
Author Topic: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...  (Read 4717 times)

Offline GamesPoet

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Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« on: April 07, 2023, 04:19:11 PM »
More Star Wars movies coming in the near future!

It has been announced by Lucas Films that there will be three more live-action films for the Star Wars franchise.  Daisy Ridley will return as as Rey in one of the films, and James Mangold, Dave Filoni and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy will be the directors.

A return to the dawn of the Jedi will be in Mangold's film, who has directed "Logan" and the upcoming INdiana Jones movie.  The New Republic will be in Filoni's movie, and apparently "close out the interconnected stories told in ‘The Mandalorian,' ‘The Book of Boba Fett,’ ‘Ahsoka,’ and other Disney+ series”, some of which Filoni has been involved in doing. And Obaid-Chinoy of Ms. Marvel and "Saving Face" will have a film that focuses on the events after “The Rise of Skywalker,” featuring the Rey character “as she builds a new Jedi Order.”
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Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2023, 02:04:05 PM »
Unfortunately the cinematic aspect of the Star Wars franchise is basically dead in the water in my opinion. While there are a few gems like Andor, or the first and second seasons of the Mandalorian, any expansion made would/will be a worthless flop. At least to fans like me (I got in to Star Wars in the early 2000's, when it was really at it's peak).

It's not that I blame Disney or Lucas Film of course. They are simply going where the money takes them (just like GW). Corporations can't afford to not keep up with trends, pop culture or striving to be the "new thing". That's how our modern monopolistic/oligarchic system of capitalism works. Turning out mediocre, readily  consumable (not necessarily the same as being readily accessible) for the largely short-term interested masses makes more money.

The vast majority of people consume media; such as video games, movies, TV series and now even table top games like AoS and 40k, for escapism. Not for the series itself. For "the pretty colours" it you will.

A great example of this is the Dragon Age Series. The first game is considered the pinnacle of the series, while 2 was a flop, and 3 (while being reasonably popular) still struggled to capture the essence of the original. The newest game will/has completely broken from the previous, and is shaping up to be a God of War rip off. Literally, they are planing on using the same mechanics. Still obviously force older players away, but it is good marketing. GoW is the new hotness. Furthermore it land's to the feeling of escapism.

The previous three DA games required some level of strategy and thought, especially the first one on higher difficulties. Nobody in the modern (ie post 2015) really wants that.

This also gets in to another point. What is the most popular genre of video game anyway?

Answer: Shooters.

Now I know what you maybe thinking. "But Dwi, shooters require lot's of thought!"

They do yes. If you want to get good at them.

The fact of the matter is, people won't invest time and money in too a series if it reminds them of reality or is even grounded in it. They want escapism, a "not reality". Lights and pretty colours, hot people, sex, action and murder. Revenge plots have become popular in Korean media, not because they are any good (there aren't) but because it provides a fantasy of "getting back at society" a delusional concept that most people now they can't have.

And it not like this is a new thing. The Hobbit and LotR are  prime (and particularly conservative) from of British escapism. It's just that people are less interested (or interesting) in intricacies, polts,  schemes, overall story, lore/world or even character development than ever before.

Yes there are exceptions like GoT, but even then it was heavily dumbed down for the average audience, as the the Witcher series (the shows not the games). On an interesting note, when the Witcher series came out, fan's questioned the Nilfgardian "crinkle armour"

For reference, here is a picture of the abominations in question:

Now why would they do this? At the time it was decided that having "real" looking armour, such as in this beautiful comparison:

It was decided that realistic armour was "too jarring" and reminded the audience to much of the real world.


Now with that context out of the way, back to Star Wars.

In theory Star Wars should be free of the desire for simplicity. It is another form of prime escapism. But before the retcons it was supremely intricate and all interwoven. To understand one thing in context, you need to know something else. Sometimes something very obscure.

Disney doesn't need that kind of baggage, so they just deleted it, creating a new cannon. This cannon has had it's ups and downs, but is kept as simplistic as possible. Again, you don’t make money off complexity.

Now that doesn't mean that dumbing it down to the lowest common denominator is wrong. But they have buggered it up so thoughtlessly that there is basically no saving it now.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
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Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2023, 02:29:26 PM »
Lukasfilm is sitting on gold but is mining copper

Offline Grutch

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2023, 05:51:47 PM »
Bad Writing
Kathleen Kennedy
Rion Johnson

Say goodbye to billions of dollars.

Lucasfilm was a golden goose, and it was slaughtered by a deranged feminist with social engineering on her mind. 

The same is happening to Marvel

"Bleep" Disney
« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 01:38:38 PM by GamesPoet »

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2023, 07:51:03 AM »
^ What he said
One of the game shops in my town has Mandelorian stuff marked down by 80% and NOBODY wants it

Offline Warlord

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2023, 03:45:09 PM »
They overrate the popularity Mando.

Personally, I have enjoyed all the TV shows. Some have their issues, sure, but I enjoy them. The sequel trilogy I have hated the entire thing. I like the actors. But the story is just the worst.

Kathleen Kennedy ran the studio into the ground. Every year announcing new projects, and then scraping them. I am pretty sure her neck is on the line for this new batch of movies.
Rian Johnson stuffed it up, but JJ caused that situation by not having a plan and doing movies the way he does. The new Star Trek movies sucked too the way he makes them.
THE MESSAGE also took too much time away from story that they hoped people wouldn’t notice their poorly thought out trash. It didn’t work.
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Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2023, 01:43:56 PM »
What do Basil Fawlty and Kathleen Kennedy have in common: INCOMPITANCE!
I.E Poor Mr Hamilton [played by the same guy who portrayed General Rieken] only wanted a salad and rare steak but Basil has no idea how to make either and resorts to moronic excuses.
Kathleen Kennedy is the same. Instead of giving people what they want, she gives them something they hate and resorts to moronic excuses to cover up the mess.
Its only a matter of time before a falling moose gives her a concussion.

Offline Sharkbelly

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2023, 03:18:57 PM »
The Star Wars sequels made almost $4.5 billion...

I'm not sure incompetence is the right word for it.  :-D

Offline Fandir Nightshade

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2023, 05:37:48 PM »
So the captain bob damn dwi do is right....

Dumbed down escapeism sells tickets much better than good movies like the Northman.

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Lucas Films Has Announced 3 More Star Warts Movies ...
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2023, 07:03:37 AM »
The Star Wars sequels made almost $4.5 billion...

I'm not sure incompetence is the right word for it.  :-D
Just because a movie is financially successful dosnt mean its 'good'
Citizen Cane flopped on release but is now considered the greatest film of all time.
Transformer 4 nearly broke Avatars record and its an unwatchable train wreck.