The Empire at War ... The Gamers Guild > WFB 8th & EoT
Is Island of Blood's Unit Sheet and Manual Closest Thing to Playing 8e Skaven?
Been wanting to try Skaven and just learned 8th edition of Fantasy Battles never got a Skaven Army Book. But luckily some info I saw in a post that Official Rules was published for playing Skaven in was included as part of Island of Blood Set which internet hearsay states basically is the 8th Edition WHFB starter kit.
So was the stuff in IoB basically Skaven army stats and gameplay mechanics for the 8th Edition? Or the closet thing we ever got to a Skaven Army book for that edition?
How does it compare to other Army Books? Like can I get a Lizardman Army and build a list of its Army Book and then play Skaven using Island of Blood content to effectively play matches? Or is the IoB stuff incomplete for play outside of the included units in the starter set?
I'm seriously considering ordering Island of Blood just to play Skaven in 8th Edition but the prices are off the mark, being like over $300 and 4X+ the original market price. Is it worth it if we try to play at serious level using full faction rules and perks?
Fidelis von Sigmaringen:
There were no detailed rules for Skaven: you only had a reference sheet with the stats, equipment, special rules etc. for the selected units only - but no points, since you were supposed to use all the models anyway. This was just done so you could immediately play, without having to buy an AB.
There are some differences with the Army Book - this is also the case with the HE units, which did not end up in their 8th edition AB.
Ruleswise, you have to play the 7th edition AB, adapted by the last Update Version Skaven AB 1.7, of April 2013).
I had forgotten about this situation. Appreciate the info from Fidelis. :smile2: :::cheers:::
Fidelis von Sigmaringen:
My pleasure. Miraculously, the reference sheet can still be found on the GW website!
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