The Empire at War ... The Gamers Guild > WFB 8th & EoT

Los and big models

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My Captasus is behind 50 Halberdiers with a pistol.
1) Can I shoot the pesky orcs that are in front of the Halberdiers?
2) Can the orcs use their 200 bows to shoot at my Captasus without penalty?

I see three options
a) we can see each other and don't have modifiers
b) I cannot shoot, the halberdiers are in the way. He gets a -2 modifier to shoot
c) I can shoot over the halberdiers (am high enough), he gets a -2 modifier to shoot because the lower part of the Captasus is hidden

Fidelis von Sigmaringen:
General rule: if you can draw LoS from the eyes of a model to any part of the body of the target, over, through, or under any intervening unit or obstacle, (BRB p. 10), you can shoot it. If you want to make sure, use a laser pointer.

So, it depends on the actual situation. However, in all likelihood, both the Captasus and the Orcs will be able to draw LoS to each other and thus able to shoot. With units facing each other, it is usually the case that, if you can see them, they can see you. But do not forget, only the first two ranks can fire anyway (except in case of Volley Fire), and you determine for each model (not unit) whether the target is within front arc, LoS, and range. 

For cover, "the majority of the models in the target unit (or, when firing against a single model, more than half of the target model)" (BRB p.41) must be obscured.

More than half of the Captasus should be obscured - he benefits from hard cover. It is quite possible that the Captasus, because of the elevated hight of his eyes, could see the majority of the target unit. In which case, they would not benefit from any cover.

Sounds good to me, thanks!

True line of sight is completely rediculous. You can fire a cannon ball between 20 guys' legs, around some trees and into the toe of a dragon and kill it.

Also, who said these missiles fly straight? They're not guns, they fall over time so potentially, a pistol might not be able to shoot someone but archers could (they fire in an arc) or vice versa.

But hey, that's just logic and reason, not game rules or anything

Presume this is 8th edition? So ... moving it there.


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