
Author Topic: Bickering at court: IC Pit  (Read 14438 times)

Offline Grumbaki

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2013, 05:51:02 PM »
Karl nodded at these words. "Well said. But if I may? This is but mewing from a whelp!" He turned to the priest. "I hear accusations and assumptions, but nothing of substance. Why, it appears that you are only concerned with painting others in a poor light. I say look to Urebach as living proof. Lord Altenburg acted in a way that directly contradicts your base accusations. Which does not surprise me. For what real wolf priest would snigger at court, with his feet warmed by the fire and his belly warmed by the cup? No, you are no true Ulrican. Just a blow hard Ranaldian, trying to fool us with your lies. But you forget, you cannot lie to those who already have seen the truth."

"We received warnings from your kin saying what you say now. But when we dealt with Altenburg he acted as a true Ulrican. Which means you... Well, may be deceived. Or perhaps are a fool who mistook negotiations for a final position. Or you may just be a liar. Considering that these warnings proved false to us, I would not rule that out."
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 05:59:14 PM by Grumbaki »
Treachery and Greed: Golden Company
Empire of Wolves: Urenbach

Two campaigns. Two factions. Both prove that you can lose a campaign horribly and still have a great time. Behold, the power of RPing!

Offline Spiney

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2013, 08:43:09 PM »
"Ah, more slithering talk. One could start to think this is some tilean court and not the court of the Wolf. Sangerhausens are close enough to us, I would say. Would not suprise me if they got some juicy promises as compensation for being handled so roughly... But then, considering how they dared not oppose a numerically inferior force besieging their lords keep with the main bulk of their army... nah, not suprised."
Tobias smiled, 
"Father Gadh, you old windbag
A "numerically superior force?" Our three battered armies fresh from doing the donkey work at Wahnsinningen against 3 of von Altenberg's never-seen-battle armies

I think I see the problem with the Lord von Teifen's election campaign, his diplomats cannot count...

The reason we didn't pursue the possibility of working with von Teifen is they wanted us to attack targets which only suited them, while bringing us no real benefit and leaving our voting territories open to attacks by their ally von Kerpen. Von Teifen diplomacy was so transparently selfish it was laughable, they didn't even offer Duke von Sangerhausen a court position for his votes!"
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 08:48:22 PM by Spiney »

Brain wounder: for when you don't want to kill your enemies, just leave them bedridden and pissing themselves.

Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2013, 09:34:36 PM »
"Our allies Von Kerpen? How interesting, much interesting. We have spilt just as much Kerpen blood as Hornhausen blood. But at least the Kerpen were honourable men who fights fairly. We came to an agreement of late, realizing were we are heading and that in the end, it is best to have your neighbours as friends and not enemiies."

"First Orsel, the Sangerhausens wanted our help against the Hornhausens. We delivered I would say. But then when all that was needed was a little extra push, they said they could not help but please, hit them some more for us!"

He then looked at Tobias with a stare of a angry winter wolf.

"And you say we offered no position at court to your esteemed lord Sangerhausen? Well, lies is what you get from Marienburgers. Lies and slander. See, we offered him the position of Lord Law. We offered him the task of reforming the entire justice system! So please spare us the lies, mercenary."
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline Spiney

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2013, 10:07:48 PM »
"Our allies Von Kerpen? How interesting, much interesting. We have spilt just as much Kerpen blood as Hornhausen blood. But at least the Kerpen were honourable men who fights fairly. We came to an agreement of late, realizing were we are heading and that in the end, it is best to have your neighbours as friends and not enemiies."

"First Orsel, the Sangerhausens wanted our help against the Hornhausens. We delivered I would say. But then when all that was needed was a little extra push, they said they could not help but please, hit them some more for us!"

He then looked at Tobias with a stare of a angry winter wolf.

"And you say we offered no position at court to your esteemed lord Sangerhausen? Well, lies is what you get from Marienburgers. Lies and slander. See, we offered him the position of Lord Law. We offered him the task of reforming the entire justice system! So please spare us the lies, mercenary."

Tobias rolls his eyes...
Ahhh, how poor your memory is, for it was your diplomat who approached us with a proposal to attack von Hornhausen, we have been on good terms with his forces since the outset of this... election, he is of course the former husband of Duke von Sangerhausen's late sister, blood is, as they say, thicker than water, and I understand that Hochland water is so very thin.

If you were willing to offer Lord of Law to Duke von Sangerhausen then it is simply a matter of you being outbid by a better man

Brain wounder: for when you don't want to kill your enemies, just leave them bedridden and pissing themselves.

Offline Derek Contyre

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2013, 10:32:31 PM »
The messenger from Stattenland sighed and shook his head at the politicking being practised before his eyes...
A man who builds his army around his fluff . . . respect . . .  :::cheers:::

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2013, 10:52:48 PM »
The High Ulrican Priest of Carroburg stares blanking watching the fireworks, and lamenting that there aren't some good corn kernels near by for popping.  Then a yawn began emmanating from his mouth, covering like all good respectful Ulricans would, and knowing that there was too much oxygen being intaken while carbon dioxide was then taking its place.  Perhaps it was best for those with wisdom to remove themselves to a location where there was fresher air more aplenty.
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2013, 11:30:01 PM »
"Well, we had attacked Hornhausen before that. We attacked because the old Orsel pleaded for aid against your two front attack on him. Von Tiefen and his feldoberst was full aware of the fact that they attacked first. But then, afterwards, as you Sangerhausens took down old Orsel, we got requests for help against the Hornhausens who had "betrayed" the Sangerhausens by not moving in. And you are said to have urged the von Tiefen armies to attack so as to "finish of" Hornhausens. Hardly the way you treat an ally, van der Macht. But while bloodied, the Hornhausens remain.

Will they keep on fighting us, their neighbours, or those that helped orchestrate everything? I am getting the feeling this is one big Marienburg conspiracy to take over Middenland."
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline Grumbaki

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2013, 05:29:29 AM »
Karl was about to respond when a messenger arrived. He whispered something in Karl's ear, causing the noble to curse loudly. "Ulric's breath, they did what? Bloody faithless woman!" He stood up abruptly, knocking his chair over. He turned back to the assembled noblemen and tipped his hat. When he spoke, there was murder in his voice. "Gentlemen, my apologies. Duty calls." And with that, he stormed off.
Treachery and Greed: Golden Company
Empire of Wolves: Urenbach

Two campaigns. Two factions. Both prove that you can lose a campaign horribly and still have a great time. Behold, the power of RPing!

Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2013, 05:59:18 AM »
Hemming smiled as he watched the Urenbach supporter haste away.

"Now, I wonder what that was all about?"

A acolyte priest emerged in the dorrway and motioned to him.

"Ah, duty calls. See you later gentlemen and ladies!"
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!


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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2013, 08:09:58 PM »
Gunther only got up from his chair as the Urenbach supporter already had left the room. In the light of the hearth one could see scars on the right side of his face.

“Gods”, he hissed.”How I hate those Urenbacher’s.” He spat into the fire. “I was there when they tried to burn Delburz down. How did you think I got my scars? I heard the tales of the massacre at Untergard. Why? Because we asked their brothers to join as mercenaries?”
His face was flush with anger.
“I am not my Lord Titus Augustus. I am not one of his commanders. I started this ....this...election as a clerk for Josef Weissenberg merchant house. However, I tell you this ...in my eyes, Altenberg did a grievous mistake by allying with Urenbach. What did he gain?  One measly vote. I know that Commander Josef is howling in rage right now and wants the heads of every commander on Urenbach’s side and if possible of Urenbach himself. And he will do anything to convince our Lord to get our revenge, to get justice!”

Offline Silas

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2013, 08:25:21 PM »
"So the lord Altenberg is responsible for the actions of Urenbach? Because as I understand it they found out about the Urenbach actions at the same time as everyone else."


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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2013, 08:40:52 PM »
"They are your allies aren't they? Didn't they discuss plans with Altenberg beforehand? Maybe said: Hey we are besieged and our enemies are attacking us on all fronts, so we have a great idea to promote the election of our candidate: burn the capital of one main elector to the ground and massacre the population of a dwarf mining operation! Those aren't minor things, they surely have talked to you about their plans, didn't they? Diodn't they?"

He calmed down a little. He took a glass of wine offered to him by one of the servants and drank thoughtfully.
"Or didn't they. Urenbach is a fool...but this...THIS. I can hardly believe they would have done such a thing it without Altenbergs tacit consent. But still it is possible I suppose. Those Urenbachers are enormous fools. Still, it puts you in a bad light as well, since you allied yourself with madmen."

Offline Drasanil

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2013, 08:56:20 PM »
Baroness von Klevich: "Whilst you have the sympathies of Lord von Urenbach's court, you seek to cast blame where it does not belong. Grafin Scholz acted of her own initiative in direct contradiction to the orders of her commander. We only heard the news of her action shortly before your esteemed lords."

"Perhaps the 'red tide' came in at a most inopportune time? It certainly would explain such senseless behaviour. Mind you, she always was a bit of strange woman, strutting about wearing pants as she did. Both myself and dear Karl had objected to her maintaining a presence on the field..."

Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2013, 10:23:53 PM »
Hemming returned with a smile on his lips.

"Ah, interesting news. So the Sangerhausens had indeed been promised Schippel. And it seems Altenberg had given the nod albeit in negogiations with von Tiefens men at the time! Most interesting. Negogiating while ordering an attack. Well, raven hear many things and rumours has it they flew ans warned one of von Tiefens commanders. Now, we hochlanders have always paid heed to natures voice. "

"Do not wave a gun around in a threatening manner while negogiating with a Hochlander. We are a stubborn simple minded lot and may take offense. And while it may not be logical we have a tendensy to choose the... Righteous path. I heard there was quite a lot speaking towards von Tiefen supporting Altenberg. Ah, so much damage sabre rattling can do on occasion."

"Still the Scarlet curs of Sangerhausens are said to have beat a rather hasty retreat. Could not stomach a real fight I guess."
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline b0007452

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2013, 11:40:55 PM »
Mathilde almost choked on the fine cuisine, it wasn't meant as an insult; she could just not accomodate the lies circling the room and felt she must interject.

"Promised For Schipple?" She scoffed. "Who tells you these proposterous claims? You should look to the honesty of your informant. The men and women of Duke Sangerhausen travelled to Fort Schipple fully aware that only their strength of arm would lift a chequered flag above the keep that day. The meer fact the von Tiefen committed so many men to a lonely fort's defense is sure evidence of the strngth of Lord Sangerhausen and his forces."
:) My Slowly Growing Army of Bogenhafen - http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=44020 :)

Offline Mathi Alfblut

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #40 on: March 26, 2013, 07:36:43 AM »
"So you were not promised fort Schippel? Yet you must have known that Altenberg was in negogiations with Von Tiefen. So either you attacked to deliberately sabotage these negogiation or you attacked believeing that regardless of how the negogiations went,von Tiefens men would not fear an attack.

So if Altenberg knew about these plans, the negogiations were not seriously intended and he planned to abuse them all along. Or the Altenbergers were betrayed by his newly gained subjects. Either way, the Altenberg position and alliance looks more and more fragmented by the hour. Anyway, I can only say that these attackplans foiled von Altenbergs plans for an unassailable voting position. And the following attacks underlined the wisdom of not siding with the Altenbergers."
Oh, and remember GW made it personal, not you!

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #41 on: March 26, 2013, 09:41:11 AM »
The Ulrican priest from Carroberg finally speaks, "Gentlemen, the hour is no longer early, the election is near.  Let us gather our supporters and vote as we must.  Let us not tarry too long on points that Ulric won't really care about across the scope of Imperial history, and may we think of Ulric when the tally is made, the results are known, and Middenland moves forward from there."
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Spiney

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Re: Bickering at court: IC Pit
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2013, 12:05:02 AM »
"So you were not promised fort Schippel? Yet you must have known that Altenberg was in negogiations with Von Tiefen. So either you attacked to deliberately sabotage these negogiation or you attacked believeing that regardless of how the negogiations went,von Tiefens men would not fear an attack.

So if Altenberg knew about these plans, the negogiations were not seriously intended and he planned to abuse them all along. Or the Altenbergers were betrayed by his newly gained subjects. Either way, the Altenberg position and alliance looks more and more fragmented by the hour. Anyway, I can only say that these attackplans foiled von Altenbergs plans for an unassailable voting position. And the following attacks underlined the wisdom of not siding with the Altenbergers."

I rather expect that Lord Altenberg's diplomats were talking to everyone, though I had I known specifically that he was talking to the diplomats of the nefarious Lord Teifen I might have recommended that he not waste the ink and parchment on men who wouldn't know the meaning of a trustworthy alliance if it were to bite them on the nose.

Furthermore Lord Altenberg's forces were not privy to our battle plans, simply that Duke von Sangerhausen has decided to support Altenberg's candidacy does not suddenly mean that our battle plans are determined in Leichlinberg, we simply determined that a diminished von Teifen presence in Fort Schipple would be of significant benefit to the stability and prosperity of the eastern empire.

Brain wounder: for when you don't want to kill your enemies, just leave them bedridden and pissing themselves.