Thanks, thats some really useful advice, I had overlooked about the unit type requirement for characters. My original plan was for the griffon as a bit of a distraction carnifex. I think ive refined that now. Updated list below;
The Empire of Man - Refined - [1000pts]
# Main Force [1000pts]
## Characters [350pts]
Captain of the Empire [215pts]: Hand Weapon, Lance, Griffon, Heavy Armour, Serrated Maw, Wicked Claws, Full Plate Armour, General, Talisman Of Protection
Master Mage [135pts]: Hand Weapon, Wizard Level 2, Daemonology, Dark Magic, Arcane Familiar, Ruby Ring of Ruin
## Core [309pts]
Empire Archers [80pts]:
10x Archer [8pts]: Hand Weapon, Warbow, Scouts
2x State Missile Troops [35pts]:
5x State Missile Trooper [7pts]: Hand Weapon, Crossbow
Regimental Unit: State Troops
State Troops [159pts]:
24x State Trooper [6pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Halberd
1x Sergeant [5pts]
1x Standard Bearer [5pts]
1x Musician [5pts]
Detachment: State Missile Troops[1], State Missile Troops[2]
## Special [341pts]
Empire Greatswords [216pts]: Drilled, Magic Standard, Veterans
14x Greatsword [11pts]: Full Plate Armour, Great Weapon, Hand Weapon
1x Count's Champion [8pts]
1x Standard Bearer [6pts]
1x Musician [6pts]
Great Cannon [125pts]: Great Cannon, Gun Crew, Hand Weapon
Im thinking that fireball doombolt and summoning is a very dangerous prospect though maybe im leaning into it a bit much. Hoping the wizard can support the archers. Going to go with 8*3 on the halberds and 7*2 on the gs and im hoping tthey will be a strong enough hammer anvil combo. Im thinking i have enough flexibility here even without cavalry.