistolier                                                                   90 pts

models: 147

dispel dice: 4 (magic res 2 for the knights) 2x dispel scolls

Grandmaster and Huss both go in with the knights, immune to psychology, cause fear, hatred to all bar the grandmaster.
Reynard Von Ruggbroder: Von Klaust's laurels of acclamation, bearer of the crimson ribbon, the shield of Valkin, keeper of the scroll of ludendorf, The eagle of Magnus, The Kannagheim Death's Head.

Offline Ansel

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2007, 04:01:48 PM »

Anders Brechausen
Warrior Priest
Heavy Armor

Captain Elwin Koenig
Full Plate


Spearmen (20)
Shields (20)

Det. Handgunners (10)

Det. Halberdiers (8)

Crossbowmen (10)

Det. Archers (5)

Det. Handgunners (5)

Knights (5)
Standard-Steel Standard

Great Cannon

Pistoliers (5)

Maybe not the most tactically sound force, but very fun and flexible. I plan on adding more fluff later. The idea behind this force is that they were redirected to Talabecland from the main force of Bogenhafen under Luthor Huss (Reynard's Force). They were put under the command of Brechausen the Warrior Priest.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 03:31:09 PM by Ansel »
"The problem in my last battle was that my detachment was too detached!"

Offline Lachieo

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2007, 01:45:08 AM »
My list has already been posted in the parade ground but here it is anyway:
Lords - 453pts
Count Konrad of Altdorf – 167pts (General)
Dawn armour, shield, barded warhorse, lance, icon of Magnus.

Lector Ferdinand – 286pts (Arch Lector)
Armour of meteoric iron, Van Horstmann's speculum, great weapon, War Alter.

Heroes - 537pts
Nicolas – 112pts (Captain)
Battle standard bearer, full plate armour, barded warhorse.

Gabriel – 131pts (Warrior Priest)
Heavy armour, shield, silver horn.

Abraham – 144pts (Warrior Priest)
Heavy armour,  shield, barded warhorse, great weapon, doomfire ring.

Barthel – 150pts (Battle Wizard)
Lvl 2, 2 de-spell scrolls.

Core - 1428pts
Altdorf's Halberdiers (24) – 225pts   [Abraham here]
Full command.
9 Free companies
5 Archers

Nicolas' Half Pikes (27) – 245pts   [Nicolas and Barthel here]
Full command.
9 Free companies
5 Archers

Swords of Sigmar (28) – 278pts   [Konrad here]
Full command.
9 Free companies
5 Archers

Children of Sigmar (24 Flagellants) – 240pts

Altdorf's Rifles (10) – 105pts
Marksman, long rifle.

Altdorf's Rifles (10) – 105pts
Marksman, long rifle.

Reiksguard Knights (5) – 115pts

Hunters of Sigmar (5) - 115pts

Special - 470pts
Inner Circle Reiksguard (5) – 195pts [Abraham here]
Full command, warbanner.

Goblin Bane (mortar) – 75pts

Dragon Bane & Giant Bane (2 Great Cannons) – 200pts

Rare – 110pts
The Big Boom (Hellblaster) – 110pts

Total: 2998pts
PD: 4 + 7 bound spells.
DD: 7
Models: 190

I've got a little bit of fluff written in one of these topics but eventually I'll have to write more.
I have CDO, it's OCD but in alphabetical order. The Way It Should Be!
W/L/D 8th ED Army of Awesomeness: 10/0/0 :)

Offline Sherminator1

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2007, 07:38:10 PM »
Grand Army of Carroburg

Prince-Lector Ferdinand III of Carroburg          149
     -Barded Warhorse
     -Hammer of Judgement

1st Carroburg Greatswords of Foot         210
-18 Greatswords                             
     -Full Command
-10 Free Company                     50             
-8 Handgunners                         64                       

Eberk Gausser                  110
-Warrior Priest     
     -Heavy Armor
     -Barded Warhorse

8th Carroburg Swords of Foot            183
-28 Swordsmen     
     -Standard Bearer
-10 Free Company                 50
-8 Handgunners                     64

Ignacious Oberst                  110
-Warrior Priest     
     -Heavy Armor
     -Barded Warhorse

12th Carroburg Swords of Foot            183
-28 Swordsmen     
     -Standard Bearer
-10 Free Company                 50
-8 Handgunners                     64

Franz Eberhardt                  110
-Warrior Priest     
     -Heavy Armor
     -Barded Warhorse

21st Carroburg Spears of Foot            180
-28 Spearmen     
     -Standard Bearer
-10 Free Company                 50
-8 Handgunners                     64

3rd Rieksguard Brigade               115
-5 Knightly Orders     

2nd Rieksguard Brigade               115
-5 Knightly Orders     

6th Light Riders                  90   
-5 Pistoliers     

20th Heavy Battery of Cannon
-Great Cannon                     100
-Great Cannon                     100

Quote from: Dendo Star
In America, God makes gas prices cheaper because we slaughtered plenty of native savages.

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2007, 07:15:16 PM »
People may recall the recent thread requesting career counseling.  This was brought about by heroic death of my long time standby General of the Emperor and the need to try something different.  So the choice was Arch Lector with a used popemobile or Wizard Lord.


The consensus was that the world was not ready for my Eccentric self to take holy vows.  So in taking a Wizard Lord on the table top,  I need an army that does not need to rely too much upon the generals leadership.  The fluff has been added to the thread listed above.

Rufas of Nordland, Provisional Wizard Lord, 4th Level
Mage of the Celestial College, Order of Teclis, 3rd Class
Holy Relic, Rod of Power, Ring of Volans, Barded War Horse
326 pts.

Simon the Self Righteous, Priest of Sigmar
Use Luthor Huss figure
Sword of Justice, Icon of Magnus
Heavy Armor, Shield, Barded War Horse
Chaplin to Sigmar’s Zweihanders
155 pts.

Alrick the Frenzied, Priest of Ulric
Spells are uncannily like the Priest of Sigmar
Use mounted Ulric Priest figure
Sword of Might, Doomfire Ring
Heavy Armor, Shield, Barded War Horse
Chaplin to Ulric’s Hamerers
155 pts.
Sigmar’s Zweihanders, 23 Greatswords, Full Command
Use standard Greatswords figures.
10 Swordsmen detachment
5 Archers detachment
360 pts.

Ulric’s Hammerers, 23 Greatswords, Full Command
Use Teutogen Guard figures.
10 Swordsmen detachment
5 Archers detachment
360 pts.

1st Squad Knights von Richtofen, 5 Knights, 115 pts.

2nd Squad Knights von Richtofen, 5 Knights, 115 pts.

1st Company Salzenmund Crossbows, 80 pts.

2nd Company Salzenmund Crossbows, 80 pts.

Sisters of Sigmar, 10 Flagellants, 100 pts.
Mordheim figures same name.

Ulric’s Lunatics, 10 Flagellants, 100 pts.

Old Unreliable, Steam Tank, 300 pts.

Total 2246 pts. 6 dispel dice, 6 power dice

Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline Dendo Star

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2007, 07:43:21 PM »
It looks great, but you only have 3 characters?  :Ohmy:
I'm in college!

Offline Rufas the Eccentric

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2007, 12:58:20 AM »
The Count's only giving me a paltry 2250 gold pieces a month for upkeep of this force, and I just can't fit another one in.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 02:23:25 PM by Rufas the Eccentric »
Sigmar on a sling, the stuff some people come up with. . . .

Offline nub5

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2007, 10:53:43 PM »
Going be starting with Cedric Von Klaus (Metal Wizard) moving through the forest (500 pt warband) to meet up with the Noble Count Bernhardt (Captain).  After a few adventures (playing some of the 1000 point scenarios) Count Bernhardt will stop by his wealthy estate to pick up his trusty stead Percilla and Hire some Ogre mercenaries.  Abou this time Cedric and the count will be order to meet up w/ the rest of the defense force shown below.

Arch-lector of Taal - 231 points
(Holy Relic, AOMI, VHS, Great Weapon)

Beast Wizard lvl 2 - 130
(Rod of Power)

Metal Wizard lvl 2 - 150
(Dispel Scroll, Icon of Magnus)

Captainsus - 157
(FPA, Enchanted Shield, Lance, Doomfire Ring, Pegasus-Percilla)

23 Swordsmen - 248 (163 base)(Full Command)
 Detach: 5 Handgunners (40)
 Detach: 9 Halberdiers (45) 
*Arch-lector and Beast mage in this unit.

19 Greatswords -  305 (220 base)
(Full Command)
  Detach: 5 archers (40)
 Detach: 9 Free Company (45) 
* Metal Wizard in this unit.

5 Nilla Knights - 115

10 Hangdunners - 80

5 Pistoliers - 114
(Champion w/ Repeater, Musician)

2 Great Cannons - 200

3 Ogre Maneaters - 270pt
(Heavy Armor, Brace of Pistols).

Total 2000.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2007, 11:00:22 PM by nub5 »
Empire,  HUA!   :biggriin:
And the dice like non-proxied, painted minis. :icon_mrgreen: :icon_lol:

Offline Mark Perry

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2007, 12:42:48 AM »
Can someone confirm the points cost for Karl Franz in the campaign booklet he is 310 points and the Dragon in 230 I think, in the Empire book he is more expensive. Has he been reduced in cost for the campaign or is it a typo?

Offline Nog64

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2007, 01:47:42 AM »
Here is everything you need to know about my army lists and then some. :dry:
<font color=0033FF-FF3000>╤♦*~N64~╤♦*</font>

Offline machine-child

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2007, 11:35:19 AM »
1000p Home Keep of Sylvania

Alastor, Conflaguration upon Heaven and Earth         =  117
- Captain                                                           50
- Barded Warhorse                                              18
- Full Plate Armour                                              12
- Shield                                                              2
- Sword of Might                                                 15
- Fire Pendant (RoV)                                            20

Caspar, Interpreter of Condolence                              = 150
- Battle Mage                                                     65
- Level Two                                                       35
- Power Stone                                                    25
- Dispel Scroll                                                    25
- Lore of Light                                                     -

2x 10 Crossbowmen                                          80 ea. = 85
- Marksman                                                      5

20 Militia                                                          100 = 105
- Champion                                                         5

6 Knights                                                          138 = 168
- Full Command                                                 30

6 IC Knights                                                      162 = 192
- Full Command                                                 30

5 Mounted Bowmen (DoW Light Cav)                      65 = 100
- Bows                                                              20
- Marksman                                                       15

B4 you all go on about the whole " no state troops or detachments and WHY LIGHT CAV WITH BOWS???!!" I have my own theme for my army and i'd appreciate if you didn't pay me out about it.
The 5 halberdier detachment is there for 2 reasons.  Fanatic bait, and I had no where else to spend the points.

Offline Veldemere

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2007, 01:13:50 PM »
Heavens, you have no state troops with detachments and light cavalry with bows!

Sorry, couldn't resist, but I did notice your points for x-bows currently say =85, if there are 2 should that read =170?

Also it is refreshing and slightly intriguing to read a list with no black powder, presumably a conscious thought, how does it work for you?
Veldemere, Elector Count of Solland (Elect)
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Offline clausewitz

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2007, 10:50:34 PM »
Its a pretty decent 1000 point list machine-child.  At lower points shooting and cavalry is especially good and a nice cheap block is often nice.

I rather like the mounted bowmen.  If I had suitable models I would use a unit like that from time to time.  Fast cavalry can be very useful.

P.S. Try to avoid net-speak (e.g. B4)
I fought in the NC war.. and all I got was this lousy sig...

Offline machine-child

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2007, 07:41:22 AM »
Heavens, you have no state troops with detachments and light cavalry with bows!

Sorry, couldn't resist, but I did notice your points for x-bows currently say =85, if there are 2 should that read =170?

Also it is refreshing and slightly intriguing to read a list with no black powder, presumably a conscious thought, how does it work for you?

It's themed for sylvania while vlad was the ruling count (excuse the pun) that's why i have no black powder. It also says 85 ea. (ea. means each).

Other than that, deploy in a refused flank and it works just fine  :icon_biggrin:
The 5 halberdier detachment is there for 2 reasons.  Fanatic bait, and I had no where else to spend the points.

Offline Father Gabe

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Re: Army lists for the Campaign
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2007, 07:21:08 PM »
Well Ive been visiting this site for sometime, guess its time to jump in and introduce myself.  Here is my Nemesis Crown list (and Gamesday Tourney List).  Its based around a group of "adventurers" in the ruined city of Mordheim.  There, through a series of adventures, raise an army of spirits to bring vengenance upon the daemon prince Be'lakor.

Empire General - Countess E'kieron w/ Plate Armor, Sword of Power, Shld, Holy Relic, Barded Warhorse = 201

Warrior Priest of Sigmar - Father Gabriel w/ Barded Warhorse, Hvy Armor, Shld = 110

Warrior Priestess of Ranald - Mistress Evelen w/ Barded Warhorse, Hvy Armor, Shld = 110

Wizard - Marlena w/ Warhorse, Level 2 = 110

(9) Knights of the Empire w/ Full Command = 247

(9) Knights of the Empire w/ Full Command = 247

(9) Knights of the Empire w/ Full Command = 247

(20) Flagellants = 200

(20) Free Company = 100

(5) Outriders = 105

(5) Outriders = 100

Cannon = 100

Helblaster Volley Gun = 115

Total = 2000
Father Gabriel
Mordhiem Host, Helstrom's 4th
Bearer of the Crimson Ribbon,  The Eagle of Martin Stirland, Rainer's Mantle of Iron, Bleucher's Exalted Commendation, Keeper of the Scroll of Ludendorf