O ye of liitle faith!
Unless specified otherwise, normal rules apply.
In 6/7 ABs, it was specified that Detachments
- do not cause Panic in other Empire units
- do not suffer the -1 modifier for S&S, when conducting Support Fire
- can attack the enemy in the Flank, as long as they have LoS and enough movement, when executing a Counter/Support Charge
The 8 AB does not specify any of these, therefore normal rules apply. Note that 8 AB also does not allow a Support Charge anymore.
Regarding disruption: all AB follow the normal rules here - but the 8 AB has the worst rules for our Detachments.
Some may think that the conferral of psychological effects outweighs these nerfs, but, in my opinion, they do not, in particular given the rise in point cost of state troops.