
Author Topic: Sootis Empire list  (Read 6602 times)

Offline sooti

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Sootis Empire list
« on: January 11, 2010, 03:05:03 AM »
Having a go at the list myself

AL - Same.
Elector count - renamed general
Grand master - 130pts.
Wizard - 150pts.
Mage - 55pts
BSB - "Hold the Lines" special rule - reroll panic within 12".
WP - 70 pts
engineers - removed (engineers engineer, they dont fight ;P)
Huntsmen - 8pts. normal bow. skirmish.
Crossbowmen - Ws2 7pts. My spearmen are offended theyre WS3.
Handgunners - WS2 7pts.
Free Company - 5 pts.
Halberdiers - light armor. 4 pts. Incentive is price for unit.
Spearmen - 5pts.
Swordsmen - WS3 5 pts.
Knightly order - 25 pts each. Must select an order
- Reiksguard - Stubborn with general
- Blazing Sun - -1 to be hit. +1 to hit
- Knights Panther - Deploy any side table edge on 4+ second turn. 3+ third turn. 2+ fourth and consecutive turns.
- Knights of the White Wolf - S4 and wield Cavalry Hammer (+1S, 1 handed).
Reiksguard - Mv4 Ws4 S3 T3 I4 A1 Ld8. Stubborn with general. Plate and shield. 9pts. Can replace shields for GWs for 2 pts. Can be parent unit
Inner circle knights - removed. Knightly orders are now customizable.
Outriders - Removed. (2 handed gun on horse?)
Pistoliers - Shoot and flee attack. Only one pistol now. Battle novices - Dont cause panic. 18 pts.
Cannons - 110pts. comes with engineer - reroll artillery dice (can be used to cancel misfire)
Mortar - S4 -2as. 150 pts. Comes with engineer reroll artillery dice (can be used to cancel misfire)
Flaggelants - T4. 10 pts each.
Steamtank - moved to special character section. Its too powerful and not common enough to be in the rare section.
Hellblaster - 30" range.  Reroll misses (Aiming is a lot easier since it allows instant feedback to user). S6 -4 save. 125pts.
Helstrom Rocket - moved to special character section
Griffon handler -  180pts. WS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld8. lance shield, fullplate. Griffon.

Imperial Banner - state troops get +1 combat resolution within 12". 75 pts.
Griffon banner - back to 50pts.
Mace of Helstrum - 50 pts.
Wyrmslayer sword - does double wounds vs scaley skin and no save ,4+ to wound minimum. 25 pts.
Dragonbow - 50 pts. penetrates like Bolt thrower.
Seal of destruction - 50pts. 2+ to destroy spell now.

Offline sooti

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Re: Sootis Empire list
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2010, 09:10:30 PM »
No comments?

I thought id try and explain a few things

Grand master - 130pts.
Wizard - 150pts.
Some point reductions for the lesser used lord characters

BSB - "Hold the Lines" special rule - reroll panic within 12".
WP - 70 pts
engineers - removed (engineers engineer, they dont fight ;P)
Empire should be about averagely disciplined troops commanded by characters to perform better. I always pictured Mel Gibson in Patriot as the ultimate BSB. And I think the "Hold the Lines" rule would be great to give to empire  in regards to key personnel and buffing and to also entice people to bring a fluffy BSB.

Huntsmen - 8pts. normal bow. skirmish.
Crossbowmen - Ws2 7pts. My spearmen are offended theyre WS3.
Handgunners - WS2 7pts.
Free Company - 5 pts.
Halberdiers - light armor. 4 pts. Incentive is price for unit.
Spearmen - 5pts.
Swordsmen - WS3 5 pts.
Knightly order - 25 pts each. Must select an order
- Halberdiers ive just made cheaper. I know people want special rules for halberdiers to make them more common, but i disagree, empire soldiers are supposed to be numerous and inefficient. I dont want elite empire foot troopers. Theyre supposed to be hopeless and numerous.
- All missile fire troops downgraded to ws2. There is no way a crossbowmen or handgunner should be able to go toe to toe in melee with a trained spearmen.
- swordsmen WS3. Once again i think WS4 should only be reserved for the elves/dwarfs and elites. Why should a state trooper be the same skill as our elite knights or an elf?
- ive debuffed our troops to make them cheaper. I always beleived empire to be about numbers and not about skills.

- Reiksguard - Stubborn with general
- Blazing Sun - -1 to be hit. +1 to hit
- Knights Panther - Deploy any side table edge on 4+ second turn. 3+ third turn. 2+ fourth and consecutive turns.
- Knights of the White Wolf - S4 and wield Cavalry Hammer (+1S, 1 handed).

- knightly orders. I think our elite knights should have access to chaos mark style upgrades. and we know about the 4 main orders so it was a given. each of these upgrades makes the unit very very different and powerful in its own right. I think there is a use for each of these orders.
Reiksguard - Mv4 Ws4 S4 T3 I4 A1 Ld8. Stubborn with general. Plate and shield. 9pts. Can replace shields for GWs for 2 pts. Can be parent unit
Ive integrated greatswords with reiksguard. Empire had access to reiksguard foot soldiers a while ago. The best and most skilled infantry in the army. They are now stubborn only with the general, and have access to sword and shield, making them difficult opponents for any army.

Inner circle knights - removed. Knightly orders are now customizable.
I dont think many human units be S4. We are talking chaos warrior strength here, and those guys are like 8 foot tall. You can still get the strong whitewolf knights if need be.

Outriders - Removed. (2 handed gun on horse?)
Pistoliers - Shoot and flee attack. Only one pistol now. Battle novices - Dont cause panic. 18 pts.
I know this is going to make people unhappy. But using 2 hands from ontop of a horse is extremely difficult, even the agile elves cannot do this, so im not sure why Noblemens sons can. I have however upgraded the pistoliers to make them far better at harrassing, so they have a better defined role.

Mortar - S4 -2as. 140 pts.
This is a big change. I did this because i beleive the rocket battery shouldnt be part of our standard list, and I think a giant gunpowder explosion is going to be equivalent to handgun fire, if not more. The massive price hike should justify this

Flaggelants - T4. 10 pts each.
These zealots should be a lot harder to kill as they often ignore pain, driven by their insane will to follow Sigmar

Steamtank - moved to special character section. Its too powerful and not common enough to be in the rare section.
This will cause the biggest fuss, there are only a handful of steam tanks in WFB, and as often as i take them in, i dont think they should be part of the normal empire list, but a special character. It also doesnt suite the WFB playfield having a tank running around.

Hellblaster - 24" range.  Reroll misses (Aiming is a lot easier since it allows instant feedback to user). S6 -4 save. 125pts.
This is the final warmachine in the empire arsenal, rounding off a very flexible selection. Cannon = Big hitter DD. Mortar = AE. Hellblaster = Gunfire for unit destruction. I think a hellblaster should hit as hard as 2 rats shouldering a jezzail, and automatic weapons should be able to reroll to hit to represent them examining where the bullets are hitting and realigning their weapon during firing.

Helstrom Rocket - moved to special character section
I cant see any application of fireworks in the empire army. Atleast not as common as having them available as a troop selection.

Griffon handler -  180pts. WS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A3 Ld8. lance shield, fullplate. Griffon.
This was my most outthere idea. I absolutely had to give empire a large target troop to round of their reputation as being the most flexible. I couldnt justify having one of the rare tanks in the empire, and a Griffon has always been a major player in the empire zoos and their symbol. Griffon handlers would be specially trained riders who would ride griffons to battle, giving empire much needed air support and a terror causing creature.

Imperial Banner - state troops get +1 combat resolution within 12". 75 pts.
Griffon banner - back to 50pts.
Mace of Helstrum - 50 pts.
Wyrmslayer sword - does double wounds vs scaley skin and no save ,4+ to wound minimum. 25 pts.
Dragonbow - 50 pts. penetrates like Bolt thrower.
Seal of destruction - 50pts. 2+ to destroy spell now.

Griffon banner has to stay 50 pts. Yes it can be good, but there is no pursuing, and most armies these days can easily do more than 3 wounds. This would give one unit a fighting chance.
Mace of helstrom = The need to give this to heroes is a must. It has massive negative effects. only one attack, and at 50 pts, its not as if youd give it to a mage because hes only got one attack because he has better options anyways.
Imperial banner. You can see that im trying to make it possible to buff our state troops. I dont see enough infantry in empire armies. we must entice people to play more infantry rather than gunlines/herohammer/stankpope.

Offline jaedar

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Re: Sootis Empire list
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 06:23:07 PM »
Outriders - Removed. (2 handed gun on horse?)
Pistoliers - Shoot and flee attack. Only one pistol now. Battle novices - Dont cause panic. 18 pts.
I know this is going to make people unhappy. But using 2 hands from ontop of a horse is extremely difficult, even the agile elves cannot do this, so im not sure why Noblemens sons can. I have however upgraded the pistoliers to make them far better at harrassing, so they have a better defined role.

I don't see a problem with using two hands while mounted, maybe thats why they are "move or fire", they do stand still while shooting.

Offline Wolfsgaum

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Re: Sootis Empire list
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2010, 03:56:11 AM »
I know this is going to make people unhappy. But using 2 hands from ontop of a horse is extremely difficult, even the agile elves cannot do this, so im not sure why Noblemens sons can. I have however upgraded the pistoliers to make them far better at harrassing, so they have a better defined role.

You might find it hard. Noblemens' sons have also been in the saddle since they were little kids.

Check these guys out;

Also, don't forget that knights fight with both hands on horseback. You know, with the lance/sword and shield?

Edit: Whatever you do. Do not do a google image search of Reiters (the historical version of the Empire's pistoliers)! I repeat, do not! You don't want to know. Trust me.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 04:21:29 AM by Wolfsgaum »

Offline bigchief

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Re: Sootis Empire list
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2010, 08:35:59 PM »
Edit: Whatever you do. Do not do a google image search of Reiters (the historical version of the Empire's pistoliers)! I repeat, do not! You don't want to know. Trust me.

I so wish I hadn't :(

Offline Wolfsgaum

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Re: Sootis Empire list
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 09:06:54 PM »
Edit: Whatever you do. Do not do a google image search of Reiters (the historical version of the Empire's pistoliers)! I repeat, do not! You don't want to know. Trust me.

I so wish I hadn't :(

Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. It probably would have been better if I didn't bring it up.  :blush:

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Sootis Empire list
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2010, 01:22:49 PM »
Edit: Whatever you do. Do not do a google image search of Reiters (the historical version of the Empire's pistoliers)! I repeat, do not! You don't want to know. Trust me.

I so wish I hadn't :(

Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. It probably would have been better if I didn't bring it up.  :blush:

I don't see a problem with searching on Reiter in google images... I get horse riders.. some cars and ppl that are named reiter (one very dead dude according to the gravestone)
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline Wolfsgaum

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Re: Sootis Empire list
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2010, 02:29:56 PM »
Edit: Whatever you do. Do not do a google image search of Reiters (the historical version of the Empire's pistoliers)! I repeat, do not! You don't want to know. Trust me.

I so wish I hadn't :(

Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. It probably would have been better if I didn't bring it up.  :blush:

I don't see a problem with searching on Reiter in google images... I get horse riders.. some cars and ppl that are named reiter (one very dead dude according to the gravestone)

Reiter is fine. It's when you search for Reiters is when you have unfilterable problems.