Good day! Firstly, a brief background....if you'll forgive the indulgence.
I have lurked for, well, forever. At least since the end of 8th Edition. I was too young to get into the game when I first encountered it, back in 6th Edition. I still have a White Dwarf, much dog-eared and barely readable....but with the Storm of Chaos content that first had me look at Fantasy as more then just a "different setting to 40k" that I had dismissed it as.

I saw the End Times stuff later on, and even had saved up enough money to buy a start to my Empire army....only to be greeted by Age of Sigmar signs. It seems, as though, I had missed the boat so bad that the boat didn't even exist anymore.
However, I knew not a single soul who played. At all. It was only upon moving to where I currently am, and through playing AoS of all things, that my love of the Empire was rekindled. My opponent, a player who has some small (in jest)notoriety in Canada, encouraged me to play Cities of Sigmar to get the next closest thing, and eventually, told me to stay on squares with anything I got....and that was rewarded when Old World was announced.
Of course, life being cruel, I was stricken by illness, and left with permanent damage. My youthful energy is gone, replaced by ever-present fatigue. I need assistance to walk. The hobby got hard, like everything else did. I lamented many things, and the Empire was one of them. Surely, collecting and building an army in this state is next to impossible!
Fate however took this moment to shine on me, and a fellow many hours south of me was selling a FULLY COMPLETE AND PAINTED Empire Army of Talabecland. I called in every favour to get me there and back, and dipped into my coffers gladly and willingly.

Within a few days, I was playing! And my childhood dreams of commanding the brave, honourable men of the Empire was finally in reach.

Now, no man can inherit such a fine body of men, and not wish to make his own mark, his own legacy, on their ranks.
But, I find the discussion I find on Facebook and Reddit to be....okay, but lacking the depth and passion I want to see. Old forums such as this, even in their quieter current state, are much more amendable to great conversations and feedback. Especially as in my current state, Tournaments are beyond me.
Ambition, however, very much is NOT. My friend has offered and I have agreed, to a multi-year campaign of Mighty Empires, with rules we will adapt from across the ages of Fantasy.

It is a campaign I wish to jump into with a fully painted force, not just of what I have purchased, but with my own touches. It physically hurts to paint. But like a Flagellant, I do so because the rewards are worth it. Above, is Dieter Von Falkenheim, the Deserter General of Talabecland. He has fled with his men to the Border Princes, an exile he has chosen for himself. His Liege, the Ottilian Emperor, Ludwig XII, denies Sigmar his Divinity. While Dieter practiced his faith quietly, upon being found out, and assassins sent his way, he has deserted the armies of his nominal liege. He bides his time now, gathering expatriate Empire men, both in the Border Princes and in neighbouring Tilea, to eventually return. The rumours of a pious noble, Magnus, who is gathering men to his cause to fight Chaos in the north....appeals to him greatly.
Dieter bears....Ghal Maraz? is a fake. A regretable ruse, to solidify his men's faith, and to gather more. A potent, Dwarfen made counterfeit.
More men, of this Holy Army, beyond what I purchased, are on my painting table, and await when I can muster the energy and strength to do so. The La Compagnia Straneia, "The Foriegn Company", are a body of mercenaries, that I will paint in traditional HRE Landsknecht colours. They come from Tilea, but each man is an Empire born and bred soldier. They are unruly, rude, profane. But they wish to die for a cause, not just fight for money anymore. Their contract binds them to Von Falkenheim, for now.

I hope you will have me! I wish to discuss the Empire, its men, and feature my project, in a means more amenable to feedback and discussion then my blog allows, and that Reddit and Facebook slightly discourage. As this project will cost me no small amount of sweat, blood, and tears, I'm very eager to share it with like-minded individuals.