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Me and Wissenlander had babies!not together.
finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...
I thought he should act responsibly and just kill himself.
I don't care about the rules. Pass the machete.
Just do warmaster instead, then you won't have to deal in any part with that 40k universe crap.
Silly Aldaris, like all of the Emperors playthings and puppets, you shall burn.
Well, my friend does have some Warmaster stuff. So if anyone has any info on that, go ahead and throw it down. I'm willing to listen.
I've got a friend who is also interested, so that part of it wouldn't really be that big of a deal. We both wanted to maybe try our hand at 40K, but thought this would be easier to get into. If I was going at this alone I probably wouldn't get into it.
Quote from: wissenlander on April 30, 2009, 07:07:31 PMI've got a friend who is also interested, so that part of it wouldn't really be that big of a deal. We both wanted to maybe try our hand at 40K, but thought this would be easier to get into. If I was going at this alone I probably wouldn't get into it.The game is quite simple and fun. Makes it fast pace with a lot of damage.What I want to do is combine an epic and 40k campaign... so ambitious!
Or you could give me it...
Never underestimate the mezmerising effect of boobs.
Hey, I could still beat up a woman!If I wanted to.
I always thought epic 40K looked awesome. More like a proper game.
I think the epic 40K rules let you have a space ship in orbit that shoots into the battle. I really like that idea, for some reason.