Greetings commanders of the Reik
This is a little update of my army.
Previously i've been having my army themed around the Carroburg-fluff, but i have changed it to be strictly Reikland now. Fits me more i think.
After i have laid low for a while i have been rethinking my army, and also seen combat with my army.
Recently i have laid my hands on an old war altar model, and i am also atm converting a captain on foot (with witchhunter theme even my army isnt witchhunter - just a good conversion-project).
My theme is a Reiklander Force lead by a general/captain, but often attached with some sort of religious contigent of either a Sigmar priest or maybe even an Arch Lector and their bodyguards represented by Greatswords. Furthermore my Army also have small contigents from the formidable Reiksguards order.
We all know the coffers of the Emperor is rich, therefore my army often also are accompained with a unit of Ironguts - they take crown of the Emperor and also get feed by cheap ale and horsemeat. They havent done much yet on the field, but i think its a nice touch and the enemy are often distracted by them
Also the Emperor can afford a pegasus mount for the captain - flowen in from a bretonnian breed
(Bretonnia model mixed with the general set - also a conversion project on the scheme)
Hopefully i soon get things primed and painted
/Von Bildhofen