An idea I had to add some diversity and background to armies, and find a greater use for teh general of the empire.
Choosing a ProvinceWhen making an empire army, you msut choose one of the many provinces from which it comes from. Each province has certain advantages based on its surroundings and traditions. If your army includes a General of the empire, his influence and contacts allow additional bonuses for the army.
Reikland - Governed by Karl Franz himself, Reiklanders and known for thier discipline and exelent equipment.
Units of Swordsmen, Halberdiers, Spearmen and Greatswords may always march, even if there is an enemy within 8" of them, and may take a unit of inner circle Reiksguard knights OR a unit of Greatswords as core see the Knightly orders section below).
A Reikland army that includes a general of the empire reduces the cost of Spearmen, Swordsmen, halberdiers and greatswords by 1pt, and halberdier and Spearmen units may be given shields for free.
Middenland - The men of Middenland are known for thier strength and Determination
All units of Swordsmen, Halberdiers, Spearmen, Greatswords and knights may reroll failed panic checks (indluding detachments).
A Middenland army that includes a general of the empire grants Units of Swordsmen, halberdiers, spearmen, greatswords and knights the ability to reroll all failed phycology tests.
Averland - Though struggling in the conflicts without a ruler to lead them, the men of Averland are none the less brave soldiers.
An Averland army may make a single unit of up to 10 crossbowmen BS 4.
An Averland army that includes a general of the empire may give this bonus to 2 crosbowment units of up to 10 men each.
Nuln - Nuln is home to the imperial gunnery school, and known for its artillery trains and many units of handgunners
A Nuln army may upgrade a model in 2 units of either handgunners, Pistoliers and outriders to Champions for free.
A nuln army that includes a general of the empire MAY take a Cannon or Mortar as a core choice or a Hellblaster Volley gun or Hellstorm rocket battery as a Special choice. Including a general also allows you to take 3 free champions in the units listed above, rather than 2.
Just a few, you could make up some more
Knightly orders - Units of Inner Circle Knights may choose to belong to one of the orders listed below to represent a regiment of one of the many Knightly orders in the empire.
If an army includes a unit of Inner circle knights from a specific order a Single Captain (must be mounted) or Templar Grand Master may choose to lead it, representing a Captain or Grand master of the same order. As long as the character deploys in the knight unit at the start of the game, and does not leave the unit, it recieves the same bonuses as the unit. For instance, an army includes a unit of Reiksguard inner cirlce knights, so a captain or Grand Master leading the unit would recieve immunity to Fear and terror on the charge as long as they remain within the unit.
Reiksguard - Probably the most famous of all the knightly orders, lead by the Grand Marshall Kurt Helborg, one of Karl Franz's most trusted allies.
Units of Reiksguard Knights are Immune to fear and terror on the turn they charge, and the sight of the most fabled knights in the empire grant +1 combat resolution to friendly units of State troops within 6", so long as they are not fleeing.
Knights of the Blazing sun - Although distrusted because of thier faith in Myrmidia, they are without a doubt possesed with incredible martial skill and fury.
Knights of the Blazing sun have armour piercing attacks (not mounts)
Again, feel free to think of some more.
What do you think?