Ok then, I have taken all the previous ideas (with modifications) as well as some of my own and compiled a list of what you guys (and me) want changed.
This is just ideas though, so don't kill me if you don't like them all.
Empire Army List
The order ‘March and Fire!’ is too good, ‘Move and Fire!’ would be better as handguns and crossbows are move-or-fire.
If the army contains a General, one unit of Greatswords may be taken as a core choice.
Any unit of Knights joined by the Templar Grand Master gains the Devastating Charge special rule.
Cost 50 points. Profile: Attacks 3, Initiative 5, Ballistic Skill 3, Toughness 3, Wounds (can’t decide), Weapon Skill 4, Strength 3, Leadership 8. Equipped with a hand weapon, he may be equipped with an additional hand weapon for +5, and may also have poisoned attacks +10. May be concealed within a unit. Witch Hunters have Hatred for all magic using characters.
(I’ve tried to make him like an assassin, deadly but easy to kill.)
May be equipped with a Hochland Long Rifle for +15 points (20 is too much, has Ballistic Skill should be as good as a Captain at 5.
May reroll 1 artillery or scatter dice for a war machine within 6’’.
Master Guidance: Any unit of Handgunners, Archers or Crossbows gain rerolls to hit when joined by an engineer.
All State Troops may be upgraded to Veterans for +2 points per model. Veterans have the Stubborn special rule.
May be upgraded to carry pistols for +1 point per model. For every 5 models in the unit, rounding up, roll a D3. The unit fires this many shots. When in Close Combat only units not engaged in Close Combat may use their pistols.
(Realistically you wouldn’t have time to fire a pistol at an enemy you’re fighting)
May be upgraded to Fencers (I can’t think of a cool name for them) for +3 points per model. Fencers each have 2 attacks and the champion has 3.
Though this sounds amazing only the front rank benefit as the second (and third) ranks can only contribute 1 attack.
So 20 fencers with Full Command cost 20 and dishes out 16 attacks, where as 20 normal Swordsmen with Full Command cost 145 and dishes out 11 attacks.
These guys however could be potentially lethal if used in a horde, though it would be expensive
May be upgraded to wearing Heavy Armour for +1 point per model.
(Unoriginal but would seem to do the trick, especially if combined with Veteran.)
May be upgraded to Pikemen for +3 points per model. Pike men fight in two additional ranks, so normally 4, and 5 in a horde. Pikemen gain the Requires Two Hands special rules.
Handgunners may be upgraded to carry Shooting Pikes for +2 points per model, (don’t know if that is what they’re called but Mathi will know, they’re in his new thread), these act as a +1 to hit modifier when shooting and act as spears in Close Combat.
(Hopefully this will encourage players to take Handgunners, which are much more common fluff wise.)
Handgunners and Crossbowmen may be upgraded to carry Paravaises for +3 points per model. These act as hard cover, reduce a unit charging the Paravaises to Hit statistic by -1, but disable the unit using them from Charging or Marching. (It would be bloody difficult with them in real life.)
Have their strength increased to 4.
May be upgrade to carry spears for + 3 points per model.
If you gave them lances they would be too good, especially as they can already have barding.
Outriders may exchange their repeater handguns for blunderbusses.
This should be more realistic, so I have compiled these rules based on a previous post in this forum. Max Range 36’’
To Hit a target 30’’ to 36’’ away is 6+ is needed,
24’’ to 30’’ 5+
18’’ to 24’’ 4+
12’’ to 18’’ 3+
6’’ to 12’’ 2+
Less than 6’’ is an auto hit.
(Again more realistic as shrapnel shots spread out more the further they travel.)
May be upgraded to carry a mortar instead of a steam gun for +50 points. The mortar requires 2 Steam Points to fire.
When the Steam Tank is destroyed, roll a D6. On a roll of 5+ the steam tank explodes. If the roll was a 5 place the small round template over the Steam Tanks. Any model even partially touched by the template takes a Strength 3 Armour Piercing hit. If a 6 was rolled, use the large round template.
(We could go the whole hog and have all the various upgrades, I just don’t think there’ that good, except maybe the Hellblaster one.)
What I also thought would be quite nice would e be to take some little countries and give them say 5 units; and a hero that must be included in the army. Kislev, Albion, Araby and Estalia would be prime examples. Just a thought as it makes it so that army can be played without having to make an entire army list.
For Example with Kislev, kossars, boyars, winged lancers that can be upgraded to gryphon legion, bear cavalry and rangers (I made the lat one up) with the Tsars Son as the hero.
Jees, that was much longer than I thought it would be.