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The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Skaven Sightings?
« Last post by Sir Falo on Today at 04:58:22 PM »
Faced a Skaven in a tournament. He did have a hard time over all. They realy have nothing vs dragons.

There was a Skaven that took 5th place on a larger tournament in Stockholm. But then with dragon were nerfed in it.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: More misadventures in the Empire ;)
« Last post by Dazgrim on Today at 04:02:46 PM »

There's already a cannon in the list, and cannons are very haphazard weapons in my experience. But they're the one thing that can work against a dragon. So a second cannon is surely warranted.

I think it's really hard to come up with a dragon-killing list for the Empire.


I'm yet to be convinced cannon are a serious dragon deterrent. I'll admit to not having achieved the match up, but my beastmen who have faced dragons generally find the dragon is in melee in turn 1 or 2.

You'd need an insane amount of cannon to be able to threaten a dragon in a single shooting phase.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Skaven Sightings?
« Last post by Dazgrim on Today at 03:59:35 PM »
Having half your army locked behind the 3 clan characters which all share the same 0-1/1000 point slot is pretty down heartening.

The bell becoming a separate unit rather than a storm vermin unit filler seems a blow too. Though lizardmen suffer from having a slann who struggles in the same way.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Skaven Sightings?
« Last post by Zygmund on Today at 03:46:43 PM »
Played against the Skaven once, and my opponent gave up after turn two. He wanted to play themed plague army, put all his characters into a unit of plague monks with the plague-chariot-thing next to it. My archers baited them to within range and my IC knights frontally charged them, the Skaven broke, and were run down.

That's my experience with the Skaven. The player did play several more games with his Skaven, but was repeatedly beaten and never felt he could catch up with the game. Although semi experienced, he didn't play super competitively. He doesn't play his Skaven atm, but tries out other armies.

In general, I think in our circles another Skaven player has also won games, but their presence is very low. People with Skaven armies tend to find other armies more interesting. I can't say why exactly.

The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: More misadventures in the Empire ;)
« Last post by Zygmund on Today at 03:36:22 PM »
- You have 30 models and 220 points invested in poor BS based shooting. That's more than 10% of your army. I appreciate the idea of going for a fluffy army like this, but if you do, you have to make sure your opponents got the memo. Any opponent running a chaos lord on dragon with a 2+/5++/5+++ did not get that memo. If he's going to keep doing that, you are fully hereby authorized to drop your 12 man halberds and all of your BS shooting to run 3 cannons and a helblaster... even if you have to proxy the models.

Actually, it seems there are 40 models and 290pts.

I've found Crossbows more reliable than the Helblaster. And better than Handgunners. And skirmishing archers do have a role, although units of ten are too big. Minimun is OK.

So I'd say there are only 80 pts 'free'. With the twelve Halberdiers, that's 164pts, so 1.5 cannons.

There's already a cannon in the list, and cannons are very haphazard weapons in my experience. But they're the one thing that can work against a dragon. So a second cannon is surely warranted.

I think it's really hard to come up with a dragon-killing list for the Empire.

The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Skaven Sightings?
« Last post by xnet445 on Today at 01:02:36 PM »
Our one local Skaven player from WFB who still has his army played one 1250 pt game of TOW with them and then put them back on the shelf to paint up a new Bret army.
The Brush and Palette / Re: Mikes 25mm WFB Stuff
« Last post by Mike Stockin on Today at 12:53:02 PM »
So after buying just a few models and sorting out what I already had, I am not far off from having a tiny Stirland force.

The final line up will be.

15 Helblitzen
10 Erzatsolder
5 Woodsmen
5 Armbrustschutzen

1 drunk wizard/priest
1 Captain.

Once complete in probably about a year, I will expand the units to enbiggen them.

To get to the current final plan I need.

A guy to hold the banner for the Helblitzen.
3 Erzatsolder with swords and shields
2 Woodsmen
1 Cool Armbrustschutzen as the main leader chap.

So just 7 more models to get to my Oldhammer force.

Woop, not too bad.
40 ish figures with about 33 to paint, so maybe all done by Christmas?
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Skaven Sightings?
« Last post by Minsc on Today at 11:25:14 AM »
I've played *with* my Skaven a few times in TOW, and they feel quite underwhelming - not quite Empire-level but not far from it, as both suffer from bad internal balance with a bunch of overpriced units. In a way they actually feel worse than Empire (but at least they have decent enough Core in Stormvermin).

They're the army with the most restrictions in their army composition list (only army that requires a certain unit 1+ per 1000 pts iirc, instead of just a flat 0-1 regardless of size, and half of their army is locked behind various characters, some which in turn share 0-X per 1000 with eachother...)

They're also the army that lost the most units compared to what they could field in 8th Ed. (Verminlords, Slaves, Stormfiends, Broodhorrors, lost magical attacks on almost all of their shooting, and then probably more that I can't remember on top of my head).

And to top it all off, they got nerfed the hardest in the latest FAQ/Errata-update (ironically, since they where the second worst army after Empire according to metadata at the time). Yeah Empire lost access to Bedazzling Helmet and Doppelganger was nerfed (but so was the latter for Skaven as well), but Skaven suffered a massive nerf to one of their Core Units (Giant Rats), their Assassin got nerfed, Fellblade went from "good" to "unusuable" (so there goes the only reason to ever field a Skaven Warlord), and there where something more that I can't remember atm.

Honestly, I don't blame Skaven-players for leaving their army on the shelf.
In a game where monsters (especially ridden monsters) and cavalry reign supreme, they kinda feel left out, with no ridden monsters, no fliers, no cav and only the HPA to play with as far as monsters go (and that thing is a shadow of what it once was.)
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Skaven Sightings?
« Last post by Footpatrol2 on Today at 10:08:26 AM »
Honestly I'd like to play some skaven they are kinda very similar to empire minus the knights.
The Old World Cometh Again !!! / Re: Skaven Sightings?
« Last post by GamesPoet on Today at 09:28:26 AM »
Skaven?  Ah, that's just a fairy tale, meant to scare small children into being good, no doubt. :icon_wink:

 :engel: :ph34r:
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