Whoa, Hing's around here too? I thought Sebastian was the only one around here who had even slightiest interests towards Nemesis Crown. Good to see you've pledged yourself to the Empire solely at last.
Keep it up, kid.
So, the recruitment orders came to Grandbelos just recently. Obviously the need for reinforcements must be quite dire indeed; the house of Kraus is not often asked to bring it's army's swords to battle, even less so in Imperial affairs. This is true even now when the Duchy has been officially added under Reiklandish authority. No wonder when the title of the Duke has been appointed to a childish brat from the court, barely twenty summers past him..
Felix Rosenton is commanding the force of the Duchy of Grandbelos to the Howling Heights. (That's also Finland, Northern Europe) The orders of dispatch have included orders concearning threatening orcish hordes and elves on one of their sinister campaigns, as said to be a major concearn. The heir of Rosenton is here to serve the Emperor, by all means.
The Grand Master of the Grandbelonian Manor Guard, Hans-Adolf Himmel, and the sister of the late duke Altzheimer Kraus, Bulimia Kraus, might have diffirent visions for the matter, but they are hardly a concearn at this point.