The Empire at War ... The Gamers Guild > Comparing WFB Editions
WHFB Magic & Spells in various editions
I'm reading into Mathias' stuff over at Warhammer Armies Project (like and and also came across a nice blog about WHFB Magic in various editions:
Rob makes some good points in my opinion. I'm curious about other people's thoughts and experiences on the pro's en cons of Magic in the various WHFB editions!
I also created a Spells and Magic tab in my comparison sheet:
It's still a work in progress, but it helps me to understand how Magic developed through the years, and think for myself of what I think were pluses and minuses (but heck, so many spells available for The Empire!).
Also an interesting read, on the 5th edition days:
I like the rule books which had magic stuff written in them. I don't like having to sink more money on decks of cards I wont use.
So the guy took the worst of both worlds and called it ideal?
Because the only thing that kept the 6th edition's magic power builds honest was the relative weakness of the magic lores. Now they get the consistent 12PD per phase AND spells like Dwellers, Purple Sun. Good job!
Personally I liked the card system of 5th edition - plenty of bluffing and the fabulous escape card. The 8th edition system for generating dice is also nice, as it blocks spaming Wizards. However, some spells in both 5th and 8th are a just too powerful, especially compared to things like Wind Blast. I think 6th and 7th had better balance there, though charging in the magic phase was perhaps too much.
Konrad von Richtmark:
As much as I think 6e/7e was the high point of canonical Warhammer, the power/dispel dice generation rules weren't. The utility of magic is proportional to the amount of spells you manage to successfully cast, and the more power dice you have, the larger a fraction of your spells end up successfully cast, for a given number of opposing dispel dice. Hence, magic in competitive play ended up being an all-or-nothing affair, either you have a bucketload of power dice or you ignore magic and just take measures to dispel said bucketload.
As much as the spell selection of 8e was broken, the power die generation system was far better because, contrary to 6e/7e, bringing more wizards meant diminishing returns as they'd compete against each other for the same largely fixed number of power dice. Or would, if several armies didn't have ways to circumvent that mechanism through additional power die generation.
Nope, T9A is where it's at. 8e system for power/dispel dice generation but without all kinds of ways to break it. Spells that, for the most part, are quite powerful but situational, requiring smart play and not just nuking the enemy with damage spells.
--- Quote from: RE.Lee on November 09, 2017, 01:01:08 PM ---So the guy took the worst of both worlds and called it ideal?
Because the only thing that kept the 6th edition's magic power builds honest was the relative weakness of the magic lores. Now they get the consistent 12PD per phase AND spells like Dwellers, Purple Sun. Good job!
--- End quote ---
What is your thought on/experience with 7th edition then? It sounds quite fluffy to me that each Wizard has his own personal power dice pool, depending on the level (next to the two general power dice). If I'm not missing anything, a lv1 Wizard would have max. 3 dice to cast and a lv4 Wizard max. 7 dice. Sounds to me it makes the Magic phase a bit simpler, a lot faster, and prevent the role of Wizards being too big (although I'm thinking for the dispel side you really need to bring Wizards along just for that, which I don't really like).
@Konrad von Richtmark: How is the spell 'selection' in 8e broken?
And what did they change for T9A?
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