The Empire at War ... The Gamers Guild > WHFB The Electors' Forum
The state of the WFB/Oldhammer community
Facebook has probably several channels for each faction/race. More active people there than on the forums.
That might work if a person has a facebum account, and if a person doesn't mind the company's lack of integrity. However, not sure it really serves the same purpose either, especially since it is a media driven platform, and so far it seems to more often than not break socialness down into some of its worst parts, and uses those parts to make money off of people's information that it is gathering, even drawing out more anti-social, detrimental, distorted, and inappropriate behavior's. Not my idea of a good place to be.
There may be more active 'fora' than you are aware of. The Oldhammer Forum is still ticking over (, although a lot of their activity has moved to FB. They had the big 'Bring out your Lead' event in Newark at Wargames' Foundry last weekend, so the community is still active. Lead Adventure has a good few Warhammers in its fantasy sub forum ( Some Warhammer turns up regularly on the Wargames Website forum's Fantasy section (
And they're just the few I visit regularly.
So ... it is possible that some of any perceived reduction in activity is due to the dispersal of Warhammer players to these many and varied fora!
GP, Facebook activity still is a relevant part of the current state of things. Much more relevant than this forum, I'm afraid. Of course then there is Twitter, Reddit etc. All important channels/parts in the WFB/Oldhammer community.
One forum missing from the list is the Classic Hammer Forum. Limited activity. It never really took off, but something is still happening from time to time:
Surprised to see the EEFL forum going strong. It seemed to be slowly dying some years ago. When the forum isn't that big, the activity of few makes a big difference. Like GP on this W-E forum, writing a third of all messages, running social painting logs and events, and creating new threads. Also, it seems the old fora are more about the community that once existed, with many people who do not seem to actively participate in the WFB/Oldhammer scene (no painting, no games), but who still linger around in a community they once grew part of.
Have you checked how many people actually make these forums tick? I think on W-E, we are 20-30 active ones, a similar amount of semi-active ones, and maybe once more a similar number of inactive ones who still bother to log in a couple of times per year, and maybe write a message or two between long intervals. There might be more followers, who do not log in or never create an account, but still check the site from time to time.
The 9th Age game/forum is of course a big part of the demise of most other current WFB forums: those who like competitive play/tournaments and found the 8th ed passable but in need of improvement moved over there. There's probably more activity over there than on all the WFB/Oldhammer fora combined.
I don't know if Warhammer Armies Project or Warhammer Renaissance have their own fora. Both are very much WFB/Oldhammer. Warhammer Renaissance at least is quite active over at FB, and sees unit and army progress postings in addition to rules discussion and battle reports.
And then there are all the national/local fora, which still see some activity connected to WFB/Oldhammer. They might be more prominent in Europe, with so many non-English native speakers.
I didn't claim facebum was irrelevant or that W-E was relevant, nor one more than the other. It is ok to list them if one wants.
And at the same time, including all the other online communities for the hobby is also good, thanks! :icon_cool: :::cheers:::
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