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The Town Guild Hall ... / Re: Eurobash 2025, 16th edition
« Last post by shavixmir on Today at 05:52:10 PM »
I’ll be there.
Probably Friday to Sunday.

I’ll let you know exactly in a month or so!
If you face a lot of cav lists Fiery Heart is way better than White Wolf. The Grand Master can strike at Initiative 10 to. And you can have the flying Harbringer of Doom!
Its says that you can only choose to upgrade out of you chosen order. That may be that you can upgrade to use two.
Otherwise only the Fiery heart cant be joined but others (and Harald cant join others). So if you can upgrade it your example should work. Would be nice. The fiery hart Grand Master is really good.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Nuln 2500points list
« Last post by Blackthorne on Today at 03:17:31 PM »
How would you get squintsoffen's into a unit of outriders? Engineers can't take mounts from what I see (other than the war wagon) so it's either infantry or a chariot.

Edit: or do you mean take that item on a captain or something instead?
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / GM of one order, Knights from another?
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 02:39:03 PM »
Not sure if it’s allowed in the rules… what do we think?
I want to take Knights of the White Wolf and a Fiery Heart Grand Master. Doable?
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Pre-orders are open
« Last post by Victor on Today at 02:35:11 PM »
3 Warrior Priests
28 UK Pounds.
77 Aus Dollars

Exchange rate of 28 UK Pounds to AUD = 55 AUD.

Why Australia tax again?
We still have to pay for shipping.
I hate GW so much for this shit, more than anything else. I can handle everything. But this is disgusting treatment.

Sounds like it is quite the perk to be part of the Commonwealth.
I like how you built your characters on this one !

Which lore are you rolling in for the Chapter Master ? He might not cast often with just a lvl 1, but it can be useful...

A single roll in Illusion to get a Doppleganger or Glittering Robe seems nice.
High Magic could be useful against other wizards, another -2 to cast would bother them.
Or anything that has a Signature Assailment spell ?
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Tarpits & Marching column
« Last post by Warlord on Today at 01:43:19 PM »
I understand drilled.
I thought you meant Dwarves were taking blocks of 26 in marching column, taking a wound and claiming rank bonus.
The Brush and Palette / Re: Middenlanders
« Last post by Rowsdower on Today at 12:02:48 PM »
Great effect on the armour
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Tarpits & Marching column
« Last post by OMoran on Today at 11:57:16 AM »

This is the tech combat dwarf lists have been using

Are they? Is that common?

it's a thing in linehammer, you start in two ranks and open larger using drilled, 5 models per move.

we can do it too, 40 veteran drilled halberdiers are 360, plus another 15 for full command group. Start 20 wide and open to 20, 30 when charging or pursuing.

Teutogen guard seems a better unit to do it, but it's pretty expensive and above all is isn't part of the core tax. If you need to spend those 500 points anyway, using them on a line of halberdiers is a viable thing. But points prom specials are precious.

Anyway, we can do the same with knights. Take 20 knights for 460 + command iirc, drilled, lance and shield, start 10 wide and open to 15 on the charge (or counter-charge). They actually have a chance at charging successfully, more than infantry, at least.
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