
Author Topic: Battle Prayers for Warrior Priests (Casting Value?)  (Read 11460 times)

Offline FriscoEmpire

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Battle Prayers for Warrior Priests (Casting Value?)
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:01:34 PM »
I must be missing something obvious ... but what are the casting values for a Warrior Priest to roll out his three augment "Battle Prayers"?  They're considered "bound spells (level 3)" ... and I assume they aren't automatically successful and that you have to draw dice from the pool to cast them ... But I can't find anything listing what the casting values are.

Or could it be that they ARE automatic?

And if so, can a Warrior Priest only cast one per round?  And can the opponent try to use his Dispel dice to cancel out the effect?

Offline Fidelis von Sigmaringen

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Re: Battle Prayers for Warrior Priests (Casting Value?)
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 10:04:02 PM »
Indeed, you have to draw dice to cast a prayer and the power level (= casting value) for a prayer is 3. And three is the casting value of a prayer, not 1 or 2.  In the current edition, a WP can try to cast ALL prayers, which, however, the enemy can try to dispel. If the WP has a miscast, he does not suffer any ill effects, but cannot cast any further  prayers that turn.
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Offline FriscoEmpire

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Re: Battle Prayers for Warrior Priests (Casting Value?)
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 01:28:55 AM »
Well, that would make it simple enough.  Thanks for clearing that up! 

So just a 3 or better, with a natural roll of 1 or 2 failing (just like a spell)?  Easy enough to hit, though I suppose the higher the roll the harder it is for my opponent to dispel. 

Offline Fidelis von Sigmaringen

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Re: Battle Prayers for Warrior Priests (Casting Value?)
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 06:33:28 AM »
Yes, prayers are innate bound spells and follow the rules on BRB p. 37.
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Offline TheBelgianGuy

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Re: Battle Prayers for Warrior Priests (Casting Value?)
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 06:02:06 PM »
Well, that would make it simple enough.  Thanks for clearing that up! 

So just a 3 or better, with a natural roll of 1 or 2 failing (just like a spell)?  Easy enough to hit, though I suppose the higher the roll the harder it is for my opponent to dispel.

The idea or tactic behind this is that if an enemy wizard dispels with 1 die and throws a 1 or 2, his concentration is broken and he cannot use his wizard anymore for dispelling that turn.

So if your prayer works, he will have to choose between using 1 die and risking a 2/6 chance of losing his wizard level for dispelling that turn, or using 2 dice... and since your opponent should have less dispel dice than you have power dice, this would give you a very good advantage in your magic phase.

So people usually spam priest prayers before they go on to the other spells...

Offline Thorsten Carbide

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Re: Battle Prayers for Warrior Priests (Casting Value?)
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2012, 08:58:54 AM »
That is a very sound ploy, I shall have to remember that.
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